Books and special issues
2025 forthc. Language in social interaction: Studies in interaction management, social behavior, and grammar in interaction. De Gruyter Mouton (with Alexander Haselow)
2024. (ed.) Construction and Reconstruction – Special issue of English Language and Linguistics (with Yolanda Fernández-Pena, Javier Pérez-Guerra)
2021. The rise of discourse markers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (with Bernd Heine, Tania Kuteva, Haiping Long)
2020. (ed.) Investigating stance in English: Synchrony and diachrony – Special issue of Language Sciences (with María José López-Couso, Belén Méndez-Naya)
2020. (ed.) Grammar and Cognition: Dualistic Models of Language Structure and Language Processing. Benjamins (Human Cognitive Processing: Cognitive Foundations of Language Structure and Use) (with Alexander Haselow)
2019. (ed.) Insubordination: theoretical and empirical issues. De Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics) (with Karin Beijering, María Sol Sansin͂ena).
2016. (ed.) Outside the clause: Form and function of extra-clausal constituents (Studies in Language Companion Series). Amsterdam: Benjamins (with Evelien Keizer, Arne Lohmann).
2012. Code and context: exploring the interaction between grammatical structure and patterns of usage. Unpublished postdoctoral thesis (Habilitationsschrift), Universität Wien.
2010. (ed.) New approaches to hedging. Bingley: Emerald (with Wiltrud Mihatsch, Stefan Schneider). [Reviewed by: Apróné G. Agnes. 2011. Journal of Pragmatics 43: 3633-3635]
2007. (ed.) Tracing English through time. Explorations in language variation. Wien: Braumüller (with Ute Smit, Stefan Dollinger, Julia Hüttner, Ursula Lutzky).
2004. It-extraposition and non-extraposition in English. A study of syntax in spoken and written texts. Wien: Braumüller. [Reviewed by: Ronald Geluykens. 2006. English Language and Linguistics 10 (2): 415-423; Marcus Callies. Linguist List, Vol-16-1543. Sat May 14 2005.]
2002. (ed.) Proceedings Anglistentag 2001 Wien. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (with Dieter Kastovsky, Susanne Reichl).
Journal articles: peer reviewed
Kaltenböck. Gunther & Elora Ten Wolde. 2025 (to appear). New discourse markers in the making: Just so you know and it just so happens. Functions of Language 31 (3).
Mustafa, Ozan & Gunther Kaltenböck. 2024. Last I heard: On the use of evidential last I fragments. English Language and Linguistics 28 (3): 589-612.
Fernández-Pena, Yolanda, Gunther Kaltenböck & Javier Pérez-Guerra. 2024. Fragments: a usage-based view. English Language and Linguistics 28 (3): 447-464.
Deparaetere, Ilse & Gunther Kaltenböck. 2023. "Hedged performatives in spoken American English: a discourse-oriented analysis". Journal of English Linguistics 51 (3): 207-235.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Evelien Keizer. 2022. "Insubordinate if-clauses in FDG: Degrees of independence". Open Linguistics 8: 675-698.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Elnora Ten Wolde. 2022. "A Just So Story: On the recent emergence of the purpose subordinator just so". English Language and Linguistics 26 (4): 889-915.
Heine, Bernd & Gunther Kaltenböck. 2022. "On the situation of discourse: Evidence from discourse markers". Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 1: 5-27.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2021. "Funny you should say that: On the use of semi-insubordination in English". Constructions and Frames 13 (1): 126-159.
Heine, Bernd & Gunther Kaltenböck. 2021. "From clause to discourse marker: On the development of comment clauses". Language Sciences 87: 1-16.
Kaltenböck, Gunther, María José López-Couso, Belén Méndez-Naya. 2020. "The dynamics of stance constructions”. Language Sciences: Special issue on ‘Investigating stance constructions in English: Synchrony and diachrony’ 82: 1-12.
Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck, Tania Kuteva and Haiping Long. 2020. “Exclamatives as a thetical category of English”, Functions of Language 27.2: 207-233.
Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck, Tania Kuteva & Haiping Long. 2017. “Cooptation as a discourse strategy”, Journal of Linguistics 55 (4): 813-855.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2016. “Les élements macros: comment catégoriser une classe insaissable?” Modèles Linguistiques 74: 11-28.
Heine, Bernd, & Tania Kuteva & Gunther Kaltenböck. 2014. “Discourse Grammar, the dual process model, and brain lateralization: some correlations”, Language and Cognition 6: 146-180.
Kaltenböck, Gunther, Bernd Heine & Tania Kuteva. 2011. “On thetical grammar”, Studies in Language 35 (4): 848-893.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2009. “English comment clauses: position, prosody, and scope”, Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 34 (1): 49-75.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2008. “Prosody and function of English comment clauses”, Folia Linguistica 42 (1): 83-134.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2006. “’...That is the question’: complementizer omission in extraposed that-clauses”, English Language and Linguistics 10 (2): 371-396.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2005. “It-extraposition in English: a functional view.” International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 10 (2): 119-159.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Barbara Mehlmauer-Larcher. 2005. “Computer corpora and the language classroom: on the potential and limitations of computer corpora in language teaching“, ReCALL 17 (1): 65-84.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2003. “On the syntactic and semantic status of anticipatory it”, English Language and Linguistics 7 (2): 235-255.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2002. Review article “Gimson’s Pronunciation of English (6th edition) by A. Cruttenden”, ELT Journal 56 (4): 431-434.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2002. “That’s it? On the unanticipated ‘controversy’ over anticipatory it. A reply to Aimo Seppänen”, English Studies 83 (6): 541-550.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2001. “Learner autonomy: a guiding principle in designing a CD-ROM for intonation practice”, ReCALL 13 (2): 179-190.
Dalton-Puffer, Christiane, Gunther Kaltenböck & Ute Smit 1997. “Learner attitudes and L2 pronunciation”, World Englishes 16: 115 - 128.
Book chapters: peer-reviewed
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Elnora Ten Wolde. 2024. The Corpus of Historical American English. Reference Module in Social Sciences (to be published in Hilary Nesi & Petar Milin (eds.). International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 2026, 3rd edition. Elsevier).
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Ozan Mustafa. 2024. The Corpus of Contemporary American English. Reference Module in Social Sciences (to be published in Hilary Nesi & Petar Milin (eds.). International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 2026, 3rd edition. Elsevier).
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2023. On the use of there-clefts with zero subject relativizer. In Caroline Gentens, Lobke Ghesquière, William McGregor & An Van linden (eds). Reconnecting form and meaning: Lexis and grammar from cognitive-functional and usage-based perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 17-43.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Helen Heaney. 2022. “Language analysis and grammar in use”, in Berger, Armin, Heaney, Helen, Resnik, Pia, Rieder-Bünemann, Angelika, Savukova, Galina (eds.). Developing advanced English language competence. A research-informed approach at tertiary level. Dordrecht: Springer, 27-34.
Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck & Tania Kuteva. 2021. “On the rise of discourse markers”, in: Hancil, Sylvie & Alexander Haselow (eds.). Studies at the grammar-discourse interface: Discourse markers and discourse-related grammatical phenomena. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins, 23-55.
Heine, Bernd, Kaltenböck, Gunther & Sylvie Hancil. 2020. “Observations sur la transcatégorialité”, in: Do-Hurinville, Danh-Thành, Huy-Linh Dao & Annie Rialland (eds.). De la ‘transcatégorialité’ dans les langues. Description, modélisation, typologie. Paris: Éditions de la Societé de Linguistique de Paris, 31-61.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2020. “Formulaic language and Discourse Grammar: Evidence from speech disorder”, in Haselow, Alexander & Gunther Kaltenböck (eds.). Grammar and Cognition: Dualistic Models of Language Structure and Language Processing. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 233-265.
