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Peer-reviewed Publications

  1. C. Graf, M. Soellradl, C.S. Aigner, and R. Stollberger: "Advanced Design of MRI Inversion Pulses for Inhomogeneous Field Conditions by Optimal Control". NMR in Biomedicine, https://doi.org/10.1002/nbm.4790, 2022
  2. C. Graf, A. Berrington, M. Soellradl, A. Rund, and R. Stollberger: "Improved B1+- and resonance offset-robust slice-selective inversion pulses". Proceedings of the 31th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2022
  3. C. Stilianu, C. Graf, C. Diwoky, M. Soellradl, A. Rund, M. Zaiss, and R. Stollberger: "Optimization of Pulsed Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI by Optimal Control". Proceedings of the 31th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2022
  4. F. Mannel and A. Rund: "A hybrid semismooth quasi-Newton method for structured nonsmooth operator equations in Banach spaces". Journal of Convex Analysis 29(1):183-204, 2022, preprint
  5. C. Graf, A. Rund, C.S. Aigner, and R. Stollberger: “Accuracy and Performance Analysis for Bloch and Bloch-McConnell Simulation Methods”. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 329:107011, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2021.107011, 2021, preprint
  6. F. Mannel and A. Rund: "A hybrid semismooth quasi-Newton method for nonsmooth optimal control with PDEs". 39 pagers. Optimization and Engineering 22:2087-2125, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11081-020-09523-w, 2021, open-access
  7. C. Stilianu, C. Graf, A. Rund, and R. Stollberger: "Optimization of Pulsed Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI b,y Optimal Control". Proc. Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering 2021, http://dx.doi.org/10.3217/978-3-85125-826-4-09, 2021, preprint
  8. C. Graf, M. Soellradl, C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: "A new Class of Robust RF Pulses by Optimal Control". Proc. Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Biomedical Engineering, 2021
  9. C. Graf, M. Soellradl, A. Rund, C.S. Aigner, and R. Stollberger: „Time optimal control based design of robust inversion pulses“. Proceedings of the 29th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM: 1694, 2021
  10. L. Marx, M. Gsell, A. Rund, F. Caforio, A. Prassl, G. Toth-Gayor, T. Kuehne, C. Augustin, and G. Plank: "Personalization of electro-mechanical models of the pressure-overloaded left ventricle: fitting of Windkessel-type afterload models". Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 378: 20190342. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2019.0342, 2020
  11. C. Graf, C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, A. J. Lesch, and R. Stollberger: „Inversion pulses with B1-robustness and reduced energy by optimal control“. Proceedings of the 28th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2020
  12. C. Aigner, A. Rund, S.A. Seada, A. N. Price, J. V. Hajnal, S. J. Malik, K. Kunisch, and R. Stollberger: „Time-optimal control based RF pulse design under gradient imperfections“. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 83(2):561–574, 2020
  13. A. Petrovic, C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „A time domain signal equation for multi-echo spin-echo sequences with arbitrary excitation and refocusing angle and phase“. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 309: 106515, 2019
  14. C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, C. Graf, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „RF pulse design via time optimal control for combined excitation, refocusing and inversion“. Proceedings of the 27th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2019
  15. C. Graf, A. Rund, C.S. Aigner, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „Simulation of Bloch and Bloch-McConnell Equations - Speed and Accuracy“. Proceedings of the 27th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 0760, 2019, preprint
  16. A. Rund, C.S. Aigner, L. Nohava, R. Frass-Kriegl, E. Laistler, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „Optimal control based design of parallel transmission RF pulses with minimum local SAR“. Proceedings of the 26th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2018
  17. C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, S.A. Seada, S. Malik, J.V. Hajnal, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „Time-optimal control based RF pulse design under gradient imperfections”. Proceedings of the 26th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2018
  18. A. Rund, C.S. Aigner, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „Magnetic resonance radiofrequency pulse design by optimal control“. Proceedings of the 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), 2018
  19. A. Rund, C. Aigner, K. Kunisch, and R. Stollberger: „Simultaneous multislice refocusing by time-optimal control“. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 80(4):1416–1428, 2018, preprint
  20. L. Nohava, A. Kuehne, C.S. Aigner, A. Rund, E. Moser, E. Laistler, R. Frass-Kriegl: „Evaluation of RF pulses for 8-channel pTx systems at 7T with respect to hardware constraints and the trade-off between local 10g SAR and excitation accuracy“. Proceedings of the ESMRMB, 2017
  21. A. Rund, C. Aigner, K. Kunisch, and R. Stollberger: „Magnetic Resonance RF pulse design by optimal control with physical constraints“. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 37(2): 461-472,  doi: 10.1109/TMI.2017.2758391, 2017, preprint
  22. C. Clason, K. Kunisch, and A. Rund: “Nonconvex penalization of switching control of partial differential equations. SFB-Report 2016-001. Systems & Control Letters 106:1-8, 2017, preprint
  23. A. Rund, C. Aigner, K. Kunisch, R. Stollberger: „RF pulse design by optimal control with physical constraints“. Proceedings of the 25th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2017, preprint
  24. C. Aigner, A. Rund, B. Bilgic, B. Gagoski, K. Setsompop, K. Kunisch, and R. Stollberger: „Application of time-optimal simultaneous multi-slice refocusing to TSE/RARE“. Proceedings of the 25th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2017, preprint
  25. A. Rund, C. Aigner, K. Kunisch, and R. Stollberger: „Simultaneous multislice refocusing by time-optimal control“. Proceedings of the 25th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2017, preprint
  26. C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „Efficient high-resolution RF pulse design applied to simultaneous multi-slice excitation“. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 263: 33-44, 2016, preprint
  27. C. Clason, A. Rund, K. Kunisch, R. Barnard: „A convex penalty for switching control of partial differential equations“. Systems & Control Letters 89: 66-73, 2016, preprint
  28. K. Kunisch, K. Pieper, A. Rund: „Time optimal control for a reaction diffusion system arising in cardiac electrophysiology – a monolithic approach“. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 50(2): 381-414, 2016, preprint
  29. C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „Low SAR RF-pulse design by joint optimization of RF and gradient shape with physical constraints“. In Proceedings of the 24th Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 1133, 2016, preprint
  30. K. Kunisch, A. Rund: „Time optimal control of the monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology“. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 80(6):1664-1683, 2015, preprint
  31. C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „SAR reduced excitation by joint design of RF pulse and slice selective gradient shape“. In Proceedings of the 23rd Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 2397, 2015, preprint
  32. C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „RF pulse design for simultaneous multislice excitation with highly reduced B1 peak amplitude“. In Proceedings of the 23rd Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 915, oral presentation, magna cum laude award, 2015, preprint
  33. C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „RF Pulse Design for low SAR Simultaneous Multislice (SMS) Excitation Using Optimal Control“. In Proceedings of the 22nd Scientific Meeting of ISMRM, 3719, 2014, preprint
  34. A. Rund, K. Chudej, J. Kerler, H.J. Pesch, K. Sternberg: „Optimal control of coupled multiphysics problems: Guidelines for real-life applications demonstrated for a complex fuel cell model“. GAMM-Mitteilungen, 35(2), pp. 146-174, 2012, preprint
  35. A. Rund, K. Chudej: „Optimal control for a simplified 1D fuel cell model“. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 18(4), pp. 379-396, 2012, preprint
  36. S. Wendl, H.J. Pesch, A. Rund: „On a state-constrained PDE optimal control problem arising from ODE-PDE optimal control“. In: M. Diehl, F. Glineur, W. Michiels (Eds.): Recent Advances in Optimization and its Applications in Engineering. Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 429-438, 2010, preprint
  37. H.J. Pesch, A. Rund, W. von Wahl, S. Wendl: „On some new phenomena in state-constrained optimal control if ODE as well as PDE are involved“. Control and Cybernetics, 39, 3, pp. 647-660, 2010, preprint
  38. K. Sternberg, K. Chudej, H.J. Pesch, A. Rund: „Parametric sensitivity analysis of fast load changes of a dynamic MCFC model“. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 5(2), 2008, preprint
  39. M. Scholle, A. Rund, N. Aksel: „Drag reduction and improvement of material transport in creeping films“. Archive of Applied Mechanics 75, 2-3, pp. 93-112, Springer, 2006, preprint


