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Master's Projects

All listed projects are performed in an interdisciplinary research team at the interface of physics with biology. Students will receive compensation of EUR ~440.-/month. Contact me for further information.

The Lipid Nanodisc-Vesicle Transition

Research Question: Understanding membrane protein function is fundamental to quantitative research in membrane biophysics. Polymer-based nanodiscs offer new attractive ways for isolating membrane proteins from their native environment. For many proteins a transformation of the discs into spherical vesicles is highly desirable. Biophysical details of this pathway remain to be uncovered.

Your role: You will support our current research by performing a comprehensive investigation of the lipid nanodisc to vesicle transition.

Methods: Small-angle X-ray scattering, isothermal titration calorimetry and dynamic light scattering. Data will be analyzed using advanced fitting routines.

Your skills/background/interest:

  • Biophysics / physics / physical chemistry
  • Keen to combine experiments, theory and data modelling (programming)
  • Good communicational skills, highly focused and committed

Effect of Ions on the Structure of Cell Membrane Mimics

Research Question: Most cell functions occur in or around membranes. Investigating membrane structural details is thus fundamental for understanding the physiological processes in cells. For example, ions commonly found in cells are known to mediate cell membrane properties. Yet, the majority of membrane structural studies is performed in pure water. Thus, many important details on the effects of ions on membrane structure are still unclear, but central to a thorough biophysical understanding.

Your role: You will support our current research by performing a comprehensive investigation of interactions and partitioning of different ions into various cell membrane mimics.

Methods: Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) will be employed on 100 nm-sized lipid vesicles in different electrolyte solutions and coupled to dilatometry. Data will be analyzed using advanced fitting routines.

Your skills/background/interest:

  • Biophysics / physics / physical chemistry
  • Keen to combine experiments, theory and data modelling (programming)
  • Good communicational skills, highly focused and committed
Assoz. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.

Georg Pabst

Assoz. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Georg Pabst Institut für Molekulare Biowissenschaften

Humboldtstr. 50

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