Personal Interests
Briefly some selected main items...
- Art of Living: a&g and f&f life, society&more life, affectionate&passionate life
("Am Ende des Weges wird man mich fragen: Hast du gelebt? Hast du geliebt? Und ich werde, ohne etwas zu sagen, das Herz auftun, voll von Namen.", aus El tiempo y la espera/Die Zeit und die Hoffnung von Pedro Casaldaliga) - Art of Science: thinking, reading, soaring, focusing, hypothesizing, analyzing, synthesizing, discussing, working (hard if required), solving problems, celebrating summits
- Empower People: listen, learn, sense, appreciate, understand, encourage, strengthen, coach, mentor, unchain, protect, support, let develop, let creativity flow, let stay, let go, above all: love
- Politics: social and environmental policy, education, science, and technology policy, peace policy, power and justice issues, political decision making
- Sports: active daily life, kiesergym, walking, biking, hiking, skiing, swimming
- Recreation: sleeping (not necessarily alone), dreaming, relaxed being, relaxed doing ("Don't worry, be happy.")
Univ.-Prof. Dr.
Gottfried Kirchengast
Brandhofgasse 5, A-8010 Graz