Project Publications
Thalmann, J. K., Gupta, M., Veronig, A. M., Y. Liu, "On the conditioning of the solar corona due to large solar flaring", accepted for publication in A&A, arXiv:2501.05116
Gupta, M., Thalmann, J. K., Veronig, A. M., "Stability of the coronal magnetic field around large confined and eruptive solar flares", accepted for publication in A&A, arXiv:2402.12254,
Jarolim, R., Tremblay, B., Rempel, M., Molnar, M., Veronig, A. M., Thalmann, J. K., Podladchikova, T., "Advancing solar magnetic field extrapolations through multiheight magnetic field measurements", arXiv:2312.06823,
Moraitis, K., Patsourakos, S., Nindos, A., Thalmann, J. K. , Pariat, É., "On the use of relative field line helicity as an indicator for solar eruptivity", arXiv:2312.13950,
Jarolim, R., Thalmann, J. K., Veronig, A. M., Podladchikova, T., "Probing the solar coronal magnetic field with physics-informed neural networks",
Liu, Y., Welsch, B. T., Valori, G., Georgoulis, M. K., Guo, Y., Pariat, E., Park, S.-H., Thalmann, J. K., "Changes of Magnetic Energy and Helicity in Solar Active Regions from Major Flares",
Thalmann, J. K., Dumbović, M., Dissauer, K., Podladchikova, T., Chikunova, G., Temmer, M., Dickson, E., Veronig, A. M. "Tracking magnetic flux and helicity from the Sun to Earth. Multi-spacecraft analysis of a magnetic cloud and its solar source", arXiv:2210.02228,
Green, L. M., Thalmann, J. K., Valori, G., Pariat, E., Linan, L., Moraitis, K., "Magnetic Helicity Evolution and Eruptive Activity in NOAA Active Region 11158",
Thalmann, J. K., Gupta, M., Veronig, A. M., "The effect of spatial sampling on magnetic field modeling and helicity computation", arXiv:2204.09267,
Thalmann, J. K., Georgoulis, M. K., Liu, Y., Pariat, E., Valori, G., Anfinogentov, S., Chen, F., Guo, Y., Moraitis, K., Yang, S., Mastrano, A., "Magnetic Helicity Estimations in Models and Observations of the Solar Magnetic Field. IV. Application to Solar Observations", arXiv:2108.08525,
Gupta, M., Thalmann, J. K., Veronig, A. M., "Magnetic helicity and energy budget around large confined and eruptive solar flares", arXiv:2106.0878,
Dumbović, M., Veronig, A. M., Podladchikova, T., Thalmann, J. K., Chikunova, G., Dissauer, K., Magdalenić, J., Temmer, M., Guo, J., Samara, E., "2019 International Women's Day event. Two-step solar flare with multiple eruptive signatures and low Earth impact", arXiv:2106.15417,
Louis, R. E., Thalmann, J. K., "Homologous flaring activity over a sunspot light bridge in an emerging active region", arXiv:2012.07454,
Thalmann, J. K., Sun, X., Moraitis, K., Gupta, M., "Deducing the reliability of relative helicities from nonlinear force-free coronal models", arXiv:2009.05287,
Thalmann, J. K., Moraitis, K., Linan, L., Pariat, E., Valori, G., Dalmasse, K., "Magnetic Helicity Budget of Solar Active Regions Prolific of Eruptive and Confined Flares", arXiv: 1910.06563,
Thalmann, J. K., Linan, L., Pariat, E., Valori, G., "On the Reliability of Magnetic Energy and Helicity Computations Based on Nonlinear Force-free Coronal Magnetic Field Models", arXiv:1907.01179,