List of publications (by date):
APCC (2018). Österreichischer Special Report Gesundheit, Demographie und Klimawandel (ASR18), Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC), Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Österreich, 340 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-7001-8427-0, Downloads
Haas, W., Moshammer, H., Muttarak, R., Koland, O. (2018). Kapitel 1: Vorbemerkung: Ausgangspunkt, Grundsätze und Entstehung des Special Reports. In: Österreichischer Special Report Gesundheit, Demographie und Klimawandel (ASR18). Austrian Panel on Climate Change (APCC), Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Österreich, Seiten 6-22, ISBN 978-3-7001-8427-0, Download
- Behrens, D.A., Koland, O. and Leopold-Wildburger, U. (2018). Why local air pollution is more than daily peaks: modelling policies in a city in order to avoid premature deaths, Central European Journal of Operations Research 26:1-22, Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
- Bednar-Friedl, B., Behrens, D.A., Grass, D., Koland, O., Leopold-Wildburger, U. (2016). Handling the Complexity of Predator-Prey systems: Managerial Decision Making in Urban Economic Development and Sustainable Harvesting. In: Dawid, H., Doerner, K.F., Feichtinger, G., Kort, P.M., Seidl, A. (eds.), Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making, Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance, Vol. 22, pp. 127-148, Springer.
- Kulmer, V., Koland, O., Steininger, K.W., Fuerst, B., Kaefer, A. (2014). The interaction of spatial planning and transport policy: A regional perspective on sprawl. Journal of Transport and Land Use 7(1): 57-77.
- Schoenhart, M., Koland, O., Schmid, E., Bednar-Friedl, B., Mitter, H. (2013). Linking bottom-up and top-down models to analyze climate change impacts on Austrian agriculture. Jahrbuch der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fuer Agraroekonomie 22(2): 33-44, ISSN 1815-1027.
- Bednar-Friedl, B., Koland, O., Schmid, E., Schoenhart, M. (2012), Climate change impacts on and adaptation measures for agriculture in Austria in 2020: Linking bottom-up and topdown models. In: EcoMod Network (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Economic Modeling, Seville, July 2012.
- Koland, O., Meyer, I., Schoenhart, M., Schmid, E., Themessl, M. (2012). Regionalwirtschaftliche Auswirkungen von Massnahmen zur Anpassung und Minderung des Klimawandels im Agrarsektor. WIFO-Monatsberichte, Februar 2012, Heft 2/2012.
- Bednar-Friedl, B., Koland, O., Koenig, M., Raab, J. (2011). Die gesellschaftlichen Kosten von Anpassung: Ansaetze fuer eine Bewertung von Anpassungsoptionen (SALDO). Endbericht von StartClim2010.C , Wegener Zentrum, Universitaet Graz & Umweltbundesamt, Wien, 2011. In: StartClim 2010: Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Weitere Beitraege zur Erstellung einer Anpassungsstrategie fuer Oesterreich, Auftraggeber: BMLFUW, BMWF, BMWFJ, OeBF
- Bednar-Friedl, B., Koland, O., Steininger, K.W. (2011). Urban Sprawl and Policy Responses: A General Equilibrium Analysis of Residential Choice. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 54 (1), 145-168.
- Koland, O. (2010). Urban Sprawl and Policy Responses: A General Equilibrium Analysis of Residential Choice in a New Economic Geography Framework. Doctoral Thesis, University of Graz, October 2010
- Koland, O., Meyer, I., Schmid, E., Gobiet, A., Kletzan-Slamanig, D., Kettner, C., Loibnegger, T., Schmid, C., Trink ,T. (2010). Adequacy of Mitigation and Adaptation Options for a Case Study Region in Austria: The Case for Agriculture and Forestry. Global Change Report Series, Austrian Academy of Sciences, March 2010. ISBN Online: 978-3-7001-6860-7, doi: 10.1553/AMARA2010
- Koland, O., Steininger, K.W., Gobiet, A., Heinrich, G., Kettner, C., Kurzmann, R., Pack, A., Schmid, E, Themessl, M., Toeglhofer, C., Tuerk, A., Trink, T. (2008). Integrated Modelling of the Economy under Climate Change in Application of the Stern Review. In: StartClim2007. Impacts of Climate Change on Austria: Case Studies, H. Kromp-Kolb and I. Schwarzl (eds.). University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria [pp. 52], 27-30.
- Koland, O., Bednar-Friedl, B., Steininger, K.W., Gebetsroither, B. (2008). Spatial consumption-production structure and mobility related emissions. Global Change Report Series, Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2008. ISBN Online: 978-3-7001-3970-6, doi: 10.1553/spacon
- Koland, O., Niederl A., Steininger, K.W. (2006). Die Raumstruktur als verkehrspolitisches Instrument zur Minderung negativer Umweltwirkungen des Verkehrs in einer wachsenden Wirtschaft. Wirtschaftspolitische Blaetter 4/2006: 493-507.
- Koland, O., Steininger, K.W. (eds.) (2006). Spatial Dynamic Development and Environmental Sustainability. Final Report to the Science Fund of the Austrian National Bank, Project No. 11502, Sci. Rep. No. 13-2006 Wegener Center Verlag, ISBN 3-9502308-0-7, Graz, Austria.
- Koland, O., Bednar-Friedl, B. (2006). Urban Sprawl, Car-related Pollution and Settlement Structure: Insights From a Two-Region General Equilibrium Model. In EcoMod Network (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Regional Urban Modeling, Brussels, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, June 2006.
- Koland, O., Steininger, K.W., Gebetsroither, B., Schmid, C., Zakarias, G. (2006). New primary Road Transport Infrastructure and the Development of Spatial Distribution of Growth: A Spatial CGE Analysis for an Eastern Austrian Border Region. In EcoMod (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Regional and Urban Modeling, Brussels, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, June 2006.