Reviewed full papers in journals, conference proceedings (robotic and modeling) and books.
Manuel Tritschler, Jutta J. Vollmann, Orlando Yañez, Nor Chejanovsky, Karl Crailsheim & Peter Neumann (2017): Protein nutrition governs within-host race of honey bee pathogens. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 7: 14988 |. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-15358-w
Omar, E; Abd-Ella, AA; Khodairy, MM; Moosbeckhofer, R; Crailsheim, K; Brodschneider, R (2017): Influence of different pollen diets on the development of hypopharyngeal glands and size of acid gland sacs in caged honey bees (Apis mellifera).Apidologie 48 (4), 425-436.
DOI: 10.1007/s13592-016-0487-x
Brodschneider, R; Libor, A; Kupelwieser, V; Crailsheim, K (2017): Food consumption and food exchange of caged honey bees using a radioactive labelled sugar solution. PLOS ONE 12 (3): e0174684.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174684
Javier Hernández López*, Ulrike Riessberger-Gallé, Karl Crailsheim, Wolfgang Schuehly (2017):
Cuticular hydrocarbon cues of immune-challenged workers elicit immune activation in honey bee queens.
Molecular Ecology.
doi: 10.1111/mec.14086
Matthew Switanek, Karl Crailsheim, Heimo Truhetz, Robert Brodschneider (2017):
Modelling seasonal effects of temperature and precipitation on honey bee winter mortality in temperature climate.
Science of Total Environment 579 (2017), 1581-1587.
Javier Hernández López, Sophie Krainer, Antonia Engert, Wolfgang Schuehly, Ulrike Riessberger-Gallé & Karl Crailsheim (2017):
Sublethal pesticide doses negatively affect survival and the cellular responses in American foulbrood-infected honeybee larvae.
Scientific Reports 7:40853
DOI: 10.1038/srep40853
Thomas Schmickl, Martin Stefanec & Karl Crailsheim (2016):
How a life-like system emerges from a simplistic particle motion law.
Scientific Reports 6:37969
DOI: 10.1038/srep37969
Robert Brodschneider, Alison Gray, Romée van der Zee, Noureddine Adjlane,
Valters Brusbardis, Jean-Daniel Charrière, Robert Chlebo, Mary F Coffey,
Karl Crailsheim, Bjørn Dahle, Jiří Danihlík, Ellen Danneels, Dirk C de Graaf,
Marica Maja Dražić, Mariia Fedoriak, Ivan Forsythe, Miroljub Golubovski,
Ales Gregorc, Urszula Grzęda, Ian Hubbuck, Rahşan İvgin Tunca, Lassi Kauko,
Ole Kilpinen, Justinas Kretavicius, Preben Kristiansen, Maritta Martikkala,
Raquel Martín-Hernández, Franco Mutinelli, Magnus Peterson, Christoph
Otten, Aslı Ozkirim, Aivar Raudmets, Noa Simon-Delso, Victoria Soroker,
Grazyna Topolska, Julien Vallon, Flemming Vejsnæs & Saskia Woehl (2016):
Preliminary analysis of loss rates of honey bee colonies during winter 2015/16 from the COLOSS
Journal of Apicultural Research
ISSN: 0021-8839 (Print) 2078-6913 (Online)
Journal homepage:
Ulrike Riessberger-Gallé, Javier Hernandez-Lopez, Gerald Rechberger, Karl Crailsheim & Wolfgang Schuehly (2016): Lysophosphatidylcholine acts in the constitutive immune defence against American foulbrood in adult honeybees. Scientific Reports, Vol 6, DOI: 10.1038/srep30699
Sophie Krainer, Robert Brodschneider, Jutta Vollmann, Karl Crailsheim &
Ulrike Riessberger-Gallé (2016): Effect of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) on
mortality of artificially reared honey bee larvae (Apis mellifera carnica). Ecotoxicology
(DOI 10.1007/s10646-015-1590-x)
Peter Neumann, Jan Naef, Karl Crailsheim, Robin M. Crewe & Christian W. W. Pirk (2015):
Hit-and-run trophallaxis of small hive beetles. Ecology and Evolution
(DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1806)
Elfriede Kalcher-Sommersguter, Signe Preuschoft, Cornelia Franz-Scheider, Charlotte K. Hemelrijk,
Karl Crailsheim & Jorg J. M. Massen (2015): Early maternal loss affects social integration of
Chimpanzees throughout their lifetime. Scientific Reports 5:16439. (DOI:10.1028/srep16439)
Ulrike Riessberger-Gallé, Javier Hernández-López, Wolfgang Schuehly, Sara Crockett, Sophie Krainer, Karl Crailsheim (2015): Immune responses of honeybees and their fitness costs as compared to bumblebees. Apidologie 46 (2), 238-249.
(DOI: 10.1007/s13592-014-0318-x)
Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim (2014): Analysis of Swarm Behaviors Based on
an Inversion of the Fluctuation Theorem.
Artificial Life 20, 77–93.
