Estimation Techniques for Distributed Parameter Systems |
On the Lagrange Multiplier Approach to Variational Problems and Applications K. ITO and K. KUNISCH SIAM, Philadelphia, 2008. |
[398] On non-autonomous parabolic equations with measure-valued right hand sides and applications to optimal control K. KUNISCH and J. REHBERG submitted, 2025 Preprint |
[397] Optimal control of a nonlinear kinetic Fokker-Planck equation T. BREITEN and K. KUNISCH submitted, 2025 Preprint |
[396] Space-time L∞- estimates for solutions of infinite horizon semilinear parabolic equations E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH to appear in Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2024 Preprint |
[395] Quasi-Monte Carlo integration for feedback control under uncertainty P. A. GUTH and P. KRITZER and K. KUNISCH submitted, 2024 Preprint |
[394] Temporaly sparse controls for infinite horizon semilinear parabolic equations with norm constraints E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH submitted, 2024 Preprint |
[393] Tracking optimal feedback control under uncertain parameters P. A. GUTH and K. KUNISCH and S. S. RODRIGUES to appear in Physica D., 2024 Preprint |
[392] Second order analysis for the optimal selection of time delays K. KUNISCH and F. TRÖLTZSCH to appear in Mathematics of Control and Related Fields, 2024 Preprint |
[391] Differentiability of the Value Function on H1(Ω) of Semilinear Parabolic Infinite Time Horizon Optimal Control Problems under Control Constraints K. KUNISCH and B. PRIYASAD to appear in: Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2024 Preprint |
[390] Consistent smooth approximation of feedback laws for infinite horizon control problems with non-smooth value functions K. KUNISCH and D. VÁSQUEZ-VARAS Journal of Differential Equations 411(2024), 438–477 doi: 10.1016/j.jde.2024.08.010 Preprint |
[389] Numerical realization of the mortensen observer via a Hessian-augmented polynomial approximation of the value function T. BREITEN, K. KUNISCH, and J. SCHRÖDER SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 47(2025) doi: 10.1137/23M1613773 Preprint |
[388] Frequency-domain criterion on the stabilizability for infinite-dimensional linear control systems K. KUNISCH, G. WANG and H. YU to appear in Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2024 Preprint |
[387] Stabilizability for nonautonomous linear parabolic equations with actuators as distributions K. KUNISCH, S. S. RODRIGUES and D. WALTER ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, to appear, 2023 Preprint |
[386] Stabilization of uncertain linear dynamics: An offline-online strategy P. A. GUTH, K. KUNISCH and S. S. RODRIGUES to appear in Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2024 Preprint |
[385] First and second order optimality conditions for the control of infinite horizon Navier-Stokes equations E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH to appear in Optimization, 2024 Preprint |
[384] Ensemble Feedback Stabilization of Linear Systems P. GUTH, K. KUNISCH and S. S. RODRIGUES submitted, 2023 Preprint |
[383] Latent-space disentanglement with untrained generator networks for the isolation of different motion types in video data ABDULLAH, M. HOLLER, K. KUNISCH and M. S. LANDMAN Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 9th International Conference, SSVM, pages 326–338, 2023. Preprint |
[382] Optimal polynomial feedback laws for finite horizon control problems K. KUNISCH and D. VÁSQUEZ-VARAS Computers & Mathematics with Applications 148(2023), 113-125 doi: 10.1016/j.camwa.2023.08.004 Preprint |
[381] Learning optimal feedback operators and their sparse polynomial approximation K. KUNISCH, D. VÁSQUEZ-VARAS and D. WALTER J. Mach. Learn. Res., 24:Paper No. 301, 1-38, 2023 Preprint |
[380] Directional differentiability for shape optimization with variational inequalities as constraints V.A. KOVTUNENKO and K. KUNISCH SAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., 29:Paper No.64, 30, 2023 doi:10.1051/cocv/2023056 Preprint |
[379] Analysis of rhc for stabilization of nonautonomous parabolic equations under uncertainty B. AZMI, L. HERRMANN and K. KUNISCH Optimization 62(2042), 220-242, 2024 doi:10.1137/23M1550876 Preprint |
[378] Global stabilizability to trajectories for the Schlögl equation in a Sobolev norm K. KUNISCH and S.S. RODRIGUES Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 43:2457–2493, 2023. Preprint |
[377] Infinite horizon optimal control for a general class of semilinear parabolic equations E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH Appl. Math. Optim., 88(2):Paper No. 47, 36, 2023 doi: 10.1007/s00245-023-10006-4 Preprint |
[376] Optimal feedback control of dynamical systems via value-function approximation K. KUNISCH and D. WALTER Comptes Rendus Mécanique 351(S1),1-37, 2023 doi: 10.5802/crmeca.199 Preprint |
[375] Infinite horizon optimal control problems with discount factor on the state. Part II: Analysis of the control problem E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH SIAM J. Control Optim., 61(3):1438–1459, 2023 doi:10.1137/22M1490296 Preprint |
[374] Infinite horizon optimal control problems with discount factor on the state. Part I: Analysis of the controlled state equation E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH SIAM J. Control Optim., 61(3):1375–1393, 2023 doi:10.1137/22M1490272 Preprint |
[373] Improving the convergence rates for the kinetic Fokker-Planck equation by optimal control T. BREITEN and K. KUNISCH SIAM J. Control Optim., 61(3):1557–1581, 2023 doi:10.1137/22M1499698 Preprint |
