Olivia Koland has expertise in applied climate impact research and climate change adaptation. A regional focus is on urban environmental policies and questions on quality of life. Lately, top priority on science & climate communication.
Reserach interests
- Science Communication, Climate Communication, Science to Public
- Urban and Regional Quality of Life, Organization of Space
- Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts
- SR Health (APCC Special Report "Health, Demography and Climate Change"), funded by KLI:EN, in cooperation with BOKU, MedUni Wien, ÖAW-VID, ZAMG, GÖG and CCCA, project co-lead and process management, 2017-2019,
- DYNAMO (Urban Development as Dynamic Economic System: Optimal Control, Behavioral Economics, Decision Aid), funded by OeNB, in cooperation with Uni Klagenfurt, work package lead, 2014-2015
- COIN (Cost of Inaction: Assessing Costs of Climate Change for Austria), funded by KLI:EN and FFG, in cooperation with 18 institutions of the Austrian climate change community, work package lead, 2013-2014,
- TRIOPOL (International Trade of Bio‐Energy Products – Economic Potentials for Austria), funded by FIW, in cooperation with BOKU, project lead, 2013
- Adapt2to4 (Adaptation costs - an economic assessment for prioritising adaptation measures and policies in a +2C to +4 C world), funded by KLI:EN, in cooperation with UBA, 2011-2013
- POSEIDON (Contriubtion tot the Austrian National Adaptation Stratgy in the field production & trade), funded by KLI:EN, 2011
- ADAPT.AT (Adaptation to Climate Change in Austria), funded by KLI:EN and FFG, in cooperation with BOKU and Joanneum Research, work package lead, 2009-2012
- SALDO (The Social Costs of Adaptation: Approaches for an Evaluation of Adaptation Options), funded by Austroclim (BMwAF, BMLFUW, BMWF), in cooperation with UBA, work package lead, 2010-2011
- ORD.EFF (Energy-efficient spatial structures: Evaluation of instruments and least-cost measures), funded by KLI:EN, in cooperation with Trafico, work package lead, 2008-2011
- SPACON+ (Spatial consumption-production structure and mobility related emissions), funded by OeAW, in cooperation with Uni Leuven, 2007-2008
- SUST.SPACE (Sustainable spatial planning and land use), funded by Regional Governement of Styria, in cooperation with Regionalmanagement Graz & GU, work package lead, 2007-2008
- TranSustSpace (Dynamic Infrastructure Development, Transport and Environmental Sustainability), funded by OeNB, in cooperation with Joanneum Research, Trafico & FH Joanneum, work package lead, 2006-2007
Olivia Koland
![Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Olivia Koland Mag. Dr.rer.soc.oec. Olivia Koland](