Javier Hernández-López, Wolfgang Schuehly, Karl Crailsheim and Ulrike Riessberger Gallé (2014): Trans-generational immune priming in honey bees. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL
(DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.0454)
Gunter J. Sturm, Bettina Kranzelbinder, Christian Schuster, Eva M. Sturm, Danijela Bokanovic,
Jutta Vollmann, Karl Crailsheim, Wolfgang Hemmer, and Werner Aberer (2014): Sensitization to Hymenoptera venoms is common, but systemic sting reactions are rare. JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 133 (6), 1635-1643. (DOI:10.1016/j.jaci.2013.10.046)
Hernández-Lopéz J., Crockett S., Kunert O., Hammer E., Schuehly W., Bauer R., Crailsheim K., Riessberger-Gallé U. (2014): In vitro growth inhibition by Hypericum extracts and isolated pure compounds of Paenibacillus larvae, a lethal desease affecting honeybees worldwide. CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY 11 (5), 695-708. (doi: 10.1002/cbdv.201300399)
Kimura T., Ohashi M., Crailsheim K., Schmickl T., Okada R., Radspieler G., Ikeno H. (2014): Development of a New Method to Track Honey Bees with Complex Behaviors on a Flat
Laboratory Arena. PLoS One 9 (1) (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084656)
Martina Szopek, Thomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius, Gerald Radspieler, Karl Crailsheim (2013):
Dynamics of Collective Decision Making of Honeybees in Complex Temperature Fields.
PLoS One 8 (10)
(DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076250)
Kalcher-Sommersguter E., Franz-Schaider C., Preuschoft S., Crailsheim K., (2013):
Long-Term Evaluation of Abnormal Behavior in Adult Ex-laboratory Chimpanzees (Pan troglodydes) following Re-socialization. Behavioral Sciences 3 (1), 99-119.
(Doi: 10.3390)
Kalcher-Sommersguter E., Franz-Schaider C., Crailsheim K., Preuschoft S., (2013):
Social competence of adult chimpanzees (Pan troglodydes) with severe deprivation history: A relational approach. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 26, 135-157.
Brodschneider Robert, Crailsheim Karl (2013): Fünf Jahre Untersuchungen des Bienensterbens in
Österreich. Entomologica Austriaca 20, 195-205.
Jürgen Stradner, Ronald Thenius, Payam Zahadat, Heiko Hamann, Karl Crailsheim, Thomas Schmickl
(2013): Algorithmic requirements for swarm intelligence in differently coupled collective systems. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals Volume 50, Special Issue SI, 100-114. (DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2013.01.011)
Thenius Ronald, Bodi Michael, Schmickl Thomas & Crailsheim Karl (2013): Novel method of virtual
Embryogenesis for structuring Artificial Neural Network.
Mathematical and Computer modelling of Dynamical Systems Volume 19, Issue 4, 375-387.
(DOI: 10.1080/13873954.2012.756527)
Crailsheim K., Brodschneider R., Aupinel P., Behrens D., Genersch E., Vollmann J.,
Riessberger Gallé U. (2013): Standard methods for artificial rearing of Apis mellifera larvae. In: Dietemann, V; Ellis, J D; Neumann, P (Eds) The COLOSS BEEBOOK Volume 1: Standard methods for Apis mellifera research. Journal of Apicultural Research 52 (1), Special Issue: SI
Ricarda Scheiner, Charles I Abramson, Robert Brodschneider, Karl Crailsheim,
Walter M Farina, Stefan Fuchs, Bernd Grünewald, Sybille Hahshold, Marlene Karrer,
Gudrun Koeniger, Niko Koeniger, Randolf Menzel, Samir Mujagic, Gerald Radspieler,
Thomas Schmickl, Christof Schneider, Adam J Siegel, Martina Szopek and Ronald Thenius
(2013): Standard methods for behavioural studies of Apis mellifera.
In V Dietemann; J D Ellis; P Neumann (Eds) The COLOSS BEEBOOK, Volume I: standard
methods for Apis mellifera research. Journal of Apicultural Research 52 (4), Special Issue: SI
(DOI 10.3896/IBRA.
Robert Brodschneider, Gérard Arnold, Norbert Hrassnigg and Karl Crailsheim (2012):
Does Patriline Composition Change over a Lifetime?
Insects 3, 857-869.
Hamann H., Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2012): A hormon-based controller for evaluation-minimal evolution in decentrally controlled systems. Artificial Life, Volume 18, Issue 2, 165-198.
Michael Bodi, Ronald Thenius, Martina Szopek, Thomas Schmickl & Karl Crailsheim (2012):
Interaction of robot swarms using the honeybee-inspired control algorithm BEECLUST. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems: Methods, Tools and Applications in Engineering and Related Sciences, Volume 18, Issue 1, 87-100.
Payam Zahadat, Thomas Schmickl und Karl Crailsheim (2012):
Evolving Reactive Controller for a Modular: Benefits of the Property of State Switching in Fractal gene Regulatory Networks.
Lecture Not in Computer Science, Volume 746/2012, 209-218
(DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-33093-3_21)
Romée van der Zee, Lennard Pisa, Sreten Andonov, Robert Brodschneider, Jean-Daniel Charrière,
Róbert Chlebo, Mary F Coffey, Karl Crailsheim, Bjørn Dahle, Anna Gajda, Alison Gray, Marica M Drazic, Mariano Higes, Lassi Kauko, Aykut Kence, Meral Kence, Nicola Kezic, Hrisula Kiprijanovska, Jasna Kralj, Preben Kristiansen, Raquel Martin Hernandez, Franco Mutinelli, Bach Kim Nguyen, Christoph Otten, Asli Özkırım, Stephen F Pernal, Magnus Peterson, Gavin Ramsay, Violeta Santrac, Victoria Soroker, Grażyna Topolska, Aleksandar Uzunov, Flemming Vejsnæs, Shi Wei, Selwyn Wilkins (2012):
Managed honey bee colony losses in Canada, China, Europe, Israel and Turkey, for the winters of 2008-9 and 2009-10.
Journal of Apicultural Research 51: 100-114.
Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl & Karl Crailsheim (2012):
Self-organized pattern formation in a swarm system as a transient phenomenon of a
non-linear dynamics.
