A framework for outdoor adventures to support the acquisition of precursor competencies in mathematics and science for elementary education
(Projekt gem. mit Andrea Frantz-Pittner und Lisa Reicher-Pirchegger, 03-09/2024)
Natural spaces offer rich spatial structures, a variety of objects with different characteristics and an interplay of dynamics between individual organisms. A framework concept and a set of methods are intended to support primary experiences, to promote the development of preliminary skills in MINT and to build up the children's self-concept. Specifically, impulses are provided for the development of spatial imagination (visuomotor coordination, basic figure differentiation, perceptual consistency, spatial orientation, visual memory, visual differentiation). In dealing with natural objects, stimuli are also provided for the development of number concepts (classification of objects according to characteristics, operating with one-to-one assignments, organising objects in terms of sequence). The aim is by no means to develop systematic learning paths for children or to impart predetermined specialised knowledge but to create a stimulating and encouraging environment in which children gain experience in self-chosen activities, in social interaction and in engaging with the environment. The individual activities are embedded in a narrative-puppet-supported framework and offer a variety of stimuli to encourage children to explore and discover their living environment, to have sensorimotor experiences and to develop their self-efficacy. In a circular sequence of development, implementation and evaluation, a framework format was created in cooperation between elementary teachers, science didacticians and developmental psychologists, which can be used in various contexts. The methods and the first important research results of this MINT-Project in the field of Elementary Education will be presented and discussed.
Die Gehirnzentrale – Neuronenwelt verständlich erklärt (5. Ausschreibung Talente regional, Projektpartner)
Im Projekt „Die Gehirnzentrale“ tauchen SchülerInnen in die Themen Gehirn und Gedächtnis ein. Fragestellungen von „Was passiert im Gehirn während ich schlafe?“ bis hin zu komplexen Themen wie Veränderungen im Gehirn werden behandelt. Dabei ist die spielerische Vermittlung von Inhalten zentral (Hands-on Aktivitäten, Spiele,…). Auf der Reise durch das Gehirn werden die SchülerInnen von ExpertInnen und Role Models begleitet.