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Selected peer-reviewed publications

  • M. HUSAR & K. KRENN, 2022. High density upper amphibolite/granulite facies fluid inclusions in magmatic garnet from the Koralpe Mountains. Minerals, 12, 873. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12070873.
  • K. KRAINER, P. TROPPER, K. KRENN, S.-G. LUCAS, 2022. Occurrence and origin of glauconite in the Cambro-Ordovician Bliss Formation of Southern New Mexico and West Texas (U.S.A.). J. Sedimentary Research, doi: 10.2110/jsr.2021.102.
  • K. KRENN, J. KONZETT, R. STALDER, 2022. Anatectic granitic pegmatites from the Eastern Alps: A case of variable rare metal enrichment during high-grade metamorphism III: Fluid Inclusions as potential indicators for anatectic pegmatite parent melt formation, Canadian Mineralogist, doi: 10.3749/canmin.2000109.
  • K. KRENN, M. HUSAR, A. MIKULICS, 2021. Fluid and Solid Inclusions in host minerals of Permian Pegmatites from Koralpe (Austria): Deciphering the Permian Fluid evolution during pegmatite formation. Minerals, 11, 638. https://doi.org/10.3390/min11060638
  • J. KONZETT, C. HAUZENBERGER, K. KRENN, B. J.-MROSKO, R. STALDER, K. GRÖBNER, A.-K. SIEBERER, N. HOANG, N. N. KHOI, 2020. Neogene metasomatism in the subcontinental lithosphere beneath Southeast Asia – evidence from modal and cryptic phosphorus enrichment in peridotites and pyroxenites from southern Laos. Journal of Petrology doi: 10.1093/petrology/egaa013.
  • D. QUANDT, P. MICHEUZ, W. KURZ, T. KLUGE, R. BOCH, D. HIPPLER, K. KRENN, C. A. HAUZENBERGER, 2019. Geochemistry of calcite veins hosted in the Troodos Pillow Lavas and their implications for the timing and physicochemical environment of fracturing, fluid circulation, and vein mineral growth. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., doi: 10.1029/2019GC008369.
  • W. KURZ, P. MICHEUZ, G. CHRISTESON, M. REAGAN, J. SHERVAIS, S. KUTTEROLF, A. ROBERTSON, K. KRENN, K. MICHIBAYASHI, D. QUANDT, 2019. Tectonic evolution of the outer Izu-Bonin forearc subsequent to Pacific Plate subduction initiation: resolving a 15 Ma hiatus enigma, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., doi: 10.1029/2019GC008329.
  • S. RAIČ, K. KRENN, A. MOGESSIE, 2019. Possible sources for CH4-rich fluid inclusions in olivine from troctolitic rocks of the Bathtub intrusion, Duluth Complex, U.S.A. Precambrian Research, doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105376.
  • K. KRENN & F. WALTER, 2019. Kontinuierliches-isochores Mineralwachstum in einer großen alpinen Kluft innerhalb des Glockner Deckensystems der Hohen Tauern (Ostalpen), Carinthia II, 209/129, 551 – 564.
  • B. OTTENS, J. GÖTZE, R. SCHUSTER, K. KRENN, C. HAUZENBERGER, B. ZSOLT, T. VENNEMANN, 2019. Exceptional multistage mineralization of secondary minerals in cavities of flood basalts from the Deccan Volcanic Province, India, Minerals, 9, 351; doi: 10.3390/min9060351.
  • K. KRENN & L.T.-T. HUONG, 2019. Fluid characteristics from shallow magmatic environments: A contribution to danburite bearing Luc Yen pegmatites, Northern Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Earth Science, 41, 1-9, doi: 10.15625/0866-7187/41/1/13541.
  • L.T.-T. HUONG, L. M. OTTER, M. W. FÖRSTER, C. A. HAUZENBERGER, K. KRENN, O. ALARD, D. S. MACHOLDT, U. WEIS, B. STOLL, K. P. JOCHUM, 2018. Femtosecond Laser Ablation-ICP-Mass Spectrometry and CHNS Elemental Analyzer Reveal Trace Element Characteristics of Danburite from Mexico, Tanzania and Vietnam. Minerals, 8, 234, doi: 10.3390/min8060234.