[372] Boundary control of semilinear parabolic equations with non-smooth pointwise-integral control constraints in time-space E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH Proceedings of the 2022 American Control Conference, pages 284–289, 2022 doi: 10.23919/ACC53348.2022.9867749 |
[371] Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems for a Class of Semilinear Parabolic Equations E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 60(4):2070–2094, 2022 doi: 10.1137/21M1464816 Preprint |
[370] Shape derivative for penalty-constrained nonsmooth–nonconvex optimization: cohesive crack problem V. A. KOVTUNENKO and K. KUNISCH Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 194:597–635, 2022 doi: 10.1007/s10957-022-02041-y Preprint |
[369] Saturated feedback stabilizability to trajectories for the Schlögl parabolic equation B. AZMI, K. KUNISCH and S.S. RODRIGUES to appear in IEEE/Transactions on Automatic Control, 2023 doi: 10.1109/TAC.2023.3247511 Preprint |
[368] Total deep variation for linear inverse problems E. KOBLER, A. EFFLAND, K. KUNISCH and T. POCK IEEE/Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 44(12):9163–9180, 2022 doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3124086 Preprint |
[367] Continuous differentiability of the value function of semilinear parabolic infinite time horizon optimal control problems on L2(Ω) under control constraints K. KUNISCH and B. PRIYASAD Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 85:10, 2022 doi: 10.1007/s00245-022-09840-9 Preprint |
[366] On fast convergence rates for generalized conditional gradient methods with backtracking stepsize K. KUNISCH and D. WALTER Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, pp:1–29, 2022 doi:10.3934/naco.2022026 Preprint |
[365] Error estimates for the numerical approximation of optimal control problems with non-smooth pointwise-integral control constraints E. CASAS, K. KUNISCH and M. MATEOS IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, drac027, 2022 doi: 10.1093/imanum/drac027 Preprint |
[364] Design of the monodomain model by artificial neural networks S. COURT and K. KUNISCH Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 42(12):6031–6061, 2022 doi: 10.3934/dcds.2022137 Preprint |
[363] Optimal control of semilinear parabolic equations with non-smooth pointwise-integral control constraints in time-space E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 85:1–40, 2022 doi: 10.1007/s00245-022-09850-7 Preprint |
[362] Learning an optimal feedback operator semiglobally stabilizing semilinear parabolic equations K. KUNISCH, S.S. RODRIGUES and D. WALTER Applied Mathematics & Optimization 84, 277–318, 2021 doi: 10.1007/s00245-021-09769-5 Preprint |
[361] Optimal control of PDEs and FE-approximation E. CASAS, K. KUNISCH and F. TRÖLTZSCH Chapter 4 - optimal control of pdes and feapproximation. In E. Trélat and E. Zuazua, editors, Numerical Control: Part A, volume 23 of Handbook of Numerical Analysis, pages 115–163. Elsevier, 2022 doi: 10.1016/bs.hna.2021.12.004. |
[360] Optimal control of the linear wave equation by time-depending BV-controls: A semi-smooth Newton approach S. ENGEL and K. KUNISCH Mathematical Control & Related Fields, 10(3): 591-622, 2020 doi: 10.3934/mcrf.2020012 Preprint |
[359] Stabilization of nonautonomous parabolic equations by a single moving actuator B. AZMI, K. KUNISCH and S.S. Rodrigues Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 41(12): 5789-5824, 2021 doi: 10.3934/dcds.2021096 Preprint |
[358] Total deep variation for linear inverse problems E. KOBLER, A. EFFLAND, K. KUNISCH and T. POCK IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 7546-7555, 2020. doi: 10.1109/CVPR42600.2020.00757 Preprint |
[357] An inverse problem involving a viscous Eikonal equation with applications in electropysiology K. KUNISCH and P. TRAUTMANN Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 50:301–317, 2022 doi: 10.1007/s10013-021-00509-4 Preprint |
[356] Data-driven recovery of optimal feedback laws through optimality conditions and sparse polynomial regression B. AZMI, D. KALISE and K. KUNISCH Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22(48):1–32, 2021 online: Preprint |
[355] Optimal control of the two-dimensional evolutionary Navier-Stokes equations with measure valued controls E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH SIAM J. Control Optim., 59(3), 2223–2246, 2021 doi: 10.1137/20M1351400 Preprint |
[354] On the convergence and mesh-independent property of the Barzilai-Borwein method for PDE-constrained optimization B. AZMI and K. KUNISCH IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 42(4):2984–3021, 2021 doi: 10.1093/imanum/drab056 Preprint |
[353] Mixed and hybrid Petrov-Galerkin finite element discretization for optimal control of the wave equation G. PERALTA and K. KUNISCH Numerische Mathematik, 150:591–627, 2022 doi: 10.1007/s00211-021-01258-9 Preprint |
[352] Well-posedness of evolutionary Navier-Stokes equations with forces of low regularity on two-dimensional domains E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 27:61, 2021 doi: 10.1051/cocv/2021058 Preprint |
[351] Policy iteration for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations with control constraints S. KUNDU and K. KUNISCH Computational Optimization and Applications (COAP), 2021 doi: 10.1007/s10589-021-00278-3 Preprint |
[350] Neural network based nonlinear observers T. BREITEN and K. KUNISCH |
[349] Learning nonlocal regularization operators |
[348] Semiglobal optimal feedback stabilization of autonomous systems via deep neural network approximation K. KUNISCH and D. WALTER ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 21:16, 2021 doi: 10.1051/cocv/2021009 Preprint |
