Written Scientific Publications
Year 2007
Papers in International Journals, International Proceedings Papers, Books
Borsche, M., G. Kirchengast, and U. Foelsche
Tropical tropopause climatology as observed with radio occultation measurements from CHAMP compared to ECMWF and NCEP analyses
Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L03702, doi:10.1029/2006GL027918, 2007.
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Gobiet, A., G. Kirchengast, G. L. Manney, M. Borsche, C.Retscher, and G. Stiller
Retrieval of temperature profiles from CHAMP for climate monitoring: intercomparison with Envisat MIPAS and GOMOS and different atmospheric analyses
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 3519-3536, 2007.
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Gorbunov, M. E., and G. Kirchengast
Fluctuations of radio occultation signals in X/K band in the presence of anisotropic turbulence and differential transmission retrieval performance
Radio Sci., 42, RS4025, doi:10.1029/2006RS003544, 2007.
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Pirscher, B., U. Foelsche, B. C. Lackner, and G. Kirchengast
Local time influence in single-satellite radio occultation climatologies from sun-synchronous and non sun-synchronous satellites
J. Geophys. Res., 112, D11119, doi:10.1029/2006.JD007934, 2007.
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Steiner, A. K., G. Kirchengast, M. Borsche, U. Foelsche, and T. Schoengassner
A multi-year comparison of lower stratospheric temperatures from CHAMP radio occultation data with MSU/AMSU records
J. Geophys. Res., 112, D22110, doi:10.1029/2006JD008283, 2007.
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Truhetz, H., A. Gobiet, and G. Kirchengast
Evaluation of a dynamic-diagnostic modelling approach to generate highly resolved wind climatologies in the Alpine region
Meteorol. Z., 16, 191-201, doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2007/0192, 2007.
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Selected Reports from International Report Series of the Center
Gorbunov, M.E., and G. Kirchengast
Influence of anisotropic turbulence on X/K band radio occultation signals and related transmission retrieval quality
Tech. Rep. for ESA/ESTEC No. 1/2007, 21 pp, Wegener Center, Univ. of Graz, Austria, 2007.
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Gorbunov, M.E., S.S. Leroy, and G. Kirchengast
Retrieval of complex refractivity, temperature, and humidity from radio occultation data in X/K band
Tech. Rep. for ESA/ESTEC No. 5/2007, 41 pp, Wegener Center, Univ. of Graz, Austria, 2007.
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Kirchengast, G., and S. Schweitzer
ACCURATE LEO-LEO infrared laser occultation initial assessment: Requirements, payload characteristics, scientific performance analysis, and breadboarding specifications
Tech. Rep. for FFG-ALR No. 3/2007, 56 pp, Wegener Center, Univ. of Graz, Austria, 2007.
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Kirchengast, G., M. Schwärz, M. Pock, and B. Pirscher
MULTICLIM – From CHAMP towards multi-satellite climate monitoring based on MetOp and COSMIC missions, focus MetOp IASI (Final Report)
Tech. Rep. for FFG-ALR No. 6/2007, 5 pp (Exec.Summary) + FFG-ALR Rep. No.2 and No.4/2007, Wegener Center, Univ. of Graz, Austria, 2007.
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Kirchengast, G., S. Schweitzer, J. Ramsauer, and J. Fritzer
End-to-end Generic Occultation Performance Simulator version 5.2 (EGOPSv5.2) Software User Manual (Overview/ov, Reference/ref, and File Format/ff Manual)
Tech. Rep. for ESA/ESTEC No. 4/2007, 62 pp (ov), 172 pp (ref), 97 pp (ff), Wegener Center&IGAM, Univ. of Graz, Austria, 2007.
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Pirscher, B., B.C. Lackner, I. Thaler, M. Pock, U. Foelsche, A.K. Steiner, and G. Kirchengast
Initial Validation of GRAS Occultation Data from MetOp and Setup of Regional Climate Monitoring including the IPCC Land and Ocean Regions
Tech. Rep. for FFG-ALR No. 5/2007, 48 pp, Wegener Center, Univ. of Graz, Austria, 2007.
Schwärz, M., M. Pock, and G. Kirchengast
Advanced retrieval of atmospheric profiles and SST from IASI data
Tech. Rep. for FFG-ALR No. 2/2007, 32 pp, Wegener Center, Univ. of Graz, Austria, 2007.
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Schwärz, M., M. Pock, B. Pirscher, and G. Kirchengast
Initial validation of atmospheric profiles and SST retrieved from MetOp IASI data and preparation of climatology processing
Tech. Rep. for FFG-ALR No. 4/2007, 29 pp, Wegener Center, Univ. of Graz, Austria, 2007.
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Schweitzer, S., G. Kirchengast, and F. Ladstaedter
Enhancement of the end-to-end simulation tool EGOPS for enabling quasi-realistic simulations of LEO-LEO IR laser occultation measurements
Tech. Rep. for FFG-ALR No. 1/2007, 26 pp, Wegener Center, Univ. of Graz, Austria, 2007.
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Gottfried Kirchengast
Brandhofgasse 5, A-8010 Graz