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Reviewed Paper


Krainer, Sophie; Brodschneider, Robert; Vollmann, Jutta; Crailsheim, Karl; Riessberger-Gallé, Ulrike ; Brodschneider, Robert: Effect of Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) on mortality of artificially reared honey bee larvae (Apis mellifera carnica).
Ecotoxicology: 25. 2016. 320-328.


Gunter J Sturm, Bettina Kranzelbinder, Christian Schuster, Eva M Sturm, Danijela Bokanovic, Jutta Vollmann, Karl Crailsheim, Wolfgang Hemmer, Werner Aberer (2013): Sensitization to Hymenoptera venoms is common, but systemic sting reactions are rare. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology DOI:10.1016/j.jaci.2013.10.046 


K. Crailsheim, R. Brodschneider, P. Aupinel, D. Behrens, E. Genersch, J. Vollmann, U. Rießberger-Gallé (2013): Standard methods for artificial rearing of Apis mellifera larvae. Journal of Apicultural research: 52 (1) DOI 10.3896/IBRA.1.05                                                        


G. Sturm, J. Chunseng, B. Kranzelbinder, W. Hemmer, E. Sturm, A. Griesbacher, A. Heinemann, J. Vollmann, F. Altmann, K. Crailsheim, M. Focke, W. Aberer (2011):  Inconsistent Results of Diagnostic Tools Hamper the Differentiation between Bee and Vespid Venom Allergy. PLOSOne 6 (6): 1-8.


A. Stabentheiner, J. Vollmann, H. Kovac & K. Crailsheim (2003): Oxygen Consumption and body temperature of active and resting honeybees. Journal of Insect Physiology 49: 881-889



S. Krainer, R. Brodschneider, J. Vollmann, K. Crailsheim, U. Riessberger-Gallé (2011): Toxicity of Hydroxymethylfurfural against honeybee larvae. Apidologie 42: 794.


U. Riessberger-Gallé, J. Vollmann, K. Crailsheim (2010): Delayed development of artificially reared honeybees. Apidologie 41 (6): 688.


J. Vollmann, R. Thenius, Th. Schmickl, K. Crailsheim (2009): Contact-free age determination of honeybee larvae (Apis mellifera). Apidologie 40 (6), 662.

Brodschneider R., Steiner D., Moder A., Vollmann J., Riessberger-Gallé U., Crailsheim K. (2009): Synthetic larval diet produces lighter and smaller honeybees (Apis mellifera), Apidologie 40 (6), 663-664.

Vollmann J., Riessberger-Gallé U., Brodschneider R., Leonhard B. & Crailsheim K. (2009): Morphologischer und physiologischer Vergleich von Larven und adulten Honigbienen (Apis mellifera carnica Pollm.): künstlich versus natürlich aufgezogen. Entomologica Austriaca 16: 155-157. 

Daniela Steiner, Alice Moder, Robert Brodschneider, Jutta Vollmann, Ulrike Riessberger-Gallé, Karl Crailsheim (2009): Gewichte und morphometrische Unterschiede künstlich und natürlich aufgezogener Honigbienen. Entomologica Austriaca 16: 168-170.


U. Riessberger-Gallé, J. Vollmann, R. Brodschneider, P. Aupinel, K. Crailsheim (2008): „Improvement in the pupal development of artificially reared honeybee larvae.” Apidologie, 39: 595.

U. Riessberger-Gallé, J. Vollmann, K. Crailsheim (2008): Dynamics of body weight in honeybee larvae: artificially versus naturally raised. Apidologie 39 (5): 595-596.


R. Brodschneider, N. Hrassnigg, J. Vollmann, M. Petz, U. Riessberger-Gallé, K. Crailsheim (2007): Liquid nutrition within a honeybee colony – who feeds? Apidologie 38: 492.

U. Riessberger-Gallé, R. Brodschneider, J. Vollmann, R. Thenius, K. Uhl, S. Krainer, H. Kovac, K. Crailsheim (2007): Solid nutrition within a honeybee colony – who feeds? Apidologie 38: 492.


Vollmann J., Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2004): The reaction of honeybee colonies to different quantities of brood. Apidologie 35: 546-547.


Conference Proceedings:


Vollmann, Jutta; Brodschneider, Robert; Crailsheim, Karl: Larval starvation - effect  on adult honeybees? Haben kurze Hungerperioden Auswirkungen auf die adulte Honigbiene?
In: Landesverband Landwirtschaft Hessen, Bieneninstitut Kirchhain (Hg.): Programm und Abstracts. 2014. 56 - 57, 1 S.


