Ancient Maritime World
The Ancient Maritime World takes a detailed look at maritime contexts of classical antiquity. It focuses on both the complexity of historical development as well as the underlying and determining factors in given cases. Early epochs such as the Mycenaean or Archaic times offered specific and, in many aspects, different conditions than, for example, the Roman Empire or Late Antiquity. And preceding socio-historical conditions, local natural space potential or technical know-how are just some of the other influencing factors. In any case, it is the sum of these diverse influences that led to the respective historical-cultural characteristics and to how classical antiquity evolved in general.
VI In Odysseus' Home Waters – Sept. 2023
This year's event leads from Lefkada to the Ionian Sea and the Gulf of Corinth between Isthmos, Elis and Actium. Since early Archaic times, this region has been a key area of maritime routes first of the Greek, later of the Greco-Roman world with the main route from the Aegean via Isthmos, the Corinthian Gulf and along the Epirotic coast to Magna Graecia and further west.
Previous Events
V The Doric Aegean and Crete (2022)
from/to Kos
IV The Peloponnese and the Sea (2021)
from/to Athens
III The Aegean from West to East (2020)
Athens to Kos
II The Dodecanese and Eastern Cyclades
from/to Rhodes
I En Route between the Cyclades
from/to Paros
Volker Grieb
Institute of Classics
Department of Ancient History and Epigraphy
Universitätsplatz 3/II
8010 Graz