Mathematical and Computer Modeling of a Dynamical System: Methods, Tools and Applications in Engineering and Related Sciences, Volume 18, Issue 1, 39-50
Robert Brodschneider, Gérard Arnold, Norbert Hrassnigg and Karl Crailsheim (2012):
Does Patriline Composition Change over a Honey Bee Queen`s Lifetime?
Insects, Volume 3, Issue 3, 857-869.
Thomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius, Karl Crailsheim (2012):
Swarm-intelligent foraging in honeybees: benefits and costs of task-partitioning and environmental fluctuations.
Neural Computing & Applications, 21: 251-268.
(online published 2010 DOI: 10.1007/s00521-010-0357-9)
Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Heinz Wörn, Karl Crailsheim (2012):
Analysis of emergent symmetry breaking in collective decision making.
Neural Computing & Applications, 21: 207–218.
(online published 2010 DOI: 10.1007/s00521-010-0368-6)
Kengyel, D., Schmickl, T., Hamann, H., Thenius, R., Crailsheim, K. (2011): Embodiment of honeybee´s thermotaxis in a mobile robot swarm. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5778, Issue 2, 69-76.
Bodi, M., Thenius, R., Schmickl, T., Crailsheim, K. (2011):
How two cooperating robot swarms are affected by two conflictive aggregation spots? Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5778/2011, Issue 2, 367-374.
Markus Dauschan, Ronald Thenius, Thomas Schmickl und Karl Crailsheim (2011): Using Virtual Embryogenesis in Multi-robot Organisms.
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 6943/2011 238-247. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3- 642-23857-4_25)
Ronald Thenius, Michael Bodi, Schmickl und Karl Crailsheim (2011): Growth of Structured Artificial Neural Networks by Virtual Embryogenesis. Volume 5778, 118-125. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23857-4_24)
Ronald Thenius, Markus Dauschan, Thomas Schmickl und Karl Crailsheim (2011): Regenerative Abilities in Modular Robots Using Virtual Embryogenesis. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 6943, 227-237. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23857-4_24)
Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl und Karl Crailsheim (2011):
Evolving for Creativity: Maximizing Complexity in a Self-organized Multi-particle System.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 5777, 442-449. (DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642- 21283-3_55)
Thomas Schmickl, Jürgen Stradner, Heiko Hamann, Lutz Winkler und Karl Crailsheim (2011):
Major Feedback Loops Supporting Artificial Evolution in Multi-modular Robotics.
Studies in Computational Intelligence Volume 341, 195-209.
Thomas Schmickl und Karl Crailsheim (2011):
Economics of Specialization in Honeybees A Multi-agent Simulation Study of Honeybees
Lecture Notes in Computer science, Volume 5778, 358-366.
Daniel Havas, Birgit Hutter-Paier, Kiren Ubhi, Edward Rockenstein, Karl Crailsheim,
Eliezer Masliah, Manfred Windisch (2011):
A Longitudinal Study of Behavioral Deficits in an AβPP Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease.
Journal of Alzheimer`s Disease, Volume 25, Number 2, 231-243.
Gunter J. Sturm, Chunsheng Jin, Bettina Kranzelbinder, Wolfgang Hemmer, Eva M. Sturm,
Antonia Griesbacher, Akos Heinemann, Jutta Vollmann, Friedrich Altmann, Karl Crailsheim,
Margarete Focke, Werner Aberer (2011):
Inconsistent Results of Diagnostic Tools Hamper the Differentiation between Bee and Vespid Venom Allergy.
PLoS ONE Volume 6, Issue 6, 1-8.
Thomas Schmickl, Heiko Hamann & Karl Crailsheim (2011):
Modelling a hormone-inspired controller for individual- and multi-modular robotic systems.
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems: Methods, Tools and Applications in Engineering and Related Sciences, Volume 17, Issue 3, 221-242.
Christoph Moeslinger, Thomas Schmickl und Karl Crailsheim (2011):
A Minimalist Flocking Algorithm for Swarm Robots.
Lecture Notes in Computer science, Volume 5778/2011, 375-382.
Kalcher-Sommersguter E., Preuschoft S., Crailsheim K., Franz C. (2011):
Social competence of adult chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) with severe deprivation history: An individual approach. Developmental Psychobiology, 47 (1) 77-90.
Jürgen Stradner, Heiko Hamann, Thomas Schmickl, Ronald Thenius und Karl Crailsheim (2011):
Evolving a Novel Bio-inspired Controller in Reconfigurable Robots.
Lecture Notes in Computer science, Volume 5777/2011, 132-139.
Thenius R., Bodi M., Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2010): Using Virtual Embryogenesis for Structuring Controllers. Lecture notes in Computer Science, Volume 6209, 312-313.
Hamann, H., Meyer, B., Schmickl, T., Crailsheim, K. (2010):
A Model of Symmetry Breaking in Collective Decision-Making. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 6226, 639-648.
Christoph Moeslinger, Thomas Schmickl und Karl Crailsheim (2010):
Emergent Flocking with Low-End Swarm Robots.
Lecture Notes in Computer science, Volume 6234, 424-431.
Ralf Mayet, Jonathan Roberz, Thomas Schmickl und Karl Crailsheim (2010):
Antbots: A Feasible Visual Emulation of Pheromone Trails for Swarm Robots
Lecture Notes in Computer science, Volume 6234/2010, 84-94.
Hamann, H., Stradner, J., Schmickl, T., Crailsheim, K. (2010): Artificial Hormone Reaction Networks: Towards Higher Evolvability in Evolutionary Multi-Modular Robotics. Steen Rasmussen (Eds.): Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Life (Alife XII). MIT Press 2010.
