Lectures & Presentations
The latest presentations and lectures by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Schwanecke.
Courses and Lectures
WS 2024/2025
- Introduction to Literary Studies I
- Introduction to Literary Studies II
- Cultural Studies Seminar (Crisis Culture(s)
- Specialized Topics in Anglophone Literary Studies (Children in Shakespeare – Children and Shakespeare)
SS 24
- Topics in Anglophone Literary Studies (From Doyle to Cumberbatch: Sherlock Holmes Narratives across the Media)
- Literary Studies Seminar (The Jacobean City Comedy)
- Genres/Periods of English Literature (A History of British Drama)
- Specialized Topics in Cultural Studies (The Musicalization of Poetry? Investigating the Intersections of Early Modern Sonnets and Music)
- Medien und Medialität: Fachwissenschaftliche Konzepte, Theorien und Methoden
Selected Presentations
- Digital ‘Shakespeariences:’ The inclusive potential of online translations of Shakespeare's comedy, Lausanne, 26.08.2024.
- Lockdown Theatre and #Tiny Play Challenge: Medial, Formal, and Social Affordances of Digital Theatre at Times of Enforced Individual and Institutional Restraints (and Beyond), Innsbruck, 05.05.2024.
- Theorising ‘Crisis Narratives’ and their Positive Cultural Impact, Newcastle, 18.04.2024.