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Presentations and posters

2015: ISS 8: Congress of International Symbiosis Society (Lisbon, Portugal, July 12-18, 2015). Chair in Session: Lichen Symbionts: Marriage, Divorce, and Domestic Partnership (together with William Sanders) Stocker-Wörgötter, E., Grube; M. (2015) Ancestral aquatic life forms conquering terrestrial environments. International Symbiosis Society Congress (ISS Congress), Lissabon (Portugal), July 12-18, 2015. Poster.  

2014: Seminary (with Students): Università degli Studi di Trieste: May 15-17: Stocker-Wörgötter,E. :Culturing Mycobionts and Photobionts. Part 1.Chemical Analyses and Decoding PKS genes of lichen-forming fungi as exemplified by species of the genus Xanthoparmelia (+ Part2:Xanthoparmelia sp. in Western Australia and Tasmania). Oral presentations.   Lecture (University of Genova, ILS Workshop 10.6.-13.6. 2014): Photosymbiodemes: mycobiont genetics and secondary metabolism (Pkss and Pks genes). Oral presentation.  

2013: Invited conference and presentation; University of Innsbruck, Institute of Pharmacagnosy (18.11.2013): Culture of lichen fungi, lichen substances and decoding of PKSs.  

2012: 1. Invited Conference and workshop: University of Leiden (Netherlands): 6.3.-8.3. 2012.Oral presentations: 1. Lichen Biology and Nutritional Physiology. 2. Lichens on sculptures and monuments. (Kluyver Centre of Genomics).   IAL7 (International Symposium of the International Lichen Association – Lichen Society Bangkok, Thailand, January 9-13) 1. Stocker-Wörgötter, E.: Gaining new insights into Lichen Secondary Metabolism: Ecological factors trigger chemosyndromic variation within species of the genus Xanthoparmelia and novel techniques to decipher the genetic potential of polyketide biosynthesis in a metabolite producing mycobiont. (IAL7, Bangkok, Thailand, January 9-13). Lecture in Focus-Session. 2. Hametner, C., Stocker-Wörgötter, E.: Chemical Analyses and molecular studies of selected cetrarioid lichens (Parmeliaceae) and their cultured mycobionts. (IAL7, Bangkok, Thailand, January 9-13). Poster 3. Hametner, C., Stocker-Wörgötter, E.: Molecular evolution of Lichenized Trentepohliales collected in diverse habitats. (IAL 7, Bangkok, Thailand, January 9-13). Poster   6th  Annual Meeting of Nobis (Network of Biological Systematics Austria, November 30 - December 1, 2012, Landesmuseum Klagenfurt, Österreich. Hametner, C., Stocker-Wörgötter, E.: Detailed examination of the systematic combination and evolution within Trentepohlian algae living in symbiosis with ascomycetes. (invited conference; Nobis, Klagenfurt). Oral presentation.      

2011: Stocker-Wörgötter E. , Grube, M: Relationships between soils in alpine ecosystems: architectures, bio-complexity, and dynamics of cryptogamic and microbiotic soil crusts (Plenarvortrag), Bukarest, International Conference, Environment-Landscape -European Identity (November 4-6, 2011)Young lichenologists' Workshop (University of Graz), Graz, July 20-23,2011. Culture methods for Lichens and Lichen Symbionts (Diskussionsforum). Fontaine, K., Stocker-Wörgötter, E.: Population structure of an ‘aquatic’ lichen Dermatocarpon luridum and its photobiont within and between continents. (Vorstellung der Masterarbeit, Presentation, Seminary at the Department of Organismic Biology, Salzburg). 

2010:Invitation for a conference (Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Graz): Micro-ecosystems on the 5th continent: Flora and lichens of Australia. Field and laboratory studies. (March 16th, 2010). Invitation as major lecturer and co-ordinator of  the Workshop at the Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio, San José, Heredia, Costa Rica) on Ecophysiology of tropical lichens. 4 presentations: Isolation, Culturing and Identification of lichen mycobionts and Secondary Metabolite Production (February 1-12, 2010). 17 participants. IMC 9 (International Mycological Congress, Edinburgh, August 1-6, 2010): Modulating culture conditions for production of particular polyketides: Studying  pks genes and polyketide pathways in lichen-forming fungi with Trentepohlia photobionts.(oral presentation).

2009 Invitation to the Fungal Genomics and Metagenomics Workshop, bringing Ecology and Evolution of Fungi  ahead  (Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research and DFG; Halle, Germany), November 23- 24, 2009. Presentation. Participation in ISS (International Symbiosis Congress - ISS, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, August 9-15; 2009): Metabolic diversity of lichen-forming, ascomycetous fungi: culturing, metabolite production and polyketide synthase (PKS) genes (invited speaker). Stocker-Wörgötter, E., Hametner, C. (2009) Culture and DNA-analyses of lichenized Trentepohliales, as exemplified by selected species of the genera Roccella, Coenogonium, Arthonia, Graphis and Gyalecta. PosterRegistration Award for ISS (University of Wisconsin, Madison).

2008 Polyketides and Pks genes in lichen forming fungi: Do different photobionts strains (polyols and glucose) influence the morphological and chemical characters of a lichen fungus? Plant Microbial Interactions, International Conference, 2-6 July 2008, Kraków, Poland. Oral presentation Polyketides and Pks genes in lichen forming fungi: the impact of algal transfer metabolites (polyols and glucose) on the production of “lichen substances“. Invited Seminary: Universidade Federal do Parana: Programa de pós-gradacao em Ciencias-Bioquimica (Curitiba, Brazil) November 5, 2008.    Oral presentation.  1. Secondary metabolism, environmental signals, and PKS genes in lichens.

2006: Stocker-Wörgötter, E. (2006): 1. Do different photobiont strains and their transfer products (monosaccharides, polyols) effect the morphological and chemical characters of a lichen/lichen fungus? 2. Secondary metabolites in lichen-forming fungi. (October 19, 2006) Seminary, invited by Anne Pringle, Biological Sciences, Harvard University.Stocker-Wörgötter, E (2006) Investigations of polyketides and macrolides in lichen-forming, ascomycetous fungi: chemosyndromic variation in cultured mycobionts directed by environmental signalling.  (Conference, invited by David Cane, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; USA). Oral presentation.Hametner, T., E. Stocker-Wörgötter (2006) Associated partners of the lichen symbiosis: genetic analyses of endophytic fungi within the genus “Cetraria”.  ISS 5 Congress, August 4-10, 2006 (Vienna). poster Hager, A., E. Stocker-Wörgötter (2006)  Stressbedingte Veränderungen der Sekundärstoffchemie von Flechtenpilzen in Kultur. Oral presntation: ÖAPP Treffen (Mauterndorf). 

2005: Best Paper Award (Bryologist): Stocker-Wörgötter, E., J.A. Elix, M. Grube (2004) Secondary chemistry of lichen-forming fungi: Chemosyndromic variation and DNA-analyses of cultures and chemotypes in the Ramalina farinacea Complex. Bryologist 107(2): 152-162.

Univ.-Doz. Dr.phil.

Elfriede Stocker

Univ.-Doz. Dr.phil. Elfriede Stocker Institut für Biologie

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