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Exercise Courses, Seminars, Privatissima, etc.

(UE=Übungen (Exercises), SE=Seminar (Seminar), KS=Kurs (Practical Course), PV=Privatissimum, DW=Durchführung Wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten (Coaching of Ph.D. students), IP=Interdisziplinäres Praktikum (Interdisciplinary Practical)).

  • Title: Klima- und Umweltwandel: Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge (Climate and environmental change: current research issues)
    (Seminar for M.Sc. students, Ph.D. students, and Postdocs), 2 std.SE (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (together with C. Hohmann, K. Schröer), 2018.
  • Title: Klimasystem der Erde und Klimawandel (Earth Climate System and Climate Change)
    (Practical course for M.Sc. students), 1 std.KS (1 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18; together with S. Trulsson (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden).
  • Title: Kolloquium DK Climage Change
    (Seminar for Ph.D. students, focus FWF-DK Climate Change), 2 std.SE (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 2014/15 to SS 2018; together with FWF-DK Faculty.
  • Title: Annual Workshop DK Climate Change
    (Seminar for Ph.D. students, focus FWF-DK Climate Change), 2 std.SE (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 2016, 2017, 2018; together with FWF-DK Faculty.
  • Title: Introductory Workshop DK Climate Change
    (Seminar for Ph.D. students, focus FWF-DK Climate Change), 2 std.SE (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 2014/15; together with FWF-DK Faculty.
  • Title: Übungen zu Methoden der Modellierung und Simulation (Methods of modeling and simulation - Exercises)
    2 std. UE (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 2003/04, 2005/06, 2007/08, 2009/10, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18; together with A.K. Steiner.
  • Title: Privatissimum für DissertantInnen
    (Privatissimum for Ph.D. students/Environmental system sciences), 2 std. PV (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018; together with A.K. Steiner and U. Foelsche.
  • Title: Umwelt- und Klimawandel: Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge (Environmental and climate change: current research issues)
    (Special seminar for Ph.D. students, but also M.Sc. students and Postdocs included), 2 std. SE (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 2011, together with A. Gobiet.

  • Title: Earth observation and WegenerNet for climate: current problems and solutions
    (Special seminar for Ph.D. students, but also M.Sc. students and Postdocs included), 2 std. SE (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 2010/11, 2012/13.

  • Title: Privatissimum (aus Geophysik) für DiplomandInnen (und DissertantInnen)
    (Privatissimum [in Geophysics] for M.Sc. students [and Ph.D. students]), 6 or 2 std. PV (6 or 2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: 6 std. each semester WS 1997/98 to SS 2003, 2 std. each semester WS 2003/04 to SS 2013, 2std. SS 2014, 2015, 2017; together with A.K. Steiner.

  • Title: Remote sensing, climate system, global change: current problems and solutions
    (Special seminar for Ph.D. students, but also M.Sc. students and Postdocs included), 2 std. SE (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: each semester WS 2003/04 to SS 2006 together with U. Foelsche, WS 2006/07 together with J.M. Fritzer, WS 2007/08 to WS 2009/10 and WS 2011/12 together with A. Gobiet, SS 2014.

  • Title: Übungen zur Einführung in die Meteorologie
    (Introduction to Meteorology - Exercises), 2 std. UE (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 1994/95, WS 1996/97, together with S.J. Bauer.
    (sole responsibility as of 2005) SS 2005, 2006, 2007; SS 2008 (part).

  • Title: Relevanz alternativer Energien und deren Auswirkungen auf das Klima
    (Relevance of alternative energy and its climate impact), 4 std.IP (4 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 2005/06, together with B. Friedl, M. Mittelbach, and W. Jilek.

  • Title: Anl. zu wiss. Arbeiten in Fernerkundung und Umweltforschung
    (Coaching of Ph.D. students in climate and environmental research), 2 std. DW (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: each winter semester from WS 2004/05 until WS 2006/07.

  • Title: Projektpraktikum zu Methoden der Modellierung und Simulation
    (Project-Practical concerning Methods of Modeling and Simulation), 2 std. PP (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 2004.

  • Title: Geophysikalisches Seminar
    (Geophysical seminar), 1 std. SE (1 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: each semester from WS 2003/04 to SS 2005; WS 2005/06, WS 2006/07.

  • Title: Anl. zu wiss. Arbeiten in Klima- und Umweltphysik
    (Coaching of Ph.D. students in climate and environmental physics), 2 std. DW (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: each summer semester from SS 2002 until SS 2007.

  • Title: Anl. zu wiss. Arbeiten in Fernerkundung und Umweltdatenanalyse
    (Coaching of Ph.D. students in remote sensing and environmental data analysis), 2 std. DW (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: WS 2001/02, WS 2002/03.

  • Title: Übungen zu Statistische Methoden II
    (Statistical Methods II - Exercises), 1 std UE (1 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 1999, together with M. Rieder.

  • Title: Atmosphärenfernerkundung und Klimasystem – Aktuelle Probleme und Lösungen
    (Atmospheric remote sensing and climate system research – problems and solutions),
    2 std. SE (2 hrs/week) for M.Sc. students, Ph.D. students, and Postdocs
    Semesters of delivery:each semester WS 1997/98 to SS 2003.

  • Title: Übungen zur Einführung in die Geophysik
    (Introduction to Geophysics - Exercises), 2 std. UE (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 1996, together with S.J. Bauer.

  • Title: Meteorologisch-geophysikalisches Seminar
    (Meteorological-geophysical seminar), 2 std. SE (2 hrs/week)
    Semesters of delivery: SS 1992 to SS 1997, WS 1993/94, 1994/95, 1995/96, 1996/97 together with S.J. Bauer, WS 1997/98 to SS 2003 sole responsibility (held each semester).

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Gottfried Kirchengast

Brandhofgasse 5, A-8010 Graz

+43 316 380 - 8431
+43 316 380 - 9830

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