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Gattringer, Christof, Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat.

I am currently on leave from my position as Professor for Theoretical Physics to serve as the president of the Austrian Science Fund FWF.


In my scientific work I am studying lattice quantum field theories with a focus on developing new techniques based on worldline representations and density of states methods. Both techniques provide powerful new tools to deal with aspects of lattice field theories that are notoriously difficult to handle due to complex action problems, such as topological terms and quantum field theories at finite density.

List of all publications:

Univ. Prof. Dr.

Christof Gattringer

Professor for Theoretical Physics (on leave)

Institute of Physics
Universitätsplatz 5
8010 Graz

Univ. Prof. Dr.

Christof Gattringer


FWF Austrian Science Fund
Sensengasse 1
1090 Vienna

Mobil:+43 1 505 67 40 8100

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