[347] Optimal control of the principal coefficient in a scalar wave equation C. CLASON, K. KUNISCH and P. TRAUTMANN Applied Mathematics and Optimization (AMOP) 84:2889–2921, 2021 doi: 10.1007/s00245-020-09733-9 Preprint |
[346] Inverse problem of breaking line identification by shape optimization. D. GHILLI, K. KUNISCH and V. KOVTUNENKO Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 28(1):119–135, 2019 doi: 10.1515/jiip-2019-0047 Preprint |
[345] Robust feedback control of nonlinear PDEs by numerical approximation of high-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equations. |
[344] Feedback stabilization of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations using generalized Lyapunov equations. |
[343] Tensor decompositions for high-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations S. DOLGOV, D. KALISE and K. KUNISCH SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(3):A1625-A1650, 2021 doi: 10.1137/19M1305136 Preprint |
[342] Analysis of a nonlinear fluid-structure interaction model with mechanical dissipation and delay G. PERALTA and K. KUNISCH Nonlinearity, 32(12):5110–5149, 2019 doi: 10.1088/1361-6544/ab46f5. Preprint |
[341] Variational networks: An optimal control approach to early stopping variational methods for image restoration |
[340] Time-optimal control based rf pulse design under gradient imperfections |
[339] Optimal control of an energy-critical semilinear wave equation in 3D with spatially integrated control constraints K. KUNISCH and H. MEINLSCHMIDT Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 138:46 – 87, 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.matpur.2020.03.006 Preprint |
[338] Sensitivity analysis of the value function for infinite dimensional optimal control problems and its relation to riccati equations. |
[337] The effect of the terminal penalty in receding horizon control for a class of stabilization problems K. KUNISCH and L. PFEIFFER ESIAM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 26(58), 2020 doi: 10.1051/cocv/2019037 Preprint |
[336] On a monotone scheme for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization with applications to fracture mechanics D. GHILLI and K. KUNISCH Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 183(2):609-641, 2019 doi: 10.1007/s10957-019-01545-4 Preprint |
[335] Using sparse control methods to identify sources in linear diffusion-convection equations. E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH Inverse Problems, 35(11):114002 (17pp), 2019 doi: 10.1088/1361-6420/ab331c Preprint |
[334] Feedback stabilization of the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations by value function approximation T. BREITEN, K. KUNISCH and L. PFEIFFER Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 80(3):599–641, 2019 doi: 10.1007/s00245-019-09586-x Preprint |
[333] A hybrid finite-dimensional RHC for stabilization of time-varying parabolic equations B. AZMI and K. KUNISCH SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 57(5):3496–3526, 2019 doi:10.1137/19M1239787. Preprint |
[332] Analysis of the Barzilai-Borwein step-sizes for problems in Hilbert spaces |
[331] Oblique projection based stabilizing feedback for nonautonomous coupled parabolic-ode systems |
[330] Analysis and finite element discretization for optimal control of a linear fluid-structure interaction problem with delay G. PERALTA and K. KUNISCH IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, dry070, 2018 doi: 10.1093/imanum/dry070 Preprint |
[329] Sparse and switching infinite horizon optimal control with nonconvex penalization D. KALISE, K. KUNISCH and Z. RAO ESIAM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 26(61), 2020 doi: 10.1051/cocv/2019038 Preprint |
[328] Time-optimality by distance-optimality for parabolic control systems |
[327] A bilevel approach for parameter learning in inverse problems G. HOLLER, K. KUNISCH and R.C. BARNARD Inverse Problems, 34(11):115012, 2018 doi: 10.1088/1361-6420/aade77 Preprint |
[326] Revisiting generalized FEM: a Petrov-Galerkin enrichment based FEM interpolation for Helmholtz problem V. KOVTUNENKO and K. KUNISCH Calcolo, 55(3):38, 2018 doi: 10.1007/s10092-018-0280-5 Preprint |
[325] Numerical study of polynomial feedback laws for a bilinear control problem T. BREITEN, K. KUNISCH and L. PFEIFFER Mathematical Control & Related Fields, 8(3-4):557–582, 2018 doi: 10.3934/mcrf.2018023 Preprint |
[324] Infinite-horizon bilinear optimal control problems: Sensitivity analysis and polynomial feedback laws T. BREITEN, K. KUNISCH and L. PFEIFFER SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 56(5):3184–3214, 2018 doi: 10.1137/18M1173952 Preprint |
[323] Inverse localization of earliest cardiac activation sites from activation maps based on the viscous Eikonal equation K. KUNISCH, A. NEIC, G. PLANK and P. TRAUTMANN Journal of Mathematical Biology, 79:2033–2068, 2019 doi: 10.1007/s00285-019-01419-3. Preprint |
[322] Optimal control of the two-dimensional stationary Navier-Stokes equations with measured valued controls E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 57(2): 1328–1354, 2019 doi: 10.1137/18M1185582 Preprint |
[321] Interface stabilization of a parabolic-hyperbolic pde system with delay in the interaction G. PERALTA and K. KUNISCH AIMS: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A (DCDS-A), 38(6):3055-3083, 2018 doi: 10.3934/dcds.2018133 Preprint |
[320] Optimal control problem for systems of conservation laws, with geometric parameter, and application to the shallow-water equations S. COURT, K. KUNISCH and L. PFEIFFER Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 21:273–311, 2019. doi: 10.4171/IFB/424. Preprint |