Stradner, J., Hamann, H., Schmickl, T., Thenius, R., Crailsheim, K. (2010):
Evolving a novel bio- inspired controller in reconfigurable robots. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, in Press
Brodschneider R., Crailsheim K. (2010):
Nutrition and Health in the Honeybee (Review) (2010). Apidologie 41 (3): 278-294.
Schmickl, T., Hamann, H., Stradner, J., Crailsheim, K. (2010): Hormone-based Control for Multi- modular Robotics. P. Levi and S. Kernbach (Eds.): Symbiotic Multi-Robot Organisms: Reliability, Adaptability, Evolution. Springer 2010: 242 – 264.
Thenius, R., Bodi, M., Schmickl, T., Crailsheim, K. (2010): Evolving Artificial Neural Networks and Artificial Embryology. P. Levi, S. Kernbach (Eds.): Symbiotic Multi-Robot Organisms: Reliability, Adaptability, Evolution. Springer 2010: 265 – 284.
Thenius R., Bodi M., Schmickl T. and Crailsheim K. (2010): Using Virtual Embryogenesis for Structuring Controllers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6209, Artificial Immune Systems, Pages 312-313.
Schmickl, T., Hamann, H., Stradner, J., Mayet, R., Crailsheim, K. (2010): Complex Taxis-Behaviour in a Novel Bio-Inspired Robot Controller. Steen Rasmussen (Eds.): Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Life (Alife XII). 648-655.
Hamann, H., Stradner, J., Schmickl, T., Crailsheim, K. (2010): A Hormone-Based Controller for Evolutionary Multi-Modular Robotics: From Single Modules to Gait Learning. Proc. of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC'10: 244 - 251.
Brodschneider, Robert; Moosbeckhofer, Rudolf; Crailsheim Karl (2010): Surveys as a tool to record winter losses of honey bee colonies: a two year case study in Austria and South Tyrol. Journal of Apicultural Research 49 (1): 23-30.
Stradner, J., Hamann, H., Schmickl, T., Crailsheim, K. (2009): Analysis and Implementation of an Artificial Homeostatic Hormone System: A First Case Study in Robotic Hardware. IEE-RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 595-600. (DOI: 10.1109/IROS.2009.5354056)
Schmickl, T., Thenius, R., Moeslinger, C., Radspieler, G., Kernbach, S., Szymanski, M., Crailsheim, K. (2009): Get in touch: cooperative decision making based on robot-to-robot collisions. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Volume: 18, Issue 1, 133-155.
Kernbach, S., Hamann, H., Stradner, J., Thenius, R., Schmickl, T., Crailsheim, K., Vab Rossum, A.C., Sebag, M., Bredeche, N., Yao, Y., Baele, G., Van De Peer, Y., Timmis, J., Mohktar, M., Tyrrell, A., Eiben, A.E., McKibbin, S.P., Liu, W., Winfield, A.F.T. (2009): On adaptive self-organization in artificial robot organisms. Computation World: Future Computing, Service Computation, Adaptive, Content, Cognitive, Patterns, Computation World, Article number 5359550, 33-43.
Schmickl, T., Hamann, H., Wörn, H., Crailsheim, K., (2009): Two Different Approaches to a Macroscopic Model of a Bio-Inspired Robotic Swarm. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 57(9): 913 – 921.
Robert Brodschneider, Ulrike Riessberger-Gallé and Karl Crailsheim (2009):
Flight performance of artificially reared honeybees (Apis mellifera). Apidologie 40 (4), 441-449. Published Online: 25 March 2009, DOI: 10.1051/apido/2009006
Kalcher E., Cornelia F., Crailsheim K., Preuschoft S. (2008):
Differential onset of infantile deprivation produces distinctive long-term effects in adult ex- laboratory chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Developmental Psychobiology 50 (8): 777-788.
(DOI: 10.1002/dev.20330)
Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2008): Trophallaxis within a robot swarm: Bio-inspired communication among robots in a swarm. Autonomous Robots 25: 171-188.
Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2008): TaskSelSim: A Model of the Self-Organisation of the Division of
Labour of Honeybees. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 14: 101–125.
Thenius R., Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2008): Optimisation of a honeybee-colony's energetics via social learning based on queuing delays. Connection Science 20 (2-3): 193-210.
(DOI: 10.1080/09540090802091982)
Schmickl T., Thenius R., Radspieler G., Kernbach S., Szymanski M., Crailsheim K. (2008): Get in touch: cooperative decision making based on robot-to-robot collisions. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems DOI 10.1007/s10458-008-9058-5.
Hamann H., Wörn H., Crailsheim K., Schmickl T. (2008): Spatial Macroscopic Models of a Bio- Inspired Robotic Swarm Algorithm. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'08, Nice, France, September 22-26, pp. 1415-1420, IEEE Press, 2008.
Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2008): An individual-based model of task selection in honeybees.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5040: 383-392.
Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2008): Analysing honeybees' division of labour in broodcare by a multi- agent model. In: Bullock, S., Noble, J., Watson, R., Bedau, M. A. (eds.) Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA: 529-536.
M. Kärcher, P. Biedermann, N. Hrassnigg, K. Crailsheim, (2008):
Predator-prey interaction between drones of Apis mellifera carnica and insectivorous birds
Apidologie 39 (3): 302-309 (DOI: 10.1051/apido:2008001).
Schmickl, T., Thenius, R., Moeslinger, Ch., Radspieler, G., Kernbach, S., Szymanski, M., Crailsheim, K. (2008): Get in touch: cooperative decision making based on robot-to-robot collisions. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 18(1): 133 - 155.
