Curriculum Vitae
2009 - 2015 | Doktoratsstudium, Dr. Phil., Indo-European Studies, University of Vienna. "Intra-Celtic Loanwords" Supervisor: Prof. Stefan Schumacher |
2003 - 2008 | Diplomstudium (= Research Master), Mag. Phil., Celtic Studies, University of Vienna. "Studien zu den Altbretonischen Glossen (Studies on the Old Breton glosses)" Supervisor: Prof. Stefan Schumacher |
Since April 2024 | Member of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Since July 2024 | Co-Speaker of the cluster "Temporal Dimensions of Multilingualism, Migration and Cultural Transformation" of the core topic Multilingualism, Migration and Cultural Transformation |
Experience in Linguistics & Digital Humanities
since 02/2025 | Assistant Professor for “Digital Historical Linguistics”, Department for Digital Humanities, University of Graz. |
since 06/2024 | Principal Investigator, Department for Digital Humanities, University of Graz. "Celtic and Latin glossing traditions: uncovering early medieval language contact and knowledge transfer" Funded: EU Horizon Europe ERC CONSOLIDATOR-GRANT #101123203 |
10/2023 - 05/2024 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Graz. Postdoctoral Researcher in the project "German Arithmetical Treatises in Manuscripts of the Late Middle Ages (1400-1522)" (Host: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) Funded: European Commission Research Executive Agency ERC Starting-Grant #101039572 Directed: Dr. Michaela Wiesinger |
09/2021 - 08/2023 | MSCA IF-Postdoctoral Fellow, Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Graz. Postdoctoral Researcher in project “Early Medieval Glosses And The Question Of Their Genesis: A Case Study On The Vienna Bede” Funded: European Commission Research Executive Agency Grant Agreement No. 101019035 — GLOSS-VIBE — H2020-MSCA-IF-2020 Mentor: Prof. Georg Vogeler |
10/2018 - 04/2021 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Early Irish, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland. Postdoctoral Researcher in the project “Chronologicon Hibernicum – A Probabilistic Chronological Framework for Dating Early Irish Language Developments and Literature” Funded: European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme Grant Agreement No. 647351 Directed: Prof. David Stifter |
10/2016 - 09/2018 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Early Irish, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland. Postdoctoral Researcher in the IRC funded project “Languages in Exchange: Ireland and her Neighbours” funded: Irish Research Council project ID: GOIPD/2016/174 |
05/2017 | Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow, Moore Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, Ireland. |
09/2016 - 05/2017 | Occasional Lecturer, Department of Early Irish, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland. |
09/2015 - 08/2016 | Research assistant, Department of Early Irish, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland. Research assistant for the project “Chronologicon Hibernicum” – see above. |
09/2015 - 05/2016 | Occasional Lecturer, Department of Early Irish, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland. |
11/2014 - 12/2014 | Occasional Lecturer, Department for Linguistics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. |
07/2013 - 10/2014 | Research fellow, Department for Linguistics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Research fellow im Projekt “Wörterbuch der altirischen Priscianglossen” (Dictionary of the Old Irish Priscian glosses) Funded: Austrian Science Fund (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, FWF) Grant Number: P 22859 Directed: Dr. Stefan Schumacher |
10/2013 - 02/2014 | Occasional Lecturer, Department for Linguistics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. |
09/2012 - 06/2013 | Visiting fellow, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland. Research for the PhD-Thesis under the supervision of Prof. David Stifter. Participation in seminars on Old Irish held by Prof. David Stifter at NUIM and Prof. Liam Breatnach at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. |
09/2010 - 10/2012 | Research fellow, Department for Linguistics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Sole research fellow for the project “Wörterbuch der altirischen Priscianglossen (Dictionary of the Old Irish Priscian glosses)” (P 22859) - see above. |
Experience in Archaeology
2006 - 2011 | I participated in different archaeological projects, e.g., for the Department for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (University of Vienna) in Sicily, the Department for Prehistory and Early History (University of Vienna) and the Department for History of Arts and Archeology (Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne) in France, and the Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut. |