[319] Total variation regularization of multi-material topology optimization C. CLASON, F. KRUSE and K. KUNISCH ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 52(1):275–303, 2018 doi: 10.1051/m2an/2017061 Preprint |
[318] Explicit exponential stabilization of nonautonomous linear parabolic-like systems by a finite number of internal actuators K. KUNISCH and S. RODRIGUES ESIAM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 25:67, 2019 doi: 10.1051/cocv/2018054 Preprint |
[317] Frequency-spares optimal quantum control G. FRIESECKE, F. HENNEKE and K. KUNISCH AIMS: Mathematical Control & Related Fields, 8(1): 155–176, 2018. doi: 10.3934/mcrf.2018007 Preprint |
[316] Optimal actuator design based on shape calculus |
[315] Analysis of optimal control problems of semilinear elliptic equations by bv-functions E. CASAS and K. KUNISCH Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 27(2):355-379, 2019 doi: 10.1007/s11228-018-0482-7 Preprint |
[314] Optimal control of elliptic variational-hemivariational inequalities Z. PENG and K. KUNISCH JOTA (Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications), 178(1): 1-25, 2018 doi: 10.1007/s10957-018-1303-8 Preprint |
[313] Nonconvex penalization of switching control of partial differential equations |
[312] Taylor expansions of the value function associated with a bilinear optimal control problem T. BREITEN, K. KUNISCH and L. PFEIFFER Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire, 36(5):1361 – 1399, 2019 doi: 10.1016/j.anihpc.2019.01.001 Preprint |
[311] On the one-dimensional nonlinear monodomain equations with moving control |
[310] Simultaneous multislice refocusing by time-optimal control |
[309] Magnetic resonance RF pulse design by optimal control with physical constraints |
[308] On monotone and primal-dual active set schemes for lp-type problems, p ∈ (0,1] |
[307] A monotone scheme for sparsity optimization in lp with p ∈ (0,1] |
[306] Polynomial approximation of high-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations and applications to feedback control of semilinear parabolic PDEs |
[305] On the semi-global stabilizability of the Korteweg-de Vries equation via model predictive control |
[304] Boundary feedback stabilization of the monodomain equations |
[303] Hybrid optimal control problems for a class of semilinear parabolic equations |
[302] A reduction method for Riccati-based control of the Fokker-Planck equation |
[301] Optimal control for a class of infinite dimensional systems invloving an L∞ -term in the cost functional |
[300] Primal-dual active set strategy for large scale optimization of cardiac defibrillation C. NAGAIAH and K. KUNISCH Applied Mathematics and Computation 292: 178-193, 2017 doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2016.07.035 Preprint |
[299] Stabilization by sparse controls for a class of semilinear parabolic equations |
[298] Almost global existence of weak solutions for the nonlinear elastodynamics system with general strain energy |
[297] Control strategies for the Fokker-Planck equation |
[296] Optimal control of semilinear parabolic equations by BV-functions |
[295] Nonconvex penalization of switching control of partial differential equations |
[294] Infinite horizon sparse optimal control |
[293] PDE constrained optimization of electrical defibrillation in a 3D ventricular slice geometry |
[292] Feedback stabilization to non-stationary solutions of a class of reaction diffusion equations of FitzHugh-Nagumo type |
[291] A convex analysis approach to multi-material topology optimization |
[290] On the stabilizability of the Burgers' equation by receding horizon control |
[289] A convex penalty for switching control of partial differential equations |
[288] Local minimization algorithms for dynamic programming equations |
[287] Parabolic control problems in space-time measure spaces |
[286] Optimal control of the undamped linear wave equation with measure valued controls |
[285] Minimal time problem with impulsive controls |
[284] Compensator design for the monodomain equations |
[283] Time optimal control for a reaction diffusion system arising in cardiac electrophysiology a monolithic approach |
[282] A sequential method for a class of stable mathematical programming problems |
[281] Uniform convergence of the POD method and applications to optimal control |
[280] Ricatti-based feedback control of the monodomain equations with the FitzHugh-Nagumo model |
[279] Time optimal control of the monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology |
[278] Gautschi time-stepping approach to optimal control of the wave equation |
[277] Measure valued directional sparsity for parabolic optimal control problems |
[276] Robust l1 approaches to computing the geometric median and principal and independent components |
[275] A convex analysis approach to optimal controls with switching structure for partial differential equations |
[274] Application of optimal control to the cardiac defibrillation problem using a physiological model of cellular dynamics |
[273] A note on the existence of nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problems |
[272] Optimal feedback control of undamped wave equations by solving a HJB equation |
[271] On infimal convolution of total variation type functionals and applications |
[270] Boundary control of bidomain equations with state dependent switching source functions in the ionic model |
[269] Optimal control of semilinear elliptic equations in measure spaces |
[268] Lossy compression in optimal control of cardiac defibrillation |
[267] Bang-bang property of time optimal controls of Burgers equation |