Schmickl T., Möslinger Ch., Thenius R., Crailsheim K. (2007): Individual adaptation allows collective path-finding in a robotic swarm. International Journal of Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing 4: 102 – 108.
Schmickl T., Möslinger C., Thenius R., Crailsheim K. (2007): Bio-inspired Navigation of Autonomous Robots in Heterogenous Environments. International Journal of Factory Automation, Robotics and Soft Computing 3: 164-170. ISSN 1828-6984.
Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2007): HoPoMo: A model of honeybee intracolonial population dynamics and resource management. Ecological Modelling 204 (1-2): 219 – 245.
Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2007):
A Navigation Algorithm for Swarm Robotics Inspired by Slime Mold Aggregation. In: Swarm Robotics; Second SAB 2006 International Workshop. Sahin E., Spears W.M., Winfield A.F.T. (eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4433: 1 – 13.
Schmickl T., Möslinger, C., Crailsheim K. (2007): Collective perception in a robot swarm. In: SwarmRobotics; Second SAB 2006 International Workshop. Sahin E., Spears W.M., Winfield A.F.T. (eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4433: 144 – 157.
Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2007): HoPoMo: A model of honeybee intracolonial population dynamics and resource management. Ecological Modelling 204: 219 – 245.
Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2007): A Navigation Algorithm for Swarm Robotics Inspired by Slime Mold Aggregation. In: Swarm Robotics; Second SAB 2006 International Workshop. Sahin E., Spears W.M., Winfield A.F.T. (eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4433: 1 – 13.
Helmut Kovac, Anton Stabentheiner, Stefan Hetz, Karl Crailsheim (2007):
Respiration of resting honeybees. Journal of Insect Physiology 53 (12):1250-1261.
H. Mörwald , S. Wurm, K. Crailsheim, C. Wechselberger (2007):
Prion Protein facilitates hormone induced differentiation of mammary gland epithelial cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 360 (4):746-751.
S.H. Eberhard, N. Hrassnigg, K. Crailsheim and H.W. Krenn (2007):
Evidence of protease in the saliva of the butterfly Heliconius melpomene (L.) (Nymphalidae, Lepidoptera).
Journal of Insect Physiology 53 (2): 126-131. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2006.11.001)
Thomas Schmickl and Karl Crailsheim, (2006):
Bubbleworld.Evo: Artificial Evolution of Behavioral Decisions in a Simulated Predator-Prey
Ecosystem Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4095: 594-605, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Valdastri P., Corradi P., Menciassi A., Schmickl T., Crailsheim K., Seyfried S., Dario P. (2006):
Micromanipulation; Communication and Swarm Intelligent Issues in a Swarm Microbiotic
Platform. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54 (10): 789-804.
Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2006): Trophallaxis among swarm-robots: A biologically inspired strategy for swarm robotics. Proceedings of the 1st IEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechanotronics (BIOROB 2006).
20.2.-22.2.2006, Pisa, Italy. ISBN 1-4244-0040-6, IEEE-Catalog-No: 06EX1254D.
Volume 1-3, 176-181.
Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2006): Modelling the self-organized division of labour in honeybees. Proceedings of the 5th Vienna Symposium on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), 8.2.-10.2.2006, Vienna. ARGESIM Report Nr. 30, eds. I.Troch, F.Breitenecker. ISBN 3-901608-3.
Thenius R., Schmickl T., Crailsheim K. (2006):
Modelling nectar-collecting behaviour in a honeybee colony. Proceedings of the 5th Vienna Symposium on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), 8.2.-10.2.2006, Vienna. ARGESIM Report Nr. 30, eds. I.Troch, F.Breitenecker. ISBN 3-901608-3.
M.O. Schäfer, V. Dietemann, C.W.W. Pirk, P. Neumann, R.M. Crewe, H.R. Hepburn, J. Tautz, K.Crailsheim, (2006):
Individual versus social pathways in honeybee worker reproduction (Apis mellifera.): pollen or jelly as protein sources for oogenesis? Journal of Comparative Physiology A 192 (7): 761-768
Thenius R, Schmickl T, Crailsheim K, (2006):
Economic optimisation in honeybees: Adaptive behaviour of a superorganism
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg 0302-9743
R. Thenius, T. Schmickl & K. Crailsheim (2005):
The “Dance or Work” Problem: Why do not all honeybees dance with maximum intensity?
Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Volume 3690: 246-255. Springer-Verlag GmbH ISSN : 03029743
T. Schmickl, R. Thenius & K. Crailsheim (2005):
Simulating swarm intelligence in honey bees: Foraging in differently fluctuating
In: GECCO`05, Washington, DC, USA (ACM 1-59593-010-8/05/0006), Vols 1 and 2,
Norbert Hrassnigg, Robert Brodschneider, Paul H. Fleischmann, Karl Crailsheim (2005):
Unlike nectar foragers, honeybee drones (Apis mellifera L.) are not able to utilize starch as fuel for flight. Apidologie 36 (4): 547-557. (DOI: 10.1051/apido:2005042)
N. Hrassnigg & K. Crailsheim (2005):
Differences in drone and worker physiology in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) Review Article (invited)
Apidologie 36 (2): 255-277.
Schmickl, Thomas, Crailsheim, Karl (2004): Costs of environmental fluctuations and benefits of dynamic decentralized foraging decisions in honey bees. Adaptive Behavior 12 (3-4), 263 - 277
M. Danzer, M.Jocic, C. Samberger, E. Painsipp, E. Bock, M.-A. Pabst, K. Crailsheim, R. Schicho, I.Th. Lippe & Peter Holzer (2004):
Stomach-brain communication by vagal afferents in response to luminal acid backdiffusion, gatrin and gatric acid secretion.
