Curriculum Vitae
Main areas of research
In 1994 I founded one of the very first European molecular phylogenetics labs and research groups at the University of Innsbruck. My research focuses on patterns of speciation and ecomorphological diversification during adaptive radiation, addressed by a combination of genomic and comparative morphological approaches using predominately East African cichlid species flocks as model system. Thereby the focus lies on the evolution of critical adaptive traits, shaped by the combined action of natural and sexual selection. In several research projects I address patterns and processes of adaptive evolution and speciation and in particular the evolution of genes shaping the morphology of the oral and pharyngeal jaws. We use a comparative approach studying eco-morphologically convergently adapted species in the three Great East African Lakes. The role of hybridization events boosting the pace of speciation is also topic of my research, as well as parallel evolution of ecologically relevant complex traits.
The documentation and conservation of biodiversity is a second focus of research, manifesting in a leading role in the project initiative Austrian Barcode of Life (ABOL), my membership in the Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Austrian Biodiversity Council (Österreichischer Biodiversitätsrat) and my commitment in the editorial boards of Hydrobiologia, Biosystematics and Ecology of the OEAW and Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. Due to the dramatic situation of biodiversity in almost all ecosystems I engage myself intensively in all issues of biological
conservation, and specifically in public outreach and research projects.
1997 Habilitation, Zoology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Innsbruck, Austria Thesis: Molecular versus phenotypic evolution: Ecomorphological diversification and speciation
1987—1990 Ph.D., Department of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Thesis: Comparative physiology and ethology of herbivorous fishes
1984—1986 M.Sc., (Mag. Rer. Nat.) Department of Zoology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Thesis: The effects of inhibitor proteins in wheat on the activity of intestinal amylase in
carp and trout in in-vitro experiments
1979—1984 Diploma studies in Biology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Academic positions
2021- Honorary Professor of Adaptive Evolution and Speciation, University of Leipzig, Germany
2021- Deputy Head, Department of Biology, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria
2018—2020 Department Head, Department of Biology, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria
2004—2018 Department Head, Department of Zoology, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria
2002—2004 Full Professor and Head of Biodiversity and Evolution Section, Department of Zoology,
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria
1998—2001 Associate Professor (Universitätsdozent, A. Univ.-Prof.), Department of Zoology and
Limnology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
1995—1998 Assistant Professor (Universitätsassistent), Department of Zoology and Limnology,
University of Innsbruck, Austria
1993—1995 Research Assistant Professor (Vertragsassistent), Department of Zoology and Limnology,
University of Innsbruck, Austria
1993—1995 Head of Molecular Evolutionary Biology Laboratory, Department of Zoology and
Limnology, University of Innsbruck, Austria
1991—1993 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Ecology and Evolution, State University of New
York, USA. Hosts: Axel Meyer and Jeffrey Levinton
Academic functions
2019 - Member of the Field of Excellence Univ. of Graz (“Profilbereich”) Climate Change Graz
2019 - Member of the Steering committee of the “Austrian Biodiversity Council” (Österreichischer
2018 - Member of the Doctoral Academy “Ecology and Evolution in Changing Environments” Graz
2015 - Member of the National Commission of Biodiversity (Nationale Biodiversitätskommission)
2013 - Austrian Barcode of Life (scientific board, project coordinator)
2008 - Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW), board member of the
Fellowship Program of the OEAW, member of the Commission for Interdisciplinary
Ecological Studies (KIÖS), since 2019 Deputy chairperson of the KIÖS, member of the
editorial board and since 2021 editor in chief of Biosystematics and Ecology,
2023- Vice President of the Austrian Zoological and Botanical Society (ZooBot)
2004 - “Gentechnik-Kommission” (National Commission for Genome Technology, scientific board)
Editorial Boards
2005 – 2013 Member of the Scientific board of the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF).
Editor in chief of Biosystematics and Ecology, Austrian Academy of Sciences;
Editor in Hydrobiologia and Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
Funded research projects (most important)
Oct. 2023 GeMonA+ (Entwicklung eines genetischen Moduls als Beitrag zu einem ganzheitlich
abgestimmten Biodiversitätsmonitoring in Österreich), Collaborative project of the ABOLconsortium
spanning over 7 Austrian Universities funded by Biodiversity Fund Austria, PI.
March 2023 ATIV-Biodat (Aufbau einer transuniversitären Infrastruktur zur Vernetzung nationaler und
internationaler Biodiversitätsdatenbanken), Collaborative project of the ABOL-consortium
funded by the Ministry of Science (BMBWF), PI.
March 2017 Grant No. P29838-B29 of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) “Evolution of developmental
gene regulation shaping trophic morphology in African cichlids” as PI.
Jan. 2017 Aufbau von universitären DNA-Barcoding-Pipelines für die österreichische Biodiversitätsinitiative
Austrian Barcode of Life (HRSM-Project BMBWF, Lead Univ. Graz), PI.
Jan. 2014 Project initiative ABOL of the Ministry of Science and Technology – “Austrian Barcode of
Life”; (co-applicant, member of the steering committee).
Jan. 2011 Grant No. 22737-B09 of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) “Genomic sequencing of two Lake
Tanganyika cichlid fish” as PI.
Graduate Student supervision
45 Diploma students and 18 Ph-D students
Univ.-Prof.Dr. Christian Sturmbauer