[266] A bilevel shape optimization problem for the exterior Bernoulli free boundary value problem |
[265] Multi-bang control of elliptic systems |
[264] High precision identification of an object: optimality conditions based concept of imaging |
[263] A minimum effort optimal control problem for the wave equation |
[262] Optimal control with Lp(Ω), p ∈ [0,1), control cost |
[261] On boundary stimulation and optimal boundary control of the bidomain equations |
[260] A bilevel optimization approach for parameter learning in variational models |
[259] On time optimal control of the wave equation and its numerical realization as parametric optimization problem |
[258] On computation of the shape Hessian of the cost functional without shape sensitivity of the state variable |
[257] Parabolic control problems in measure spaces with sparse solutions |
[256] Optimal control of the bidomain system (III): Existence of minimizers and first-order optimality conditions |
[255] Time optimal control of the FitzHugh-Nagumo equation |
[254] Time optimal control of the heat equation with pointwise control constraints |
[253] Optimal control approach to termination of re-entry waves in cardiac electrophysiology |
[252] On free surface PDE constrained shape optimization problem |
[251] Approximation of elliptic control problems in measure spaces with sparse solutions |
[250] On time optimal control of the wave equation, its regularization and optimality system |
[249] Vortex control in channel flows using translation invariant cost functionals |
[248] A measure space approach to optimal source placement |
[247] A variational approach to sparsity optimization based on Lagrange multiplier theory |
[246] On shape sensitivity analysis of the cost functional without shape sensitivity of the state variable |
[245] Optimal control of the bidomain system (II): Uniqueness and regularity theorems for weak solutions |
[244] Primal-dual methods for the computation of trading regions under proportional transaction costs |
[243] Properties of L1-TGV2: The one dimensional case |
[242] A parallel Newton-Krylov method for optimal control of the monodomain model in cardiac electrophysiology |
[241] Optimal control of the bidomain system (I): The monodomain approximation with the Rogers-McCulloch model |
[240] A minimum effort optimal control problem for elliptic PDEs |
[239] Minimal effort problems and their treatment by semi-smooth Newton methods |
[238] Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions for non-smooth mathematical programming in function spaces |
[237] Algorithms for PDE constrained optimization |
[236] Shape design optimization for viscous flows in open channel with a bump and an obstacle |
[235] Novel concepts for nonsmooth optimization and their impact on science and technology |
[234] Semismooth Newton methods for an optimal boundary control problem of wave equations |
[233] Adaptive and higher order numerical solution for optimal control of monodomain equations in cardiac electrophysiology |
[232] An optimal L∞ state constraint problem |
[231] Obstacle problems with cohesion: A hemi-varitional inequality approach and its efficient numerical solution |
[230] Optimal control for an elliptic system with convex polygonal control constraints |
[229] Path-following for optimal control of stationary variational inequalities |
[228] Optimal control for elliptic systems with pointwise euclidean norm constraints on the controls |
[227] A duality-based splitting method for l1-TV image restoration with automatic regularization parameter choice |
[226] Sufficient optimality conditions and semi-smooth Newton methods for optimal control of stationary variational inequalities |
[225] Optimal control for an elliptic system with polygonal state constraints |
[224] Total generalized variation |
[223] Semismooth Newton methods for optimal control of the wave equation with control constraints |
[222] Semi-smooth Newton methods for time-optimal control for a class of ODEs |
[221] Adaptive finite element approximation for a class of parameter esimation problems |
[220] Optimal control of parabolic variational inequalities |
[219] Feedback solutions for a class of quantum control problems |
[218] Numerical solution for optimal control of the reaction-diffusion equations in cardiac electrophysiology |
[217] A duality-based approach to elliptic control problems in non-reflexive Banach spaces |
[216] A semismooth Newton method for L1 data fitting with automatic choice of regularization parameters and noise calibration |
[215] A Papkovich-Neuber-based numerical approach to cracks with contact in 3D |
[214] On the shape derivative for problems of Bernoulli type |
[213] PDE-constrained optimization subject to pointwise control and zero- or first-order state constraints |
[212] Optimal snapshot location for computing POD basis functions |
[211] Optimal control of coupled systems of PDE |
[210] Optimal control for multi-phase fluids stokes problems |
[209] Semi-smooth newton methods for the Signorini problem |
[208] Reduced order optimal control based on approximate inertial manifolds |
[207] A semi-smooth Newton method for solving elliptic equations with gradient constraints |
[206] Propagation and bifurcation of cracks based on implicit surfaces and discontinuous velocities |
[205] Approximate nullspace iterations for KKT |
[204] Optimal control of partial differential equations with affine control constraints |
[203] Asymptotic properties of feedback solutions for a class of quantum control problems |
[202] Stationary optimal control problems with pointwise state constraints |
[201] Constrained Dirichlet boundary control in L2 for a class of evolution equations |
