Präsentationen (seit 09/2021)
Bauer, Bernhard
The Joy of a Breeze: Rudolf Thurneysen and Intra-Celtic Loanwords. Bonn. 31.08.2024..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
‘Come Together’: Organising Knowledge Transmitted in Late Medieval and Early Modern Arithmetical Texts. Leeds, United Kingdom. 01.07.2024..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
ORF Wissenswert"Postings aus dem Mittelalter: Randbemerkungen in Handschriften". In: ORF Steiermark Heute. 28.02.2024.
Transfer: Beitrag in den Medien -
Bauer, Bernhard
Early Medieval Priscian Manuscripts as Scholarly Networks: The manuscripts at the Herzog August Bibliothek and their Celtic counterparts. Wolfenbüttel. 11.09.2023..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard; Mansutti, Sara (READ coop); Parina, Elena (Universität Bonn)
Palaeography workshop: Handwritten Text Recognition meets Celtic Studies: An Introduction to Transkribus. Utrecht. 27.07.2023..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
‘I’m looking through you’: editing and analysing the Vienna Bede. Utrecht. 27.07.2023..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
The Gloss-ViBe model: editing the Vienna Bede. Graz. 05.05.2023..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
‘All I've Got To Do’: Applying DNA-Sequencing Methods On Early Medieval Glossing Traditions. Wien. 12.04.2023..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
Gloss-ViBe: Early Medieval Glosses and the Digital Humanities. Graz. 2023..
Forschung: Poster -
Bauer, Bernhard
‘That’ll be the day’: Analysing Celtic and Latin parallel glosses on Bede’s computistical works. School of Celtic Studies of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. 18.11.2022..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
When Celtic Studies meet the Digital Humanities: Gloss-ViBe. University of Pavia. 08.09.2022..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
With a little help from DH: Researching Medieval Glossed Corpora in the 21stcentury. Leeds. 06.07.2022..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
Tell me what you see: automatic detection of parallel glosses. Wien. 23.05.2022..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
Gloss-ViBe. Graz. 14.05.2022..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
Keltologie und Digital Humanities. Graz. 06.05.2022..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
Gloss-ViBe: The Continuing Story of Celtic Studies & Digital Humanities . Graz. 19.01.2022..
Forschung: Vortrag > Hauptbeitrag -
Bauer, Bernhard
Early Medieval Glosses And The Question Of Their Genesis: A Case Study On The Vienna Bede (Gloss-ViBe). Potsdam. 2022..
Forschung: Poster -
Bauer, Bernhard
Gloss-ViBe: Ein (weiterer) Schritt zu einer digitalen Keltologie. Köln (virtuell). 22.09.2021..
Forschung: Vortrag > Beitrag
Präsentationen (bis 09/2021)
17/06/2021 | “Corpus PalaeoHibernicum – a deeply annotated lexicographic database of Early Irish’’ ICHLL11: 11th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, Universidad de La Rioja, Logroño, Spain, 16–18 June 2021. Together with David Stifter, Elliott Lash, Fangzhe Qiu and Nora White. |
15/06/2021 | “An Introduction to Corpus PalaeoHibernicum (CorPH), a lexicographic database of Old Irish’’ (Invited speaker) Celtic Languages Annual Research Symposium and Collaboration Hub (CLARSACH) 2021 as part of the AHRC Centre for Doctoral Training, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 15–17 June 2021. Together with David Stifter and Nora White. |
28/05/2021 | “Where Parallels Meet: Early Medieval Celtic and Latin Glosses’’ Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts: Texts, Scribes, and Patrons, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland, May 28, 2021. |
