Thaller, Bernd, Ao.Univ.-Prof.i.R. Dr.phil.
Bernd Thaller is a mathematical physicist who has made contributions to quantum mechanical spectral and scattering theory. Among his most important results are proofs of asymptotic completeness (existence of a scattering theory) for relativistic Coulomb systems and long-range magnetic fields, analyticity of relativistic eigenfunctions and eigenvalues, and a diamagnetic inequality for Schrödinger operators (a robust heat-kernel estimate for magnetic fields). He has written a monograph about the Dirac equation and two books on Visual Quantum Mechanics, introducing and applying new visualization methods for quantum wave functions.
In recent years, his focus has shifted towards teaching and educational math. His collection of movie clips showing quantum processes and the visualization software has earned the European Academic Software Award twice (in 2000 and 2004). He has been coordinator of two European projects (Socrates 2005-2008 and Erasmus+ 2015-2017).
In 2008 Bernd Thaller founded and is currently head of the regional educational competence center for mathematics and geometry, whose main task is the coordination of activities of the teacher training institutions in Styria and the organization of in-service teacher training events, seminars, and workshops. He is involved in several projects and activities related to educational math.
Since 2018 he is Professor for Educational Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing of the University of Graz.
Bernd Thaller