[200] Trading regions under proportional transaction costs |
[199] Variational approach to shape derivates |
[198] Proper orthogonal decomposition for optimality systems |
[197] Constrained optimization for interface cracks in composite materials subject to non-penetration conditions |
[196] A semi-smooth Newton method for regularized state-constrained optimal control of the Navier-Stokes equations |
[195] On the choice of the cost functional for optimal vortex reduction for instationary flows |
[194] Optimal control for a stationary MHD system in velocity-current formulation |
[193] Inverse problems for elastohydrodynamic models |
[192] Shape differentiability of the solution to a fictitious domain formulation |
[191] Shape optimization and fictitious domain approach for solving free boundary problems of Bernoulli type |
[190] Optimal bilinear control of an abstract Schrödinger equation |
[189] Optimal control of obstacle problems by H1-obstacles |
[188] Feasible and non-interior path-following in constrained minimization with low multiplier regularity |
[187] Problem of crack perturbation based on level sets and velocities |
[186] Optimal cortex reduction for instationary flows based on translation invariant cost functionals |
[185] Convergence of the primal-dual active set strategy for diagonally dominant systems |
[184] A globalization strategy for the multigrid solution of elliptic optimal control problems |
[183] Optimal control of vortices control in non-homogeneous Navier-Stokes flows |
[182] Parabolic variational inequalities: The Lagrange multiplier approach |
[181] Generalized Newton methods for the 2D-Signorini contact problem with friction |
[180] Some suboptimal strategies for numerical realisation of large scale optimal control problems |
[179] On the semi-smooth Newton method and its globalization |
[178] A multigrid scheme for elliptic constrained optimal control problems |
[177] Non-smooth optimization for interface cracks in composite materials with non-penetration conditions |
[176] Path-following methods for a class of constrained minimization problems in function space |
[175] Reduced order control based on approximate inertial manifolds |
[174] Variational approach to shape derivatives for a class of Bernoulli problems |
[173] Suboptimal feedback control of flow separation by POD model reduction |
[172] POD-based feedback control of the Burgers equation by solving the evolutionary HJB equation |
[171] Receding horizon control with incomplete observations |
[170] Generalized Newton methods for crack problems with non-penetration condition |
[169] Semi-smooth Newton methods for a class of unilaterally constrained variational problems |
[168] Dynamical system based optimal control of incompressible fluids. Boundary control |
[167] A comparison of algorithms for control constrained optimal control of the Burgers equation |
[166] A semi-smooth Newton method for control constrained optimal control of the Navier Stokes equations |
[165] Total bounded variation regularization as bilaterally constrained optimization problems |
[164] Differentiability properties of the L1-tracking functional and application to the Robin inverse Problem |
[163] HJB-POD based feedback design for the optimal control of evolution problems |
[162] Denoising of smooth images using L1-fitting |
[161] A shape optimization approach to free boundary value problems |
[160] Tube methods for BV regularization |
[159] Dynamical Systems Based Optimal Control of Incompressible Fluids |
[158] The primal-dual active set method for a crack problem with non-penetration |
[157] Differentiability of the L1-tracking functional linked to the Robin inverse problem |
[156] Crank-Nicolson Galerkin proper orthogonal decomposition approximations for a general equation in fluid dynamics |
[155] A multigrid method for the optimal control of time-dependent reaction diffusion processes |
[154] Optimal control formulation for determining optical flow |
[153] Semi-smooth Newton methods for state-constrained optimal control problems |
[152] Shape optimization and fictitions domain approach for solving free-boundary value problems of Bernoulli type |
[151] The primal-dual active set method for nonlinear optimal control problems with bilateral constraints |
[150] Second order methods for boundary control of the instationary Navier-Stokes system |
[149] Semi-smooth Newton methods for variational inequalities of the first kind |
[148] Augmented Lagrangian active set methods for obstacle problems |
[147] Accuracy and convergence of the finite difference multigrid solution of an optimal control optimality system |
[146] Receding horizon control for infinite dimensional systems |
[145] The output least squares identifiability of the diffusion coefficient from an H1 - observation in a 34 2-D elliptic equation |
[144] The primal-dual active set strategy as a semi-smooth Newton method |
[143] An optimal control approach to optical flow computation |
[142] Galerkin proper orthogonal decomposition methods for a general equation in fluid dynamics |
[141] Level-set function approach to an inverse interface problem |
[140] On the regularization and the numerical treatment of the inf-sup condition for saddle point problems |
[139] On the structure of the Lagrange multiplier for state-constrained optimal control problems |
[138] An infeasible active set method for convex problems with simple bounds |
[137] On asymptotic properties of receding horizon optimal control |
[136] BV-type regularization methods for convoluted objects with edge-flat-grey scales |
[135] A multi-grid approach to the optimal control of solid fuel ignition problems |
