Dr. Christoph Winkler

Mag. Dr.rer.nat. Christoph Winkler
+43 316 380 - 5462
University of Graz, Department of Chemistry
Heinrichstraße 28/II, 8010 Graz, Austria
Short CV
Dr. Christoph Winkler obtained his PhD at the University of Graz in 2013 and, after gaining experience in the pharmaceutical industry, he returned to academia where he currently works a senior scientist and PI, leading the junior research group of “Photobiocatalytic Synthesis”. He contributed with his research to the application of enzymes as novel synthetic tools, the use of biocatalysis for the production of molecules of pharmaceutical interest and the understanding of photobiocatalysis.
►PHOTOBIOCATALYSIS | Investigating the application of light in biocatalytic reactions. This includes the use of photons energy source (e.g., for cofactor recycling), the combination of enzymes with classic photocatalysis and the development of novel, unprecedented photo-enzymatic reactivities.
►REACTION TECHNOLOGY | The interest in Photobiocatalysis led to the development of several generations of photobioreactors as well as photobiocatalytic continuous flow technology.
►BIOCATALYSIS FOR SYNTHESIS | Developing enzymatic alternatives to synthetically challenging reactions, including the following enzyme classes: ene-reductases, cytochrome P450s, carboxylate reductases, hydrolases, thioesterases and several classes of (de)carboxylases.