RG-HeavyMetal (DaFNE 101093; 2016-2019)
RG-HeavyMetal "Water resources management issues of rock glaciers in alpine catchments of the Eastern Alps - storage capacitiy, flow dynamics and hydrochemistry in particular heavy metal pollution " (DaFNE 101093)
Foto: T. Wagner
It was the aim of this project to develop a solid data base for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of heavy metal pollution of rock glacier springs in the Eastern Alps. A rock glacier and rock glacier catchment inventory were generated based on high resolution digital elevation models (air borne laser scan data, ALS). The understanding of seasonal variability of heavy metal concentrations is based on the knowledge of the discharge dynamics and storage properties of active as well as relict rock glaciers in alpine catchments. For this purpose an extensive and in subregions detailed mapping of springs that are influenced by permafrost and bound to rock glaciers (intact and relict) were investigated due to heavy metal pollution. Results and data are now provided in digital form for further analysis and investigations (e.g. H2O-DATENBANK; GEOHINT). Hydrograph analysis as well as natural and artificial tracer tests were used to characterize these shallow alpine aquifers. Moreover, rainfall-runoff modeling on a regional scale as well as for local test sites were applied to quantify the discharge dynamics and runoff share of rock glacier catchments further downstream.
Research cooperations: Karl Krainer (University of Innsbruck), Andreas Kellerer-Pirklbauer-Eulenstein (University of Graz, Institute of Geography and Regional Science), Stefan Hergarten (University of Freiburg), Albrecht Leis (JR-AquaConSol), Martin Dietzel (TU Graz)
The project is a DaFNE Research Project (Nr. 101093) and is currently co-funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism and the Federal States of Styria, Salzburg, Carinthia, Vorarlberg and Tyrol. GIS data have been provided by the Federal Governments of Styria, Salzburg, Carintia and Tyrol.
Project duration: 2016-2019
Gerfried Winkler
Institut für ErdwissenschaftenHeinrichstraße 26, 8010 Graz