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Young Forum OeJK

Young Forum of the Austrian Commission of Jurists (OeJK)

The Young Forum of the Austrian Commission of Jurists offers a Plattform for Young Scholars and Practitioners in all fields of law for dealing with current challenges of law and legal politics in public debate. The Forum contributes to the efforts of the Austrian Commission of Jurists (OeJK), advocating justice, the rule of law and fudamental rights. The Austrian Commission is the national section of International Commission of Jurists that was founded in 1952 and is located in Geneva. Activities of the Young Forum are accompanied by publications on the http://www.juwiss.de/category/junges-forum-oejk/JuWissBlog (mainly in German) to initiate broader discussion.


Climate Change and Human Rights

At the spring meeting of the Austrian Commission of Jurists 2022, three members of the Young Forum ÖJK gave lectures: Maria Bertel spoke on "Rights of Future Generations and Rights of Nature?" , Miriam Hofer shed light on "Climate protection obligations of the legislator" and Teresa Weber analyzed "Rationality and evidence-based legislation".

Law and Climate Change

Schwerpunkt des Jungen Forums ÖJK

Climate change poses many challenges to the law. On the occasion of the opening conference of ClimLaw: Graz (Research Center for Climate Law) in June 2020 at the University of Graz, the Junge Forum der Österreichischen Juristenkommission in cooperation with ClimLaw: Graz has designed a JuWiss-focus week. The various contributions illuminate the complex topic of "Law and Climate Change" from a variety of perspectives.


The contributions - and all other texts of the Young Forum ÖJK - can be read on the Juwiss-Blog. They can be found: here.

Treaty of Saint Germain - 100 Years later

In October, the Young Forum ÖJK was involved in a conference on the State Treaty of Saint Germain and its legacy for Austria and the protection of minorities 100 years after the signing of the treaty. For the Young Forum ÖJK Deva Zwitter (ICJ, The Hague) gave a lecture on the topic: The Minority Education System.

Parallel to the conference Prof. Dr. Péter Sólyom analysed the developments in Hungary and published a contribution on the CPD Policy Blog on the topic: The heritage of the Paris contracts and the autocracy in Hungary.


Family and Diversity

The annual spring conference of the Austrian Commission of Jurists (May 30th to June 1st) focused on "Family and Diversity". The Young Forum contributed with two presentations: Thomas Schoditsch spoke about fundamental rights in civil law and Jürgen Pirker analyzed power and violence in families and the state. Additionally, the Young Forum published a series of international articles regarding the general topic of the conference on the Juwiss-Blog.


Challenges of legal studies from the perspective of science and practice

On September 19th the Young Forum OeJK hosted an event dealing with the challenges of legal education. Structural issues of legal studies were discussed by experts and members of the Young Forum, focusing on requirements defined by science and legal practice. 

Program: here.

Data Protection and Privacy

The Young Forum contributed to the Conference of the Austrian Commission of Jurists from 31.5.-2.6. on "Data Protection and Privacy" (Programm) with a speech on an international agreement for the regulation of public observation by Dr. Oskar Gstrein (Gröningen). Additionally, the Young Forum published several articles on data protection on the Juwiss Blog for Young Science in Public Law.

New and Old Minorities

In October 2017, the Young Forum participated in a conference on "New and Old Minorities: Integration, Law and Politics". The Young Forum released a series of articles on the Juwiss-Blog, which deal with current challenges of minority protection in South Tyrol, Quebec and in international law.

Crisis of Liberal Democracy

In May 2017 the Young Forum contributes to the conference of the Austrian Commission of Jurists on the "Crisis of Liberal Democracy".

Legal Politics

The initial event of the Young Forum in Jannuary 2017 is dedicated to the question: "Shall Courts do Legal Politics? Addtionally, the president of the Austrian Commission of Jurists, gives a speech on the Austrian Constitutional Court and its judgements on national elections. Invitation

Steering Committee of the Young Forum OeJK

Dr.in Maria BERTEL


RA Dr. Michael HAIDER

Dr. Florian HERBST

Assoz. Prof. DDr. Jürgen PIRKER

Assoz. Prof. Dr. Thomas SCHODITSCH

RA Dr.in Alexia STUEFER

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Markus VAŠEK

Ass.-Prof.in Dr.in Teresa WEBER


Available Articles

Christoph Romirer, Abwägungsentscheidungen im Klimaschutzrecht – Interdisziplinäre Ansätze als Schlüssel zu erhöhter Akzeptanz?, juwiss 2020.

Miriam Karl, Recht im (Klima-)Wandel: Zum Schutz „legitimer Erwartungen“ in der Klimakrise, juwiss 2020.

Louisa Parks, Community Protocols and local community participation in international environmental law, juwiss 2020.

Carlotta Garofalo, The strategic role of Courts in advancing climate policy, juwiss 2020.

Andreas Gutmann, The Ecuadorian Chevron Judgement: Blueprint for a neoconstitutional environmental law?, juwiss 2020.

Markus Scharler, Absiedlung als raumbezogene Anpassungsmaßnahme an den Klimawandel?, juwiss 2020.

Julian Pekler, Retten Öko-Bonds die europäische Wirtschaft aus der Corona-Krise?, juwiss 2020.