The American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
286 (3): G403-G411.
Th. Schmickl & K. Crailsheim (2004):
Inner nest homeostasis in a changing environment with special emphasis on honey bee brood nursing and pollen supply. Review Article
Apidologie 35 (3): 249-263.
R. Horejsi, R. Möller, S. Rackl, A. Giuliani, U. Freytag, K. Crailsheim, K. Sudi & E. Tafeit (2004):
Android subcutaneous adipose tissue topography in lean and obese women suffering from
PCOS: Comparison with type 2 diabetic women.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 124 (3): 275-281.
SJ. Wallner, N. Luschnigg, WJ Schnedl, T Lahousen, K. Sudi, K. Crailsheim, R,. Möller, E. Tafeit
R. Horejsi, (2004):
Body fat distribution of overweight females with a history of weight cycling. International
Journal of Obesity 28:1143-1148.
M. Petz, T. Stabentheiner & K. Crailsheim, (2004):
Respiration of individual honeybee larvae in dependence on age and ambient temperature. Journal of comparative Physiology B 174 (7): 511-518. (DOI: 10.1007/s00360-004-0439-z)
T. Schmickl and K. Crailsheim (2004):
Costs of environmental fluctuations and benefits of dynamic decentralized foraging decisions in honey bees.
Adaptive Behavior 12 (3-4): 263-277.
Schmickl, T., Blaschon, B., Gurmann, B., Crailsheim, K. (2003): Collective and individual nursing investment in the queen and in young and old honeybee larvae during foraging and non-foraging periods. Insectes Sociaux 50 (2), 174 - 184.
N. Hrassnigg, B. Leonhard, K. Crailsheim (2003).
Free amino acids in the haemolymph of honey bee queens (Apis mellifera L.) Amino Acids 24 (1-2): 205-212
M. Wedenig, U. Riessberger-Gallé & K. Crailsheim, (2003):
A substance in honey bee larvae inhibits the growth of Paenibacillus larvae larvae. Apidologie 34 (1): 43-51.
A. Stabentheiner, H. Pressl, T. Pabst, N. Hrassnigg & K. Crailsheim, (2003):
Endothermic heat production in honeybee winter clusters.
Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (2): 353-358.
(DOI: 10.1242/jeb.00082)
E. Tafeit, R. Möller, S.Rackl, A.Giuliani, W. Urdl, U. Freytag; K. Crailsheim; K. Sudi & R. Horejsi,
Sucutaneous Adipose Tissue Pattern in Lean and Obese Women with Polycystic Ovary
Experimental Biology and Medicine 228 (6): 710-716.
A. Stabentheiner, J. Vollmann, H. Kovac & K. Crailsheim (2003):
Oxygen Consumption and body temperature of active and resting honeybees. Journal of Insect Physiology 49 (9): 881-889.
T. Schmickl, B. Blaschon, B. Gurmann & K. Crailsheim (2003):
Collective and individual nursing investment in the queen and in young and old honeybee larvae during foraging and non-foraging periods.
Insectes Sociaux 50 (2):174-184.
T. Schmickl & K. Crailsheim (2002) :
How honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) change their broodcare behaviour in response to non- foraging conditions and poor pollen conditions.
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 51 (5): 415-425
B. Hinze, K. Crailsheim, R.H. Leuthold (2002):
Polyethism in food processing and social organisation in the nest of Mecrothermes bellicosus
(Isoptera, Termitidae).
Insectes Sociaux 49 (1): 31-37 (DOI: 10.1007/s00040-002-8275-1)
M. Lodesani, K. Crailsheim & R.F.A. Moritz, (2002):
Effects of some characters on the population growth of mite Varroa jacobsoni in Apis mellifera L colonies and results of a bi-directional selection.
Journal of Applied Entomology 126 (2-3): 130-137.
(DOI: 10.1046/j.1439-0418.2002.00615.x)
Schmickl, Thomas; Crailsheim, Karl (2002): How honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) change their broodcare behaviour in response to non-foraging conditions and poor pollen conditions. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 51, 415 - 425.
Schmickl, Thomas; Crailsheim, Karl (2001): Cannibalism and early capping: strategy of honeybee colonies in times of experimental pollen shortages. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 187, 541 - 547.
U. Riessberger-Gallé, W. von der Ohe and K. Crailsheim (2001):
Adult honeybee´s resistance against Paenibacillus larvae larvae, the causative agent of the
American foulbrood.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 77 (4): 231-236. (DOI: 10.1006/jipa.2001.5032)
K. Crailsheim and U. Riessberger-Gallé (2001):
Honey bee age-dependent resistance against American foulbrood
Apidologie 32 (1): 91-103.
A. Loidl and K. Crailsheim (2001):
Free fatty acids digested from pollen and triolein in the honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica
Pollmann) midgut.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 171 (4): 313-319.
T. Schmickl and K. Crailsheim, 2001
Cannibalism and early capping: strategy of honeybee colonies in times of experimental pollen shortages. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 187 (7): 541-547.
S.G. Azab, M.M. Sadek, and K. Crailsheim (2001):
Protein metabolism in larvae of the cotton leaf-worm Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) and its response to three mycotoxines.
Environmental Entomology 30 (5): 817-823.
R. Wronski, P. Tompa, B. Hutter-Paier, K. Crailsheim, P. Friedrich and M. Windisch (2000):
Inhibitory effect of a brain derived peptide preparation on the Ca++-dependent protease, calpain. Journal of Neural Transmission 107 (2): 145-157.
S. Micheu, K. Crailsheim and B. Leonhard (2000):
Importance of proline and other amino acids during honeybee flight (Apis mellifera
Amino Acids 18 (2): 157-175.
