I am interested in structural change of complex economic systems with heterogeneous agents. I have looked at the process of globalization with particular focus on multinational firms. More recently I work at overcoming the representative agent in general equilibrium models.
These effort focus on five aspects:
- Modeling a labor market where heterogeneous workers match to differentiated jobs
- Studying a financial market with differentiate assets and a role for financial intermediation
- Understanding the evolution of productivity as endogenous process
- Analyzing technological choices of firms which yields the observed heterogeneity
- Studying the role of commercial banks in transmission of monetary policy
Moreover, Katja Kalkschmied and I work on harnessing the Varieties-of-Capitalism approach for an analysis of the recent challenges that the EU faces.
Last but not least, I am member of the HFDT (Human Factor in Digital Transformation) group, an interdisciplinary network that works on the consequences of digitalization for our society.