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General Lectures

(VO=Vorlesung (Lecture), VU=Vorlesung mit integrierten Übungen (Lecture with integrated exercises), VS=Vorlesung mit integriertem Seminar (Lecture with integrated seminar))

  • Title: Klimasystem der Erde und Klimawandel (Earth's climate system and climate change)
    2 std. VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 2011/12, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18

  • Title: Methoden der Modellierung und Simulation (Methods of modeling and simulation)
    2 std. VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 2003/04, 2005/06, 2007/08, 2009/10, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18; together with A.K. Steiner.

  • Title: Selected topics in environmental physics: Insight to global climate monitoring
    (focus on climate changes in the atmosphere and microwave&infrared-laser occultation climate satellite mission concept), 2 std. VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 2011, SS 2013.

  • Title: Selected topics in environmental physics: WegenerNet and local weather and climate
    (focus on the WegenerNet high-resolution station network and its utility for studying local-scale weather and climate), 2 std. VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 2012.

  • Title: Selected topics of geophysics: Remote sensing of atmospheres and climate change
    (focus on GNSS radio occultation for observing Earth's atmosphere and climate), 2 std. VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 2010/11, 2012/13.

  • Title: Einführung in die Meteorologie
    (Introduction to Meteorology), 2 std. VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 2005, 2006, 2007; SS 2008 (part).

  • Title: Physikalische Klimatologie (System Erde: Klima im Wandel)
    (Physical climatology - Physics of climate - System Earth and climate change), 2 std. VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 2001/02, 2003/04, 2005/06, 2007/08, 2009/10.

  • Title: Messmethoden der Umweltphysik und Meteorologie 2: Fernerkundung
    (Remote sensing in Environmental Physics and Meteorology), 2 std. VS (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 2002.

  • Title: Datenanalyse für komplexe und indirekte Messverfahren II (Bayesianische Analyse und nichtlineare Methoden)
    (Data analysis for complex and indirect measuring methods II: Baysian analysis and non-linear methods), 2 std VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 2000 (as reduced block course).

  • Title: Statistische Methoden II (Bayesianische Statistik und Entscheidungstheorie)
    (Statistical Methods II - Baysian Statistics and Decision Theory), 2 std. VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 1999, together with M. Rieder.

  • Title: Systems Science – Grundlagen der Systemwissenschaften
    (Introduction to Systems Science), 2 std. VS (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 1999.

  • Title: Strahlungs- und Energiehaushalt der Atmosphäre
    (Radiation and energy balance of the atmosphere), 4 std. VO (4 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 1998, WS 2000/01.

  • Title: System Erde: Klima im Wandel
    (System Earth and climate change), 2 std. VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 1995; WS 1996/97, 1998/99; SS 2001.

  • Title: Transportgleichungen planetarer Atmosphären
    (Transport equations of planetary atmospheres), 2 std. VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 1993; WS 1995/96, WS 1997/98.

  • Title: Fernerkundung unserer atmosphärischen Umwelt
    (Remote sensing of the atmospheric environment), 2 std. VO (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 1992/93, 1993/94, 1994/95; SS 1996, 1997; WS 1999/2000.
Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Gottfried Kirchengast

Brandhofgasse 5, A-8010 Graz

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 8431
Fax:+43 316 380 - 9830

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