[134] Galerkin proper orthogonal decomposition methods for parabolic systems |
[133] Active set strategy for constrained optimal control problems: the finite dimensional case |
[132] Three control methods for time-dependent fluid flow |
[131] The numerical solution of the steady state solid fuel ignition model and its optimal control |
[130] Second order methods for optimal control of time - dependent fluid flow |
[129] Optimal control of the solid fuel ignition model |
[128] Embedding domain technique representation of the gradient for some shape optimiation problems |
[127] Primal-dual active set strategy for a general class of constrained optimal control problems |
[126] Sub-optimal control of transient non-isothermal viscoelastic fluid flows |
[125] New results on the non-linearity and the sensitivity of the estimation of the diffusion coefficient in a 2D elliptic equation |
[124] Optimal control of the solid fuel ignition model with H1-cost |
[123] Control of Burgers' equation by reduced order approach using proper orthogonal decomposition |
[122] Primal-dual active set strategy for state constrained optimal control problems |
[121] Optimal control of stationary viscoelastic fluids |
[120] Optimal control |
[119] A comparison of a Moreau-Yosida based active strategy and interior point methods for constrained optimal control problems |
[118] Instantaneous control of backward facing step flow |
[117] Numerical gradients for shape optimization based on embedding domain techniques |
[116] Iterative choices of regularization parameters in linear inverse problems |
[115] On suboptimal control strategies for the Navier-Stokes equations |
[114] Some applications of BV functions in optimal control and calculus of variations |
[113] Optimal control of elliptic variational inequalities |
[112] Primal-dual strategy for constrained optimal control problems |
[111] Suboptimal control of fluid flows |
[110] Suboptimal control strategies for backward facing step flows |
[109] Newton's method for a class of weakly singular optimal control problems |
[108] Augmented-Lagrangian-SQP-techniques and their approximation |
[107] Nonoverlapping domain decomposition methods for inverse problems |
[106] Augmented Lagrangian algorithms for state constrained optimal control problems |
[105] Regularization of linear least squares problems by total bounded variation |
[104] Regularization by functions of bounded variation and applications to image enhancement |
[103] Primal-dual formulations for parameter estimation problems |
[102] Augmented Lagrangian techniques for elliptic state constrained optimal control problems |
[101] Shape optimization for mixed boundary value problems based on an embedding domain method |
[100] Estimation of the convection coefficient in elliptic equations |
[99] Augmented Lagrangian formulation of nonsmooth |
[98] Control and estimation of the boundary heat transfer function in Stefan problems |
[97] Numerical methods for parameter estimation problems |
[96] An active set strategy based on the augmented Lagrangian formulation for image restoration |
[95] Identifying the nonlinearity in a parabolic boundary value problem |
[94] On weakly nonlinear inverse problems |
[93] Augmented Lagrangian methods for non-smooth convex optimization in Hilbert spaces |
[92] Identification of nonlinear parabolic equations |
[91] MATLAB-Software for parametric estimation in two point boundary value problems |
[90] Augmented Lagrangian-SQP-methods for nonlinear optimal control problems of tracking type |
[89] Sequential and parallel splitting methods for bilinear control problems in Hilbert spaces |
[88] State space regularization: Geometric theory |
[87] Augmented Lagrangian SQP-methods in Hilbert spaces and application to control in the coefficients problems |
[86] Identifiability of spatially-varying parameters in distributed systems of parabolic type by continuous interior observations |
[85] On a class of damped Morozov principles |
[84] Identification of nonlinear elliptic equations |
[83] Estimation of the onductivity in the one-phase Stefan problem: Numerical results |
[82] Optimal a-posteriori parameter choice for Tikhonov regularization for solving nonlinear ill-posed problem |
[81] Convergence of Tikhonov regularization for constrained ill-posed inverse problems |
[80] Maximizing robustness in nonlinear illposed inverse problems |
[79] Sensitivity measures for the estimation of parameters in 1-D elliptic boundary value problems |
[78] Regularization in state space |
[77] Regularization of nonlinear illposed problems with closed operators |
[76] L1-identifiability of the transmissivity coefficient |
[75] Estimation of interfaces from boundary measurements |
[74] Estimation of conductivity in the one-phase Stefan problem I: Basic results |
[73] Parameter estimation in the Stefan problem |
[72] A Geometric theory for the L2-stability of the inverse problem in a 1-D-elliptic equation from H1-observations |
[71] Reduced SQP-methods for parameter identification problems |
[70] On the injectivity and linearization of the coefficient-to-solution mapping for elliptic boundary value problems |
[69] Sensitivity analysis for optimization problems in Hilbert spaces with bilateral constraints |
[68] Mathematical models for the elastic beam with structural damping |
[67] On the choice of the regularization parameter in nonlinear inverse problems |
[66] Convergence rates for regularized nonlinear illposed problems |
[65] On the choice of the regularization parameter using model functions |
[64] Sensitivity analysis of solutions to optimization problems in Hilbert spaces with applications to optimal control and estimation |