  1. K. Chudej, A. Rund, M. Wächter: „Trajectory optimization of a hypersonic plane s.t. heat limits“. In: D. Tikhomirov, H.-T. Mammen, T. Pawletta: Tagungsband Workshop ASIM STS/GMMS 2016, ARGESIM Report 51: 101-108, Wien, Österreich, 2016, preprint
  2. C. Aigner, C. Clason, A. Rund, A. Petrovic, R. Stollberger: „Design of complex RF pulse shapes for asymmetric excitation patterns via optimal control“. Biomed Tech 61, S1, p. 140, 2016, preprint
  3. M. Bödenler, C. Aigner, A. Rund, C. Clason, R. Stollberger: „Fast optimization of RF excitation“. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 29, S1, p. 358, 2016
  4. C. Clason, K. Kunisch, A. Rund: „Optimal control of partial differential equations with nonsmooth cost functionals“. Proceedings oft the 24th Congress on Differential Equations and Applications, Cádiz, 2015, preprint
  5. C. Aigner, C, Clason, A. Rund, R. Stollberger: „Validation of a flexible optimal control approach for RF-pulse design including relaxation effects and SAR“. Tagungsband zur ÖGBMT-Jahrestagung 2014, 23-24, 2014, preprint
  6. S. Bechmann, M. Frey, H.J. Pesch, A. Rund: „On some new adjoining approaches for state-constrained elliptic optimal control problems“. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1168, 2009
  7. A. Rund, K. Sternberg, H.J. Pesch, K. Chudej: „Optimal control of a large PDAE molten carbonate fuel cell model“. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 7, 2008
  8. A. Rund: „Optimierung des Materialtransportes bei schleichenden Filmströmungen“, Diplomarbeit, Universität Bayreuth, 2005
  9. A. Rund: „Fast parallel matrix multiplication: The Strassen-Winograd algorithm“. Beiträge zum Wissenschaftlichen: Ergebnisse des Gaststudentenprogramms 2004 des John von Neumann-Instituts für Computing, Rüdiger Esser(Ed.), pp. 53-64, Jülich, 2004

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