G. Wakonigg, L. Eveleigh, G. Arnold, K. Crailsheim (2000):
Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles reveal age-related changes in honey bee drones (Apis mellifera carnica).
Journal of Apicultural Research 39 (3-4): 137-141.
R. Wronski, S. Kronawetter, B. Hutter-Paier, K. Crailsheim, and M. Windisch (2000):
A brain derived peptide preparation reduces the translation dependent loss of a cytosceletal protein in primary cultured chicken neurons.
Journal of Neural Transmission (Supplement) 59: 263-272.
K.J. Pfeiffer & K. Crailsheim (1999):
The behaviour of drifted nurse honey bees
Insectes Sociaux, 46: 34-40.
K. Crailsheim, A. Stabentheiner, N. Hrassnigg B. Leonhard (1999):
Oxygen Consumption at different activity levels and ambient temperatures in honeybees
(Hymenoptera: Apidae). Entomologia Generalis 24:001-012.
A. Stabentheiner & K. Crailsheim (1999):
The effect of activity level and ambient temperature on thermoregulation in isolated honeybees
(Hymenoptera: Apidae). Entomologia Generalis 24: 013-021.
N. Hrassnigg & K. Crailsheim (1999):
Metabolic rates and metabolic power of honeybees in tethered flight related to temperature and drag (Hymenoptera:Apidae).
Entomologia Generalis 24: 123-030.
B. Leonhard & K. Crailsheim (1999):
Temperature dependency of the oxygen consumption by a thorax homogenate of worker honeybee (Hymenoptera: Apidae).
Entomologia Generalis 24: 031-036.
K. Crailsheim, U. Eggenreich, R. Ressi & M. Szolderits (1999):
Temperature preference of honeybee drones (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Entomologia Generalis 24: 037-047.
B. Blaschon, H. Guttenberger, N. Hrassnigg & K. Crailsheim (1999):
Impact of bad weather on the developement of the Broodnest and Pollen Stores in a Honeybee
Colony (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Entomologia Generalis 24: 049-060.
E.-S. Naiem, N. Hrassnigg & K. Crailsheim (1999):
Nurse bees support the physiological developement of young bees (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Comparative Physiology B 169 (4-5), 271-279.
K. Crailsheim, U. Riessberger, B. Blaschon, N. Hrassnigg (1999):
Short-term effect of different weather conditions upon the behaviour of food-storer honeybees during day and night (Apis mellifera carnica Pollmann).
Apidologie 30: 299-310.
B. Leonhard & K. Crailsheim (1999):
Amino acids and osmolarity in honeybee drone haemolymph
Amino Acids 17: 195-205.
Scott Camazine, Karl Crailsheim, Norbert Hrassnigg, Gene E. Robinson, Bernhard Leonhard and
Helga Kroppiunigg (1998):
Protein trophallaxis and the regulation of pollen foraging by honey bees (Apis mellifera L). Apidologie 29: 113-126.
K. Crailsheim (1998):
Trophallactic interactions in the adult honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). Review Article
Apidologie 29: 97-112.
K. Pfeiffer & K. Crailsheim (1998): Drifting of honeybees. Insectes Sociaux, 45: 151-167.
N. Hrassnigg & K. Crailsheim (1998):
The influence of brood on the pollen consumption of worker bees (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Insect Physiology 44: 393-404.
K. Reinprecht, B. Hutter-Paier, K. Crailsheim, M. Windisch (1998):
Influence of BDNF and FCS on viability and programmed cell death (PCD) of developing
cortical chicken neurons in vitro.
Journal of Neural Transmission-Supplement 53: 373-384.
A. Gschanes, U. Eggenreich, M. Windisch, & K. Crailsheim (1998):
Early postnatal stimulation influences passive avoidance behaviour of adult rats. Behavioural Brain Research 93: 91-98.
N. Hrassnigg & K. Crailsheim (1998):
Adaptation of hypopharyngeal gland developement to the brood status of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies.
Journal of Insect Physiology 44: 929-939.
K. Crailsheim & B. Leonhard (1997):
Amino acids in honeybee worker Haemolymph
Amino Acids 13: 141-153.
U. Panzenböck & K. Crailsheim, (1997):
Glycogen in honeybee queens, workers and drones (Apis mellifera carnica POLLM) Journal of Insect Physiology 34: 155-165.
B. Berger, K. Crailsheim and B. Leonhard (1997):
Proline, Leucine and Phenylalanine Metabolism in adult honeybee drones (Apis mellifica carnica Pollmann)
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 27: 587-593.
U. Riessberger, K. Crailsheim (1997):
Short-term effect of different weather conditions upon the behaviour of forager and nurse honey bees (Apis mellifera carnica Pollmann)
Apidologie 28: 411-426.
S. Turunen & K. Crailsheim (1996): Lipid and sugar absorption.
in: Biology of the insect midgut, M.J. Lehane and P.F. Billingsley ed., Chapman and Hall, London, ISBN 0 412 61670 X.: REVIEV (Book)
K. Crailsheim, N. Hrassnigg and A. Stabentheiner (1996):
Diurnal behavioral differences in forager and nurse honey bees (Apis mellifera carnica
Pollm). Apidologie 27 (4): 235-244.
A. Lass and K. Crailsheim (1996):
Influence of age and caging upon protein metabolism, hypopharyngeal glands and trophallactic behavior in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)
Insectes Sociaux 43: 347-358.
K. Visscher, K. Crailsheim and G. Sherman (1996):
How do honey bees fuel their water foraging flights? Journal of Insect Physiology 42 (12): 1089-1094.
