Peer-reviewed Publications
- C. Graf, M. Soellradl, C.S. Aigner, and R. Stollberger: "Advanced Design of MRI Inversion Pulses for Inhomogeneous Field Conditions by Optimal Control". NMR in Biomedicine,, 2022
- C. Graf, A. Berrington, M. Soellradl, A. Rund, and R. Stollberger: "Improved B1+- and resonance offset-robust slice-selective inversion pulses". Proceedings of the 31th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2022
- C. Stilianu, C. Graf, C. Diwoky, M. Soellradl, A. Rund, M. Zaiss, and R. Stollberger: "Optimization of Pulsed Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI by Optimal Control". Proceedings of the 31th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2022
- F. Mannel and A. Rund: "A hybrid semismooth quasi-Newton method for structured nonsmooth operator equations in Banach spaces". Journal of Convex Analysis 29(1):183-204, 2022, preprint
- C. Graf, A. Rund, C.S. Aigner, and R. Stollberger: “Accuracy and Performance Analysis for Bloch and Bloch-McConnell Simulation Methods”. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 329:107011,, 2021, preprint
- F. Mannel and A. Rund: "A hybrid semismooth quasi-Newton method for nonsmooth optimal control with PDEs". 39 pagers. Optimization and Engineering 22:2087-2125,, 2021, open-access
- C. Stilianu, C. Graf, A. Rund, and R. Stollberger: "Optimization of Pulsed Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI b,y Optimal Control". Proc. Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering 2021,, 2021, preprint
- C. Graf, M. Soellradl, C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: "A new Class of Robust RF Pulses by Optimal Control". Proc. Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering, 2021
- C. Graf, M. Soellradl, A. Rund, C.S. Aigner, and R. Stollberger: „Time optimal control based design of robust inversion pulses“. Proceedings of the 29th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM: 1694, 2021
- L. Marx, M. Gsell, A. Rund, F. Caforio, A. Prassl, G. Toth-Gayor, T. Kuehne, C. Augustin, and G. Plank: "Personalization of electro-mechanical models of the pressure-overloaded left ventricle: fitting of Windkessel-type afterload models". Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 378: 20190342., 2020
- C. Graf, C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, A. J. Lesch, and R. Stollberger: „Inversion pulses with B1-robustness and reduced energy by optimal control“. Proceedings of the 28th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2020
- C. Aigner, A. Rund, S.A. Seada, A. N. Price, J. V. Hajnal, S. J. Malik, K. Kunisch, and R. Stollberger: „Time-optimal control based RF pulse design under gradient imperfections“. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83(2):561–574, 2020
- A. Petrovic, C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „A time domain signal equation for multi-echo spin-echo sequences with arbitrary excitation and refocusing angle and phase“. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 309: 106515, 2019
- C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, C. Graf, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „RF pulse design via time optimal control for combined excitation, refocusing and inversion“. Proceedings of the 27th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2019
- C. Graf, A. Rund, C.S. Aigner, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „Simulation of Bloch and Bloch-McConnell Equations - Speed and Accuracy“. Proceedings of the 27th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 0760, 2019, preprint
- A. Rund, C.S. Aigner, L. Nohava, R. Frass-Kriegl, E. Laistler, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „Optimal control based design of parallel transmission RF pulses with minimum local SAR“. Proceedings of the 26th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2018
- C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, S.A. Seada, S. Malik, J.V. Hajnal, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „Time-optimal control based RF pulse design under gradient imperfections”. Proceedings of the 26th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2018
- A. Rund, C.S. Aigner, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „Magnetic resonance radiofrequency pulse design by optimal control“. Proceedings of the 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), 2018
- A. Rund, C. Aigner, K. Kunisch, and R. Stollberger: „Simultaneous multislice refocusing by time-optimal control“. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 80(4):1416–1428, 2018, preprint
- L. Nohava, A. Kuehne, C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, E. Moser, E. Laistler, R. Frass-Kriegl: „Evaluation of RF pulses for 8-channel pTx systems at 7T with respect to hardware constraints and the trade-off between local 10g SAR and excitation accuracy“. Proceedings of the ESMRMB, 2017
- A. Rund, C. Aigner, K. Kunisch, and R. Stollberger: „Magnetic Resonance RF pulse design by optimal control with physical constraints“. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 37(2): 461-472, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2017.2758391, 2017, preprint
- C. Clason, K. Kunisch, and A. Rund: “Nonconvex penalization of switching control of partial differential equations. SFB-Report 2016-001. Systems & Control Letters 106:1-8, 2017, preprint
- A. Rund, C. Aigner, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „RF pulse design by optimal control with physical constraints“. Proceedings of the 25th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2017, preprint