Haselow, Alexander & Gunther Kaltenböck. 2020. “The brain and the mind behind grammar: Dualistic approaches in grammar research and (neuro)cognitive studies of language”, in Haselow, Alexander & Gunther Kaltenböck (eds.). Grammar and Cognition: Dualistic Models of Language Structure and Language Processing. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1-25.
Heine, Bernd, Kaltenböck, Gunther and Sylvie Hancil. 2020. “Observations sur la transcatégorialité”, in: Do-Hurinville, Danh-Thành, Huy-Linh Dao & Annie Rialland (eds.). De la ‘transcatégorialité’ dans les langues. Description, modélisation, typologie. Paris: Éditions de la Societé de Linguistique de Paris, 31-61.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2020. “Information structuring”, in: Aarts, Bas, Jill Bowie, Gergana Popova (eds.). Oxford handbook of English grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 461-482.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2019. “Delimiting the class: A typology of English insubordination”, in: Beijering, Karin, Gunther Kaltenböck and María Sol Sansin͂ena (eds.). Insubordination: new perspectives. De Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics), 167-198.
Beijering, Karin, Gunther Kaltenböck and María Sol Sansin͂ena. 2019 forthc. “Insubordination: central issues”, in: Beijering, Karin, Gunther Kaltenböck and María Sol Sansin͂ena (eds.). Insubordination: new perspectives. De Gruyter (Trends in Linguistics), 1-28.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2016. “On the grammatical status of insubordinate if-clauses”, in: Kaltenböck, Gunther, Evelien Keizer, Arne Lohmann (eds.). Outside the clause: Form and function of extra-clausal constituents. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 341-378.
Kaltenböck, Gunther, Evelien Keizer & Arne Lohmann. 2016. “Extra-clausal constituents: an overview”, in: Kaltenböck, Gunther, Evelien Keizer, Arne Lohmann (eds.). Outside the clause: Form and function of extra-clausal constituents. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1-26.
Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck & Tania Kuteva. 2016. “On insubordination and cooptation”, in: Evans, Nicholas and Honoré Watanabe (eds.). Dynamics of Insubordination. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2015. Processibility and syntactic structure: from matrix clause to pragmatic marker”, in: Aijmer, Karin, Christoph Rühlemann (eds.). Corpus Pragmatics: A Handbook. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 117-142.
Heine, Bernd, Tania Kuteva & Gunther Kaltenböck. 2015. “On the evolution of final particles”, in: Hancil, Sylvie (ed.). Final particles. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 111-140.
Kaltenböck, Gunther, Bernd Heine & Tania Kuteva. 2015. “A ‘rootless’ analysis of I think, in Schneider, Stefan et al. (eds.). Parenthetical verbs. Amsterdam: Mouton de Guyter, 39-70.
Heine, Bernd, Tania Kuteva & Gunther Kaltenböck. 2015. “On some correlations between grammar and brain lateralization”, in: Oxford Handbooks Online. New York: Oxford University Press.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Bernd Heine. 2014. “Sentence Grammar vs. Thetical Grammar: two competing systems?”, in: MacWhinney, Brian; Andrej Malchukov and Edith Moravcsik (eds.) Competing motivations in grammar and usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 348-363.
Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck & Tania Kuteva. 2013. “On the origin of grammar”, in: Lefebvre, Claire (ed.). New perspectives on the origins of language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 379-405.
Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck, Tania, Kuteva & Haiping Long. 2013. “An outline of Discourse Grammar”, in: Bischoff, Shannon and Carmen Jeny (eds.). Functional approaches to language. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 155-206.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2013. “Development of comment clauses”, in: Aarts, Bas, Joanne Close, Geoffrey Leech and Sean Wallis (eds.). The English verb phrase: investigating recent language change with corpora. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 286-317.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2011. “Explaining diverging evidence. The case of clause-initial I think”, in: Schönefeld, Doris (ed.). Converging evidence: methodological and theoretical issues for linguistic research. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 81-112.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2010. “Pragmatic functions of parenthetical I think”, in: Kaltenböck, Gunther, Wiltrud Mihatsch and Stefan Schneider (eds.). New approaches to hedging. Bingley: Emerald, 243-272.