M. M. Sadek, K. Crailsheim and S.G. Azab (1996):
The chemosterilizing activity of some mycotoxines and their influence on the developement and survival of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Lep., Noctuidae).
Journal of Applied Entomology 120: 53-61.
A. Gschanes, U. Eggenreich, M. Windisch and K. Crailsheim (1995):
Effects of postnatal Stimulation on the passive avoidance behaviour of young rats.
Behavioural Brain Research, 70: 191-196
J. Klaudiny, J. Kulifajova, K. Crailsheim and J. Simuth. (1994):
New approach to the Study of division of labour in the honeybee colony (Apis mellifera L), Apidologie, 25: 596-600
Schneider L.H.W., Eggenreich U., Bernhart E., Pfeiffer K., Rieger R., Steiner K., Trummer P. Crailsheim K. (1994):
Determination of the haemolymph volume of winter honey bees using inulin and polyethylenglycol. Mitt.dtsch.Ges.Allg.Angew.Ent. 8: 761-764.
K. Crailsheim, N. Hrassnigg, R. Gmeinbauer, M. Szolderits, L.H.W. Schneider & U. Brosch (1993): Pollen utilisation in non-breeding honeybees in winter. J. Insect Physiol. 39: 369-373.
R. Gmeinbauer & Karl Crailsheim (1993):
Glucose utilisation during flight of honeybee workers, drones and queens. J. Insect Physiol. 39: 959-967.
M. Szolderits & K. Crailsheim (1993):
A comparison of Pollen consumption and digestion in honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica) drones and workers. J. Insect Physiol. 39: 877-881.
K. Crailsheim, L.H.W. Schneider, N. Hrassnigg, G. Bühlmann, U. Brosch, R. Gmeinbauer & B.
Schöffmann (1992):
Pollen consumption and utilisation in worker honey bees: dependence on individual age and function. J. Insect Physiol. 38: 409-419.
K. Crailsheim (1992):
The flow of jelly within a honeybee colony. J. Comp. Physiol. B 162: 681-689.
K. Crailsheim (1991):
Interadult feeding of jelly in honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera L). J. Comp. Physiol. B., 171: 55-60.
S. W. Omholt & K. Crailsheim (1991):
The possible prediction of the degree of infestation of honeybee colonies (Apis mellifera) by Varroa jacobsoni OUD. by means of its natural death-rate: a dynamic model approach. Norwegian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 5: 393-400.
K. Crailsheim (1990):
Protein synthesis in the honeybee (Apis mellifrea L.) and trophallactic distribution of jelly among imagos in laboratory experiments. Zool. Jb. Physiol 94, 303-312.
M. A. Pabst & K. Crailsheim (1990):
The proventriculus of honeybee pupae, workers, drones and queens (Apis mellifera L.) Zool. Jb. Physiol. 94: 271-289.
K. Crailsheim (1990):
The protein balance of the honey bee worker. Reviev article Apidologie 21 (5), 417-429.
O. Haszonits & K. Crailsheim (1990):
Uptake of L-Leucine into isolated enterocytes of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) depending on season. Journal of Insect Physiol. 36: 835-842.
K. Crailsheim & E. Stolberg (1989):
Influence of diet, age and colony condition upon intestinal proteolytic activity and size of hypopharyngeal glands in the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.).
Journal of Insect Physiology, 35, 595-602.
M. A. Pabst, K. Crailsheim & B. Moritz (1988):
Age dependent histochemical changes in the peritrophic membranes of the honeybee Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Entomologia Generalis, 14, 1-10
K. Crailsheim (1988):
Regulation of food passage in the intestine of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Insect Physiology, 34, 85-90
K. Crailsheim (1988):
Intestinal transport of sugars in the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Insect Physiology, 34, 839-845
K. Crailsheim, 1988
Transport of leucine in the alimentary canal of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) and its dependence on season.
Journal of Insect Physiology, 34, 1093-1100
M. Brandstetter, K. Crailsheim & H. Heran, 1988
Provisioning of food in the honeybee before foraging.
In: W. Nachtigall (ed): BIONA-report 6, p 129-148; Akad. Wiss. Mainz, G. Fischer, Stuttgart, New York
N. Skalicki, H. Heran & K. Crailsheim, 1988
Water budget of the honeybee during rest and flight.
In: W. Nachtigall (ed): BIONA-report 6, p 103-118; Akad. Wiss. Mainz, G. Fischer, Stuttgart, New York
K. Crailsheim, (1988):
Intestinal transport of glucose during honeybee flight.
In: W. Nachtigall (ed): BIONA-report 6, p 119-128; Akad. Wiss. Mainz, G. Fischer, Stuttgart, New York
K. Kunert & K. Crailsheim (1988):
Seasonal changes in carbohydrate, lipid and protein content in emerging worker honeybees and their mortality. Journal of Apicultural Research 27, 13-21
H. Kovac & K. Crailsheim (1988):
Lifespan of Apis mellifera carnica Pollm. infested by Varroa jacobsoni OUD. in dependence on season and rate of infestation. Journal of Apicultural Research, 27 (4): 230-238.
B. Moritz & K. Crailsheim (1987):
Physiology of protein digestion in the midgut of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Insect Physiology, 33, 923-931.
K., Crailsheim (1986):
Dependence of protein metabolism on age and season in the honeybee (Apis mellifica carnica POLLM).
Journal of Insect Physiology 32: 629-634.
K. Crailsheim (1985):
Distribution of haemolymph in the honeybee (Apis mellifica) in relation to season, age and temperature.
Journal of Insect Physiology, 31 (9), 629-634
Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Karl Crailsheim
