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Curriculum Vitae




Scientific career

WS 2019/20 substitute professor at the Faculty of Biology, University of Freiburg


lecturer at the Institute of Zoology, University of Graz

2005- 2012 

student assistant and contributing lecturer for various morphological/anatomical courses at the Institute for Zoology, University of Graz
2007- 2011 Doctoral thesis „Studies on the intra- and interspecific variability of scutacarid mites (Acari, Heterostigmatina)” University of Graz, supervision Prof. Dr. Ernst Ebermann, graduation 15.12.2011
2007 Research associate for the project “Evolutionary history and population structure in European Scutoverticidae”
2004- 2007 Master thesis “Untersuchungen zur Ultrastruktur der mechanosensitiven Ausstattung von Imparipes (Sporichneuthes) dispar RACK, 1964 (Acari, Tarsonemina)” University of Graz, supervision Prof. Dr. Ernst Ebermann, graduation 27.02.2007
2000- 2004 Bachelor study “Behaviour” at the University of Graz; graduation 10.08.2004


Further education

2017           Course "Didactical Basics- Teaching and learning in higher education", University of Graz
2015 ERASMUS+ Staff Training (Acarology) in Valencia
2014 ERASMUS+ Staff Training Week (Spanish language course) in Valencia
  Course “Teaching in English”, University of Graz
  Course “Anleiten, Begleiten und Bewerten studentischer Arbeiten” (How to supervise students’ works), Schreibzentrum Graz
2013 Course “Teaching in English”, University College Dublin


 Academic awards and grants

2016           Recognition Award for the project “Videounterstütztes Sezieren von Ratten” (Video-aided dissection of rats), ELCH (E-learning champion) for excellent performance of teachers, University of Graz
  Grant for a short-term project (digitalization of file cards from the collection of Carl Bader at the Museum of Natural History in Basel, Switzerland), foundation PAB/Pro Acarologia Basiliensis
2010 Financial support for the project „Artabgrenzung und Phylogenie der Milbenfamilie Scutacaridae“ (Species delimitation and phylogeny of the mite family Scutacaridae), Government of Styria
2005, 2009 grants for participation at congresses, for excellent students and for outstanding female doctorate students, University of Graz


Section Editor for the following journal



Service as reviewer for the following scientific journals


Entomological Reviews

Experimental and Applied Acarology

International Journal of Acarology

Systematic and Applied Acarology




Mag. Dr. Julia Baumann


Universitätsplatz 2 A-8010 Graz
Telefon:+43 (0)316 380 - 8753


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