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Working Papers

[3] Steg, J.-H., Garashli, E., Greinecker, M., and Kuzmics, C., 2023. Robust equilibria in binary cheap-talk games.


[2] Steg, J.-H. and Thijssen, J.J.J., 2023. Strategic investment with positive externalities. Games and Economic Behavior 138, 1-21.

[1] Steg, J.-H., 2022. On identifying subgame-perfect equilibrium outcomes for timing games. Games and Economic Behavior 135, 74-78. Working paper version with additional results.

Dipl.Wi.-Ing. Dr.rer.pol.

Jan-Henrik Steg

Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 7104

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