20/05/2021 | Launch of Corpus PalaeoHibernicum CorPH Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland. Together with David Stifter, Fangzhe Qiu and Elliott Lash. |
22/01/2021 | “(Semi) Automatised transcription of medieval manuscripts: Optical Character Recognition & Handwritten Text Recognition’’ (Invited speaker) Workshop: Representing Texts: From Material to Digital, Maynooth University, Ireland, January 21–22, 2021. |
22/01/2021 | “Corpus PalaeoHibernicum’’ Workshop: Representing Texts: From Material to Digital, Maynooth University, Ireland, January 21–22, 2021. Together with David Stifter, Fangzhe Qiu, Elliott Lash and Godstime Osarobo. |
18/09/2020 | “Distant Reading of Glossed Corpora: Stylometry and Network Analysis’’ (Invited speaker) Workshop: Glossing in Celtic Contexts, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA, September 18–19, 2020. |
05/02/2020 | “ChronHib, CorPH and the Corphusator: building an Early Irish corpus’’ (Invited speaker) Invited lecture at Insight, SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics, NUI Galway, Ireland. |
14/01/2020 | “Interpreting Early Medieval Glosses as scholarly and intellectual networks’’ (Invited speaker) Workshop: Literary, Historical, and Cultural Networks at Maynooth University, Ireland, January 14, 2020. |
15/11/2019 | “Translating glosses and ideas in Irish Priscian manuscripts’’ Tionól of the School for Celtic Studies at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland, November 14–16, 2019. Together with Victoria Krivoshchekova. |
22/07/2019 | “How to tag an Old Irish word’’ The XVIth International Congress of Celtic Studies, Bangor University, Wales, July 22–26, 2019. |
06/06/2019 | “‘Are you suggesting that glosses migrate?’ – The ‘Celtic’ Orosius Glosses’’ Glossing from a comparative perspective, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, June 6–7, 2019. |
15/05/2019 | “Of seagulls and unmarried men: Strata in the Old Irish Priscian glosses’’ XI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus – XI International Conference on Corpus Linguistics, València, Spain, May 15–17, 2019. |
02/11/2018 | “Introducing Chronologicon Hibernicum’’ EuroMED 2018, Nicosia/Λευκωσία, Cyprus, October 29 – November 3, 2018. |
09/10/2018 | “Fantastic glosses and where to find them’’ IGNITE Maynooth University: ENLIGHTEN US BUT MAKE IT QUICK! as part of Maynooth University’s Research Week 2018, Maynooth, Ireland, October 8–12, 2018 |
03/07/2018 | “Bede’s home for peculiar glosses” 25th International Medieval Congress, Leeds, England, July 2–5, 2018. |
28/06/2018 | “The interrelationships of the ‘Celtic’ De Temporum Ratione manuscripts” (Invited speaker) 7th Galway International Conference on the Science of Computus, Galway, Ireland, June 27–29, 2018. |
21/06/2018 | “Before every book its title: Explanatory glosses in the St Gall Priscian” Glossing cultural change: Comparative perspectives on manuscript annotation, c. 600–1200 CE, Galway, Ireland, June 21–22, 2018. |
14/06/2018 | “Wer glossiert so spät durch Nacht und Wind?” (Invited speaker) Vorträge der Linguistik-AG, Universität Marburg, Germany. |
25/05/2018 | “‘Welch ausgebreitete Sprachkenntniß!’: Zweisprachige Glossen zu Beda Venerabilis” (Invited speaker) Fast Forward into the Past: Celtic Studies 2.0 Interdisziplinäres Symposium der Wiener Keltologie, Universität Wien, Austria, May 25–26, 2018. |
09/03/2018 | “You know my name (look up the language): Non-Irish personal names in the Annals of Ulster” 40th Annual UC Celtic Studies Conference & Annual Meeting of the Celtic Studies Association of Northern America (CSANA), University of California, Los Angeles, USA, March 8–11, 2018. |
15/02/2018 | “‘Although we might not see it’: The interconnections between the Celtic glossed manuscripts of Bede’s De Temporum Ratione” (Invited speaker) Maynooth Early Irish & Celtic Studies Research Seminar, Maynooth, Ireland |
