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I am not teaching this academic year, but here are some courses I have taught at Uni Graz Slawistik in the previous years, as University Assistant with Doctorate (2019-2022):

22S 515.319 Linguistik der slawischen Sprachen VO

22S 515.392 Sprachwissenschaftliches Bachelorseminar Russisch SE (Russian language in the Internet Era. Innovations concerning lexis, phraseology and word formations).

22S RUF.02402UB Phonetik und Phonologie des Russischen VU

515.094 Selected Topics in B/C/S Linguistics (The Argument Structure of the BCS Verb)

21W 515.094 Ausgewählte Themen der Sprachwissenschaft VO

21W RUA.01006UB Einführung in die Slawistik (Ringvorlesung) VO

22S 515.319 Linguistik der slawischen Sprachen VO

515.129 Selected Topics in Russian Linguistics (Principal verbal categories in Russian)

RUF.03389UB Grammatical Structures of the Russian Language

20S 515.071 Ukrainian in Contrast to Russian


Svitlana Antonyuk

Institut für Slawistik

+43 316 380 - 2524

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