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Moulin, Anthony    
Gupta, ManuMagnetic helicity modeling in solar flaresPhD thesis2024Peer-reviewed publications
Jarolim, RobertFrontiers of deep learning in solar physicsPhD thesis2023Peer-reviewed publications
Hernandez-Perez, AaronPreflare Phenomena and their Relation to the Main Phase of Solar FlaresPhD thesis2020Peer-reviewed publications
Tschernitz, JohannesMagnetic reconnection rates in eruptive and confined flaresMSc thesis2018Peer-reviewed publications
Baumgartner, ChristianOn the factors determining the eruptive character of solar flaresMSc thesis2018Peer-reviewed publication
Hinterreiter, JürgenComparing the ribbon evolution and the coronal electric field of eruptive and confined Hα flares based on Kanzelhöhe Observatory dataMSc thesis2017Peer-reviewed publication

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