  • S. RAIČ, A. MOGESSIE, K. KRENN, C.A. HAUZENBERGER, P. TROPPER, 2018. Deciphering magmatic and metasomatic processes recorded by melt and fluid inclusions within the Cu-Ni±PGE-Sulfide mineralized Bathtub intrusion of the Duluth Complex, NE-Minnesota, U.S.A. Journal of Petrology, doi:10.1093/petrology/egy059.
  • D. QUANDT, P. MICHEUZ, W. KURZ, K. KRENN, 2018. Microtextures and fluid inclusions from vein minerals hosted in the Pillow Lavas of the Troodos suprasubduction zone. Lithosphere, doi:10.1130/L696.1.
  • HUONG, L.T.-T., OTTER, L.M., FÖRSTER, M.W., HAUZENBERGER, C.A., KRENN, K., ALARD, O., MACHOLDT, D. S., WEIS, U., STOLL, B., JOCHUM, K.P., 2018. Femtosecond Laser Ablation-ICP-Mass Spectrometry and CHNS Elemental Analyzer Reveal Trace Element Characteristics of Danburite from Mexico, Tanzania, and Vietnam. Minerals 2018, 8, 234; doi:10.3390/min8060234.
  • L.T.-T. HUONG, K. KRENN, C. A. HAUZENBERGER, 2017. Sassolite-and CO2-H2O-bearing fluid inclusions in yellow danburite from the Luc Yen mining area, Vietnam. The Journal of Gemmology, 35(6), 2017, doi:10.15506/JoG.2017.35.6.
  • C. BUCHMAIER, T. RATH, F. PIROLT, A. C. KNALL, P. KASCHNITZ, O. GLATTER, K. WEWERKA, F. HOFER, B. KUNERT, K. KRENN, G. TRIMMEL, 2016. Room temperature synthesis of CuInS2 nanocrystals. RSC Advances. doi: 10.1039/c6ra22813e.
  • J. BRANDSTATTER, W. KURZ, K. KRENN, P. MICHEUZ, 2016. Fluid inclusion petrology and microthermometry of the Cocos Ridge hydrothermal system, IODP Expedition 344 (CRISP 2), Site U1414. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 17, doi:10.1002/2015GC006212.
  • M. MAYER, J. REYNVAAN, J. GRUENWALD, K. KRENN, T. SCHOEBERL, S. SURNEV, P. KNOLL, 2016. Diamond like carbon deposition by inverted fireballs. Materials Today, 3, 184-189. doi: 10.17738/ajes.2015.0007
  • P. SCHANTL, R. SCHUSTER, K. KRENN, G. HOINKES, 2015. Polyphase metamorphism at the southeastern margin of the Graz Paleozoic and the underlying Austroalpine basement units. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, doi: 10.17738/ajes.2015.0023.
  • P. MICHEUZ, K. KRENN, H. FRITZ, W. KURZ, 2015. Tectonometamorphic evolution of blueschist-facies rocks in the Phyllite-Quartzite Unit of the External Hellenides (Mani, Greece). Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 108, 109-122. doi: 10.17738/ajes.2015.0007.
  • J. KONZETT, K. KRENN, D. RUBATTO, C. A. HAUZENBERGER, R. STALDER, 2014. The formation of saline mantle fluids by open-system crystallization of hydrous silicate-rich vein assemblages – Evidence from fluid inclusions and their host phases in MARID xenoliths from the central Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 147, 1-25. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2014.10.015.
  • Z. BENKÓ, A. MOGESSIE, F. MOLNÁR, K. KRENN, S. R. POULSON, S. HAUCK, M. SEVERSON, G. B. AREHART, 2014. Hydrothermal alteration and Cu–Ni–PGE mobilization in the charnockitic rocks of the footwall of the South Kawishiwi intrusion, Duluth Complex, USA. Ore Geology Reviews, 67, 170-188. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2014.10.015.