Mihatsch, Wiltrud, Gunther Kaltenböck & Stefan Schneider. 2010. “Introduction”, in: Kaltenböck, Gunther, Wiltrud Mihatsch and Stefan Schneider,. (eds.). New approaches to hedging. Bingley: Emerald, 1-13.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Barbara Mehlmauer-Larcher. 2008. “Using computer corpora in EFL teaching: applications and pedagogical perspectives”, in: Delanoy, Werner and Laurenz Volkmann (eds.). Future perspectives for English Language Teaching. Heidelberg: Winter, 103-118.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2007. “Spoken parenthetical clauses in English: a taxonomy”, in: Dehé, Nicole and Yordanka Kavalova (eds.). Parentheticals. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 25-52.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Barbara Mehlmauer-Larcher. 2007. “Preparing teachers for ESP: the use of computer corpora”, in Fritz, Thomas (ed.). What next? Trends, traditions and developments in teacher education. Wien: Edition Volkshochschule, 213-221.
Ute Smit, Stefan Dollinger, Julia Hüttner, Gunther Kaltenböck, Ursula Lutzky 2007. “Introduction”, in: Smit, Ute, Stefan Dollinger, Julia Hüttner, Gunther Kaltenböck and Ursula Lutzky (eds.) Tracing English trough time. Explorations in language variation. Wien: Braumüller, ix-xviii.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2006. “Zur Verwendung von that und Asyndeton in extraponierten Subjektsätzen des Englischen: eine korpuslinguistische Untersuchung”, in: Kettemann, Bernhard, Georg Marko 2006. Planing and gluing corpora. Inside the applied corpus linguist's workshop. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 69-99.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2006. “Some comments on comment clauses: a semantic classification”, in: Povolná, Renata and Olga Dontcheva-Navratilova (eds.). Discourse and interaction 2. Brno: Masarykova Univserszita, 71-87.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2004. “Using non-extraposition in spoken and written texts: a functional perspective“, in: Aijmer, Karin and Anna-Brita Stenström (eds.). Discourse patterns in spoken and written corpora. (Pragmatics and Beyond). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 219-242.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Barbara Mehlmauer-Larcher. 2002. “Integrating ESP into pre-service teacher education programmes”, in: Pulverness, Alan (ed.). IATEFL 2002 York Conference Selections. Whitstable: IATEFL, 31-33.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2001. “A multimedia approach to suprasegmentals: using a CD-ROM for English intonation teaching”, in: Maidment, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference 2001, 19-22.
Dalton-Puffer, Christiane, Gunther Kaltenböck & Ute Smit. 2000. “Die Rolle der Integrativeness beim Erlernen der Aussprache im Fremdspracherwerb”, in: James, Allen (ed.). Workshop zum Fremdspracherwerb in Österreich. Wien: Edition Präsens, 123-141.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2000. “It-extraposition and non-extraposition in English discourse”, in: Mair, Christian and Marianne Hundt (eds.). Corpus Linguistics and linguistic theory. Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi, 157-175.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 1993. “It-Clefts in Discourse”, published electronically, ESSE 2, September 1993, Université de Bordeaux.
