Written Scientific Publications
Year 1996
Papers in International Journals, International Proceedings Papers, Books
Hocke, K., K. Schlegel, and G. Kirchengast
Phases and amplitudes of TIDs in the high-latitude F region observed by EISCAT
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 58, 245–255, 1996.
Kirchengast, G.
Elucidation of the physics of the gravity wave – TID relationship with the aid of theoretical simulations
J. Geophys. Res., 101, 13353–13368, 1996.
Kirchengast, G. und H.-P. Ladreiter
Das Potential der Radio–Okkultationstechnik basierend auf GPS/GLONASS–Signalen zur Bestimmung fundamentaler atmosphärischer Parameter
Kleinheubacher Ber., 39, 677–686, 1996.
Kirchengast, G., K. Hocke, and K. Schlegel
The gravity wave – TID relationship: Insight via theoretical model – EISCAT data comparison
J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 58, 233–243, 1996.
Ladreiter, H.-P., and G. Kirchengast
GPS/GLONASS sensing of the neutral atmosphere: Model independent correction of ionospheric influences
Radio Sci., 31, 877–891, 1996.
Leitinger, R., G. Kirchengast, and H.-P. Ladreiter
Ionosphere Tomography with GPS/MET and NNSS
Proc. Ionospheric Effects Symposium 1996 (ed. J.M. Goodman), Alexandria/VA, U.S.A., (2A-4)1–8, 1996.
Leitinger, R., J.E. Titheridge, G. Kirchengast und W. Rothleitner
Ein "einfaches" globales empirisches Modell für die F–Schicht der Ionosphäre (Engl. transl. "A ´simple´ global empirical model for the F layer of the ionosphere" avail. at Inst. for Met. and Geophys., Univ. of Graz, Austria)
Kleinheubacher Ber., 39, 697–704, 1996.
Rothleitner, W., R. Leitinger und G. Kirchengast
Auswirkung von Datenergänzungen aus Modellen auf Rekonstruktionsergebnisse in der Ionosphärentomographie
Kleinheubacher Ber., 39, 757–760, 1996.
Book Chapter, International Report, "Habilitationsschrift"
Kirchengast, G.
The Graz Ionospheric Flux Tube Simulation model
in "STEP Handbook of Ionospheric Models", edited by R.W. Schunk, pp. 73–94, publ. by Center for Atmos. and Space Sciences/Utah State University, Logan/UT, and SCOSTEP Secretariat, Boulder/CO, U.S.A., 1996.
Bengtsson, L., J.R. Eyre, G. Kirchengast, A. Hauchecorne, P. Silvestrin, and P. Ingmann
Atmospheric Profiling Mission, part of "Reports for Assessment: The Nine Candidate Earth Explorer Missions", coord. by C.J. Readings and M.L. Reynolds
ESA Spec. Publ. SP-1196(7), 58p., ESA Publ. Division, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 1996.
Kirchengast, G.
Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Caused by Atmospheric Gravity Waves: From Qualitative to Quantitative Insight, Habilitationsschrift Oktober 1996 (Artikelsammlung 5 engl. papers mit 6 S. dt. Zusammenfassung)
Inst. for Meteorol. and Geophys., Univ. of Graz, Austria, 1996.
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Selected Reports from International Report Series of the Institute
Kirchengast, G.
The GIFTS model: A comprehensive description including exemplary applications
Wissenschaftl. Ber. No. 1/1996, 88p., Inst. for Meteorol. and Geophys., Univ. of Graz, Austria, 1996.
Kirchengast, G.
End-to-end GNSS Occultation Performance Simulator functionality definition
Techn. Rep. for ESA/ESTEC No. 1/1996, 25p., Inst. for Meteorol. and Geophys., Univ. of Graz, Austria, 1996.
Gottfried Kirchengast
Brandhofgasse 5, A-8010 Graz