Crailsheim K., Riessberger-Gallé U., Vollmann J., Brodschneider R. (2011): Current state in laboratory (in-vitro) rearing of honey bee larvae. Proceedings of the in vitro rearing workshop, La Rochelle, 17.-18.11.2011, p. 11.


Brodschneider R., Vollmann J., Rießberger-Gallé U., Crailsheim K. (2010): Is there a ‚reverse‘food flow from brood cells to adults in honey bees? Proceedings of the 4th European Conference of Apidology, 7.-9. September, Ankara, Turkey, p. 80.  

Brodschneider R., Rießberger-Gallè U., Vollmann J., Crailsheim K. (2010): Quality of artificially reared honey bees. Proceedings of the COLOSS Work shop “Method standardization for larval tests” Graz, Austria, 7.-9.6.2010, p. 8.

Vollmann J., Rießberger-Gallè U., Brodschneider R., Crailsheim K. (2010): First, second, third larval instar, who knows? An abstract of the relevant scientific literature. Proceedings of the COLOSS Work shop “Method standardization for larval tests” Graz, Austria, 7.-9.6.2010, p. 24.

Rießberger-Gallè U., Vollmann J., Brodschneider R., Crailsheim K. (2010): Comparison of protein content of artificially and naturally reared bee brood. Proceedings of the COLOSS Work shop “Method standardization for larval tests” Graz, Austria, 7.-9.6.2010, p. 20.


B. Kranzelbinder, E. Sturm, J. Vollmann, W. Aberer, A. Heinemann, K. Crailsheim, G. Sturm (2009): Patienten mit asymptomatischer Sensibilisierung auf Insektengifte: Geringes Risiko einer zukünftigen systemischen Stichreaktion. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Dermatologie und Venerologie 27.-29.11.2009, p 97

Kranzelbinder B., Sturm E., Vollmann J., Aberer W., Heinemann A., Crailsheim K., Sturm G. J. (2009): The basophil activation test (BAT) as a useful tool to distinguish between clinically relevant and irrelevant sensitization. ENDA-EuroBAT MEETING14.-15. Oct. 2009, Rotterdam, p 17

Aupinel P., Fortini D., Michaud B., Medrzycki P., Padovani E., Przygoda D., Maus Ch., Charriere J.D., Kilchenmann V., Rießberger-Gallé U., Vollmann J., Jeker L., Janke M., Odoux J.-F., Tasei J.N. (2009): Honey bee brood ring-test: method for teesting toxicity on honeybee brood in laboratory conditions. Julius Kühn Archiv 423, 96-102.


Jutta Vollmann, Ulrike Riessberger-Gallé, Karl Crailsheim (2008): Morphological development of artificially and naturally reared honeybees. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference of Apidology EurBee3, Belfast, p.108; Edited by Jennifer Teal, Juliet L. Osborne and Robert Paxton

Jutta Vollmann, Ulrike Riessberger-Gallé, Bernhard Leonhard, Karl Crailsheim (2008): Protein content of artificially and naturally reared bee brood. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference of Apidology EurBee3, Belfast, p.109; Edited by Jennifer Teal, Juliet L. Osborne and Robert Paxton

Jutta Vollmann, Ulrike Rießberger-Gallé, Karl Crailsheim (2008): Influence of feeding conditions on the weight development of honeybees: artificially versus naturally reared. Trilateral Symposium of Physiology in honor of Helmut Hinghofer-Szalky


K. Crailsheim, U. Riessberger-Gallé, R. Thenius, H. Kovac, J. Vollmann, and R. Brodschneider (2006): Protein supplementation in honeybee colonies – Where does the protein go? Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference of Apidology EurBee, Prague, p.14


Vollmann J., Stabentheiner A. & Kovac H. (2004): Die Entwicklung der Endothermie bei Honigbienen (Apis mellifera carnica Pollm.). Mitt DGaaE 14, 467-470.

Vollmann J., Stabentheiner A., Kovac H. (2004): The development of endothermy and locomotion in honeybees. Proceedings of the 1st European Conference of Apidology EurBee1 (Bernardinelle, I & Milani, N, eds), Arti Grafiche Friulane SpA: Udine, p. 50-51.

Vollmann Jutta, Hrassnigg Norbert, Schmickl Thomas, Crailsheim Karl (2004): Regulation of nursing workforce in a honeybee colony according to different workloads. Proceedings of the 1st European Conference of Apidology EurBee (Bernardinelle, I & Milani, N, eds), Arti Grafiche Friulane SpA: Udine, p. 55.


Mag. Jutta Vollmann


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+43 (0)316 380 - 3983
+43 (0)316 380 - 9875


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