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PhD Theses

PhD Student Title Date
Marco Catillo Dirac eigenmodes and symmetries in QCD May, 2019
Christian Rohrhofer Symmetries of QCD at high temperature Dec. 2018
Mikhail Denissenya Restoration of SU(2)L x SU(2)R x U(1)A and Emergence of SU(4) Symmetry in Hadrons July, 2015
Vasily Sazonov Chiral Symmetry Properties of Dense Matter and Excited States 2014


Master Theses

Master Student Title Date
Johannes Berchtold Spatial finite temperature meson and baryon correlators for non-interacting quarks in the continuum May, 2019
Christian Rohrhofer Symmetry and angular momentum content of low lying mesons Sept., 2015
Gernot Schaffernak Effective Chiral Symmetry Restoration in the Heavy-Light Meson Spectrum 2013


Assoz. Prof. Dr.

Leonid Glozman

Institut für Physik
Telefon:+43 316 380 - 5249

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