- C. Aigner, A. Rund, B. Bilgic, B. Gagoski, K. Setsompop, K. Kunisch, and R. Stollberger: „Application of time-optimal simultaneous multi-slice refocusing to TSE/RARE“. Proceedings of the 25th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2017, preprint
- A. Rund, C. Aigner, K. Kunisch, and R. Stollberger: „Simultaneous multislice refocusing by time-optimal control“. Proceedings of the 25th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2017, preprint
- C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „Efficient high-resolution RF pulse design applied to simultaneous multi-slice excitation“. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 263: 33-44, 2016, preprint
- C. Clason, A. Rund, K. Kunisch, R. Barnard: „A convex penalty for switching control of partial differential equations“. Systems & Control Letters 89: 66-73, 2016, preprint
- K. Kunisch, K. Pieper, A. Rund: „Time optimal control for a reaction diffusion system arising in cardiac electrophysiology – a monolithic approach“. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 50(2): 381-414, 2016, preprint
- C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „Low SAR RF-pulse design by joint optimization of RF and gradient shape with physical constraints“. In Proceedings of the 24th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 1133, 2016, preprint
- K. Kunisch, A. Rund: „Time optimal control of the monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology“. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 80(6):1664-1683, 2015, preprint
- C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „SAR reduced excitation by joint design of RF pulse and slice selective gradient shape“. In Proceedings of the 23rd Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2397, 2015, preprint
- C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „RF pulse design for simultaneous multislice excitation with highly reduced B1 peak amplitude“. In Proceedings of the 23rd Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 915, oral presentation, magna cum laude award, 2015, preprint
- C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „RF Pulse Design for low SAR Simultaneous Multislice (SMS) Excitation Using Optimal Control“. In Proceedings of the 22nd Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 3719, 2014, preprint
- A. Rund, K. Chudej, J. Kerler, H.J. Pesch, K. Sternberg: „Optimal control of coupled multiphysics problems: Guidelines for real-life applications demonstrated for a complex fuel cell model“. GAMM-Mitteilungen, 35(2), pp. 146-174, 2012, preprint
- A. Rund, K. Chudej: „Optimal control for a simplified 1D fuel cell model“. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 18(4), pp. 379-396, 2012, preprint
- S. Wendl, H.J. Pesch, A. Rund: „On a state-constrained PDE optimal control problem arising from ODE-PDE optimal control“. In: M. Diehl, F. Glineur, W. Michiels (Eds.): Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering. Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 429-438, 2010, preprint
- H.J. Pesch, A. Rund, W. von Wahl, S. Wendl: „On some new phenomena in state-constrained optimal control if ODE as well as PDE are involved“. Control and Cybernetics, 39, 3, pp. 647-660, 2010, preprint
- K. Sternberg, K. Chudej, H.J. Pesch, A. Rund: „Parametric sensitivity analysis of fast load changes of a dynamic MCFC model“. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 5(2), 2008, preprint
- M. Scholle, A. Rund, N. Aksel: „Drag reduction and improvement of material transport in creeping films“. Archive of Applied Mechanics 75, 2-3, pp. 93-112, Springer, 2006, preprint
Beiträge zur Optimalen Steuerung partiell-differential algebraischer Gleichungen. University of Bayreuth, 2012
- K. Chudej, A. Rund, M. Wächter: „Trajectory optimization of a hypersonic plane s.t. heat limits“. In: D. Tikhomirov, H.-T. Mammen, T. Pawletta: Tagungsband Workshop ASIM STS/GMMS 2016, ARGESIM Report 51: 101-108, Wien, Österreich, 2016, preprint
- C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, A. Petrovic, R. Stollberger: „Design of complex RF pulse shapes for asymmetric excitation patterns via optimal control“. Biomed Tech 61, S1, p. 140, 2016, preprint
- M. Bödenler, C. Aigner, A. Rund, C. Clason, R. Stollberger: „Fast optimization of RF excitation“. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 29, S1, p. 358, 2016
- C. Clason, K. Kunisch, A. Rund: „Optimal control of partial differential equations with nonsmooth cost functionals“. Proceedings oft the 24th Congress on Differential Equations and Applications, Cádiz, 2015, preprint
- C. Aigner, C, Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „Validation of a flexible optimal control approach for RF-pulse design including relaxation effects and SAR“. Tagungsband zur ÖGBMT-Jahrestagung 2014, 23-24, 2014, preprint
- S. Bechmann, M. Frey, H.J. Pesch, A. Rund: „On some new adjoining approaches for state-constrained elliptic optimal control problems“. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1168, 2009
- A. Rund, K. Sternberg, H.J. Pesch, K. Chudej: „Optimal control of a large PDAE molten carbonate fuel cell model“. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 7, 2008
- A. Rund: „Optimierung des Materialtransportes bei schleichenden Filmströmungen“, Diplomarbeit, Universität Bayreuth, 2005
- A. Rund: „Fast parallel matrix multiplication: The Strassen-Winograd algorithm“. Beiträge zum Wissenschaftlichen: Ergebnisse des Gaststudentenprogramms 2004 des John von Neumann-Instituts für Computing, Rüdiger Esser(Ed.), pp. 53-64, Jülich, 2004