Isabel Staudinger, Der europäische Grüne Deal: Übergang zu Klimaneutralität und nachhaltiger Entwicklung unter Einhaltung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit, juwiss 2020.

Lydia Omuko-Jung, A. WTO Rules on Border Carbon Adjustment for the EU ETS: Key GATT Principles, juwiss 2020.

Maria Bertel, Editorial zum Schwerpunkt „Recht und Klimawandel“, juwiss 2020.

Péter Sólyom, Das Erbe der Pariser Vororteverträge und die Autokratie in Ungarn, CPD Policy Blog 2019.

Dorjana Bojanovska Popovska, Faith organizations actors in the legislative process? Abortion laws and the “firm no” in the case of North Macedonia, juwiss 2019.

Hannah Mautner, Ehe für alle auf Österreichisch, juwiss 2019.

Oskar J. Gstrein, Family and Children in the Digital Age: Creating a safe online environment for children, juwiss 2019.

Monika Stempkowski, Zwischen Tradition und Aufgeschlossenheit – Veränderungen in den Wertvorstellungen der Österreicher/innen zu familienbezogenen Fragen seit den 1990er-Jahren, juwiss 2019.

Pin Lean Lau, The Impact of the Family Unit on Reprogenetics, juwiss 2019.

Thomas Schoditsch, JuWiss-Schwerpunktwoche anlässlich der ÖJK-Tagung 2019 – „Familie und gesellschaftliche Diversität“, juwiss 2019.

Judith Sikora/Jürgen Pirker, Die Welt im Datenrausch: JuWiss-Schwerpunktwoche zum Datenschutzrecht, juwiss 2018.

Christopher Giogios, Zu Gast bei Freunden? Übermittlung von Gewalttäter Sport-Datensätzen an russische Behörden im Zuge der WM 2018, juwiss 2018

Stefan Kieber, Datenschutzrecht und Privatsphäre: Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte stärkt Rechte des Einzelnen, juwiss 2018.

Felix Krämer, Das EU-Datenschutzpaket – über große Schritte und verpasste Chancen, juwiss 2018.

Verena-Maria Niedrist, Privacy Shield - das Wiederaufflammen von Safe Harbor?, juwiss 2018.

Sebastian Piecha, Von Straßburg nach Steinheim: Das neue Datenschutzrecht in nordrhein-westfälischen Kommunen, juwiss 2018.

Bartholomäus Regenhardt, DSGVO = Vision, Illusion oder Fiktion? Interesse der Betroffenen!, juwiss 2018

Peter Ivankovics, Sanfte Steuerung oder manipulative Beeinflussung? Zur Möglichkeit von Grundrechtseingriffen durch Nudging, juwiss 2018.

Anna Schimke, Datenschutz- oder Äußerungsrecht? Zur Rolle des Medienprivilegs im Internet, juwiss 2018.

Oskar Gstrein, Surveillance, Security, Privacy: What direction to reach the end of the tunnel?, juwiss 2018.

Stefan Kieber, Wichtige jüngere Urteile des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte zum Datenschutz und zum Schutz der Privatsphäre, juwiss 2018.

Félix Mathieu, Fragile Nations and Interculturalism: The Case of Québec, juwiss, 2017.

Roberta Medda-Windischer, The Nexus between Old and New Minorities, juwiss, 2017.

Marc Röggla, Der Autonomiekonvent: Südtirol auf dem Weg zu einem partizipativen Autonomiestatut?, juwiss, 2017.

Daniela Pichler, Leben und Zusammenleben der Sprachgruppen in Südtirol. Auswirkungen von Autonomie und Minderheitenschutz auf Schule und Bevölkerung, juwiss, 2017.

Jürgen Pirker, „Alte“ und „neue“ Minderheiten – alte und neue Herausforderungen für Recht und Politik, juwiss, 2017.

Aiste Myckonite, Russia’s Standoff with Europe: Contemporary Dilemmas of International and Constitutional Law. Discussion at the University of Graz, juwiss, 2017.

Daniel Toda Castan, Spanien und Katalonien in der Verfassungskrise, juwiss, 2017.

Markus Scharler, Der Soldat folgt - aber wem?, juwiss, 2017.

Claudia Wutscher, Gibt es eine Einstandspflicht bei finanziellen Krisen von Bundesländern?, juwiss, 2017.

Theresa Weber, Krise der liberalen Demokratie - ein Thema (nicht nur) der Österreichischen Juristenkommission, juwiss, 2017.

Eva Schulev-Steindl und Rudolf Müller, Wenn die Gerichte Rechtspolitik machen, diepresse.com, 2017.

Junges Forum ÖJK, Fünf Fragen an ... Dr. Rudolf Müller, juwiss, 2017.

Thomas Schoditsch, Gerichte als rechtspolitische Akteure, juwiss, 2017.

​Jürgen Pirker, Rechtspolitik durch Gerichte und Wahlen vor dem Verfassungsgerichtshof, juwiss, 2017.

Further Information and Contact

Univ.-Prof. MMag. DDr.

Jürgen Pirker

Institute for Public Law and Political Science

Phone:+43 316 380 - 7412

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