[63] Estimation of a boundary heat transfer coefficient |
[62] A numerical technique for the estimation of the diffusion coefficient in parabolic systems |
[61] Contributions to nonlinear inverse problems arising in parameter estimation for elliptic system |
[60] Estimation of a temporally and spatially varying diffusion coefficient in a parabolic system by an augmented Lagrangian technique |
[59] Stability and identifiability of parameters in Galerkin approximation of distributed systems under multiple inputs |
[58] Identifiability and stability of diffusion and restoring force in elliptic systems |
[57] Stability of perturbed optimization problems with application to parameter estimation |
[56] A numerical study of the augmented Lagrangian method for the estimation of parameters in elliptic systems |
[55] An augmented Lagrangian technique for variational inequalities |
[54] Rate of convergence for Galerkin and collocation approximations to the linear quadratic regulator problem for parabolic systems |
[53] Convergence rates for Tikhonov regularisation of non-linear ill-posed problems |
[52] Dual semigroups and structural operators for partial functional differential equations with unbounded operators acting on the delays |
[51] Regularity properties and strict complementarity of the output-least-squares approach to parameter estimation in parabolic systems |
[50] The augmented Lagrangian method for estimating the diffusion coefficient in an elliptic equation |
[49] Parameter estimation in a special reaction-diffusion system modelling man-environment diseases |
[48] The augmented Lagrangian method for parameter estimation in elliptic systems |
[47] On the shape of solutions of second order parabolic partial differential equations |
[46] Rate of convergence for the estimation of a coefficient in a two point boundary value problem |
[45] A survey of recent results on the output least squares formulation of parameter estimation problems |
[44] A reaction-diffusion system arising in modelling man-environment diseases: Basic theory |
[43] Output squares stability for estimation of the diffusion coefficient in an elliptic equation |
[42] A new approach to the stability analysis of parameter identification problems |
[41] The augmented Lagrangean method for equality and inequality constraints in Hilbert space |
[40] Output least squares stability in elliptic systems |
[39] Inherent identifiability of parameters in elliptic differential equations |
[38] A reaction-diffusion system modelling man-environment epidemics |
[37] Identifiability under approximation for an elliptic boundary value problem |
[36] Invariance results for infinite delay and Volterra equations in Besov-spaces |
[35] Regularity properties in parameter estimation of diffusion coefficients in elliptic boundary value problems |
[34] Output least squares stability for parameter estimation in two point value problems |
[33] Retarded abstract equations in Hilbert space |
[32] Approximation of feedback control for parabolic systems |
[31] Parameter identifiability under approximation |
[30] Parameter estimation for the Euler-Bernoulli beam |
[29] Parameter estimation, regularity and the penalty method for a class of elliptic problems |
[28] The linear regulator problem for parabolic systems |
[27] Parameter estimation for elliptic equations in multidimensional domains with point and flux observations |
[26] Stability for abstract linear functional differential equations |
[25] The parameter estimation problem for parabolic equations and discontinuous observation operators |
[24] Approximation of the state of infinite delay- and Volterra-type equations |
[23] L2-regularity for parabolic partial integrodifferential equations with delay in the highest order derivatives |
[22] The solution operator for a partial differential equation with delay |
[21] Approximation of the parameter identification problem in distributed systems |
[20] Age dependent population dynamics with diffusion |
[19] Necessary conditions for partial differential equations with delay to generate C0-semigroups |
[18] Cubic spline approximation techniques for parameter estimation in distributed systems |
[17] An approximation theory for nonlinear partial differential equations with applications to identification and control |
[16] Identification and estimation of parameters in abstract cauchy problems |
[15] Parameter estimation techniques for nonlinear distributed parameter systems |
[14] The Riccati integral equation arising in optimal control of delay differential equations |
[13] Approximation schemes for nonlinear neutral optimal control systems |
[12] Approximation schemes for the linear-quadratic optimal control problem associated with delay-equations |
[11] A semigroup approach to partial differential equations with delay |
[10] The quasi autonomous cauchy problem and the step method for functional differential equations |
[9] Approximation of optimal control problems for hereditary systems of neutral type |
[8] Mild and strong solutions for partial differential equations with delay |
[7] Spline approximations for neutral functional differential equations |
[6] Variation of constants formulas for partial differential equations with delay |
[5] Positive solutions of functional differential equations |
[4] Orderpreserving evolution operators of functional differential equations |
[3] Abstract cauchy problem and abstract integral equations for neutral functional differential equations |
[2] Neutral functional-differential equations in Lp-spaces and averaging approximations |
[1] Neutrale Funktional-Differentialgleichungen und Halbgruppentheorie |