06/10/2017 | “Language Contact in the Celtic Glossing Tradition” 37th Annual Harvard Celtic Colloquium, Cambridge, MA, USA, October 6 – 8, 2017. |
01/09/2017 | “Close Encounters of the Linguistic Kind: The Celtic Glossing Tradition” (Invited speaker) New Approaches to Brittonic Historical Linguistics, Dublin, Ireland, August 31 – September 1, 2017. |
01/08/2017 | “The potential and the limitations of the digital era: A case study on the Old Irish glosses in the Vienna Bede” Second European Symposium in Celtic Studies, Bangor, Wales, July 31 – August 3, 2017. |
29/06/2017 | “Bede for someone rather less skilled in calculation” 31st Irish Conference for Medievalists, Maynooth, Ireland, June 29 – July 1, 2017. |
23/08/2016 | “Rituelles Essen als Spiegel der frühirischen Gesellschaft” IFK-Sommerakademie 2016: Hunger, Essen und Askese (Hunger, Food, and Asceticism, Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften an der Kunstuniversität Linz (International Institute for Cultural Studies at the University of Art and Design Linz) , Maria Taferl, Austria, Aug 21–27, 2016. |
01/07/2016 | “Observations on the date of Story of the abbot and the devil” 30th Irish Conference for Medievalists, Maynooth, Ireland, June 30 – July 2, 2016. |
16/07/2015 | “Dictionary of the Old Irish Priscian Glosses – A Résumé” 15th International Congress of Celtic Studies, Glasgow, Scotland, July 13–17, 2015. |
22/05/2015 | “Ulster Scots & Irish Studies in the 21st Century” “…bis uns der Himmel auf den Kopf fällt.”, Interdisziplinäres Symposium der Wiener Keltologie, Vienna, Austria, May 22, 2015. |
17/11/2014 | “An introduction to Ulster-Scots: Language and Literature” (Invited speaker) Held as a part of Cultural Studies – MA M01 – Irish Studies: An Introduction (Prof. Werner Huber) at the department of English (University of Vienna, Austria). |
18/10/2014 | “Irish loanwords in Breton” 1st Poznan Conference of Celtic Studies, Department of Celtic Languages and Literatures at the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, Oct 18–19, 2014. |
25/08/2014 | “Mittelalterliche keltischsprachige Glossenliteratur zu lateinischen Werken als Ausgangspunkt einer muttersprachlichen Beschäftigung mit Sprache” IFK-Sommerakademie 2014: Übersetzung als Kulturtechnik (Translation as cultural technique), Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften an der Kunstuniversität Linz (International Institute for Cultural Studies at the University of Art and Design Linz) , Maria Taferl, Austria, Aug 24–30, 2014. |
10/05/2014 | “Why did Stokes and Strachan leave glosses untranslated in the Thesaurus Palaeohibernicus?” (Invited speaker) Teangeolaíocht na Gaeilge XVI, Maynooth University, Ireland, May 9–10, 2014. |
01/12/2013 | “The deleting of glosses in the Priscian manuscripts” Imbas 2013: “Destruction, Renewal …and back again?”, National University of Ireland, Galway, Nov 29 – Dec 1, 2013. |
14/11/2013 | “Innerkeltische Lehnwörter im Bereich der Religion und Magie” 1. Grazer Kolloquium zur Indogermanischen Altertumskunde: “Der antike Mensch im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ritual und Magie”, Karl-Franzens-Universtität Graz, Austria, November 14–15, 2013. |
08/08/2013 | “Etymologien an der irisch-britannischen Kontaktzone” Erstes Europäisches Keltologie-Symposium, Universität Trier, Germany, August 5–9, 2013. |
06/04/2013 | “Intra-Celtic loanwords in the field of magic” (Invited speaker) Magic Moments in Maynooth, Maynooth University, Ireland, April 6, 2013. |
16/11/2012 | “British loanwords in the Old Irish Priscian Glosses” Tionól of the School for Celtic Studies at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland, November 16–17, 2012. |
02/08/2011 | “A dictionary of the Old Irish Priscian glosses” 14th International Celtic Studies Congress, National University of Maynooth, Ireland, August 1–5, 2011. |