Proceedings, working papers, newsletters
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2010. “Comment clauses as constructions”. Vienna English Working Papers 19 (1&2): 21-46.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2009. “Initial I think: main or comment clause?”, Discourse and Interaction 2 (1): 49-70.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2009. “Is that a filler? On complementizer use in spoken object clauses” Vienna English Working Papers 18 (1): 28-63.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Barbara Mehlmauer-Larcher. 2009. “Computer corpora: a useful tool for English language teaching? Views Special Issue: Bridging the gap between theory and practice – conference proceedings: 71-74.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2007. “Position, prosody, and scope: the case of English comment clauses”, Vienna English Working Papers 16 (1): 3-38.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Barbara Mehlmauer-Larcher. 2007. “Applying a genre-informed approach in the ESP classroom”, ELT News Austria 57: 42-47.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2005. “Charting the boundaries of syntax: a taxonomy of spoken parenthetical clauses”, Vienna English Working Papers 14 (1): 21-53.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Barbara Mehlmauer-Larcher. 2005. “Coping with texts in the world of business: what a genre-informed approach can offer“ BESIG Newsletter 3: 9-12.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Barbara Mehlmauer-Larcher. 2005. “Computer corpora in the language classroom: a critical view”, Teacher Trainers and Educators SIG Newsletter 2: 14-18.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2004. “That or no that – that is the question. On subordinator suppression in extraposed subject clauses”, Vienna English Working Papers 13 (1): 49-68.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2003. “Computer-based intonation teaching: problems and potential”, in: Teeler, Dede (ed.) Proceedings of ‘Talking Computers’. IATEFL, 11-17.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2001. “Englische Intonation im Selbststudium? – Die CD-ROM macht’s möglich: Überlegungen zum Design von InTune with English”, Tell and Call (Zeitschrift für den Technologie-unterstützten Unterricht) April 2001: 34-38.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 1999. “Which it is it: some remarks on anticipatory it”, Vienna English Working Papers 8 (2): 48-71.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Barbara Seidlhofer. 1999. “Tasked-based teaching: what’s in it for pronunciation?”, Speak Out! (Newsletter of the IATEFL Phonology Special Interest Group) 24: 9-15.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 1998. “Gratifying grammar: on teaching a grammar course for university students of English”, ELT News (Austria) 36: 61-68.
Dalton-Puffer, Christiane, Gunther Kaltenböck & Ute Smit,. 1995. “Language attitudes of L2 learners to native and non-native varieties of English”, Vienna English Working Papers 4 (2): 76-86.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 1994. “Chunks and pronunciation teaching”, Speak Out! (Newsletter of the IATEFL Phonology Special Interest Group) 13, January 1994: 17 - 22.
Kaltenböck, Gunther & Barbara Seidlhofer. 1993. “English Pronunciation and the German-Speaking Learner”, Speak Out! (Newsletter of the IATEFL Phonology Special Interest Group) 12, August 1993: 15 - 19.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 1993. “A Brief Discussion of it-Clefts in Spoken Texts”, Vienna English Working Papers 2 (1), June 1993: 4 - 25.
Book reviews and reports
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2003. “Bookreview of Christopher Williams. 2002. Non-progressive and progressive aspect in English. Fasano: Schena Editore”, English Language and Linguistics 7 (2): 344-347.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2002. “Bookreview of Judy Gilbert. Clear Speech from the Start. Basic pronunciation and Listening Comprehension in North American English. C.U.P.”, TESOL Journal 11: 44.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2001. “Bookreview of Gerald Kelly. How to teach pronunciation. Longman”, ELT News (Austria) 45: 100-102.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 2000. “Bookreview of Dretzke, Burkhard. 1998. Modern British and American English Pronunciation. Paderborn: Schöningh”, Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 25 (1): 139-146.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 1999. “Report on the Cambridge/RSA Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA)”, ELT News (Austria) 38: 64-65.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 1995. “Bookreview of Dalton, Ch.; Seidlhofer, B. 1994. Pronunciation. OUP.”, ELT News (Austria) 26: 141-144.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 1998. In tune with English intonation. CD-ROM for English intonation practice. EU Project (Nov. 97 – Dec. 98).
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 1998. Extraposition in English discourse: a corpus study. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Vienna, Department of English.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. 1991. It-clefts in spoken discourse: a corpus-based study. M.A. dissertation, University of London, University College.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. English phonetics and phonology. Teaching materials, University of Vienna, Department of English.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. English business communication. Teaching materials, University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. Language analysis: concepts of English grammar. Teaching materials, University of Vienna, Department of English.
Kaltenböck, Gunther. Grammar in use. Teaching materials, University of Vienna, Department of English.