  • K. KRENN, J. KONZETT, G. HOINKES, 2014. Re-equilibration of a high-pressure metamorphic fluid: evidence from tourmaline-, apatite- and quartz-hosted fluid inclusions in an Eoalpine eclogite from the Eastern Alps, European Journal of Mineralogy, 26, 231-244. doi.10.1127/0935-1221/2014/0026-2371.
  • A. PROYER, G. HABLER, R. ABART, R. WIRTH, K. KRENN, G. HOINKES, 2013. TiO2 exsolution from garnet by open-system precipitation: evidence from crystalloraphic and shape preferred orientation of rutile inclusions, Contrib Mineral Petrol, 166, 211-234.
  • P. NANTASIN, C. HAUZENBERGER, X. LIU, K. KRENN, Y. DONG, M. THÖNI, P. WATHANAKUL, 2012. Occurrence of the high grade Thabsila metamorphic complex within the low grade Three Pagodas shear zone, Kanchanaburi Province, western Thailand: Petrology and geochronology. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 60, 68-87.
  • J. KONZETT, K. KRENN, CH. HAUZENBERGER, M. WHITEHOUSE, G. HOINKES, 2012. High pressure tourmaline formation and fluid activity in Fe-Ti-rich eclogites from the Kreuzeck Mountains, Eastern Alps, Austria, Journal of Petrology, doi:10.1093/petrology/egr057.
  • K. KRENN, W. KURZ, H. FRITZ, G. HOINKES, 2011. Eoalpine tectonics of the Eastern Alps: implications from the evolution of monometamorphic Austroalpine units (Schneeberg and Radenthein Complex), Swiss Journal of Geosciences, doi: 10.1007/s00015-011-0087-8.
  • K. KRENN, 2010. Fluid inclusions in quartz related to subsequent stages of foliation development during a single metamorphic cycle (Schneeberg Complex, Eastern Alps, Austria), Lithos, 118, 255-268.
  • K. KRENN, C. BAUER, A. PROYER, G. HOINKES, 2010. Tectonometamorphic evolution of the Rhodope orogen, Tectonics, doi: 10.1029/2009TC002615.
  • G. HOINKES, F. KOLLER, A. DEMÉNY, R. SCHUSTER, C. MILLER, M. THÖNI, W. KURZ, K. KRENN, F. WALTER, 2010. Metamorphism in the Eastern Alps, Acta Mineralogica-Petrographica, 1, 1-47.
  • M. SULÁK, R. KAINDL, M. PUTIŠ, J. SITEK, K. KRENN, I. TÓTH, 2009. Chemical and spectroscopic characteristics of potassium white micas related to polystage evolution of the Central Western Carpathians orogenic wedge, Lithos, 113, 709-730.
  • A. PROYER, K. KRENN; G. HOINKES, 2009. Oriented precipitates of quartz and amphibole in clinopyroxene of metabasites from the Greek Rhodope: a product of open system precipitation during eclogite–granulite–amphibolite transition. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 639-654.
  • K. KRENN, C. BAUER, A. PROYER, E. MPOSKOS, G. HOINKES, 2008. Fluid entrapment and re-equilibration during subduction and exhumation: A case study from the high-grade Nestos shear zone, Central Rhodope, Greece, Lithos, 104, 33–53.
  • K. KRENN, H. FRITZ, A. MOGESSIE, J. SCHAFFLECHNER, 2008. Late Cretaceous Exhumation History of an Extensional Extruding Wedge (Graz Nappe Complex, Austria). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 97, 1331-1352.
  • C. BAUER, D. RUBATTO, K. KRENN, A. PROYER, G. HOINKES, 2007. A zircon study from the Rhodope Metamorphic Complex, N-Greece: Time record of a multistage evolution, Lithos, 29, 207-228.
  • K. KRENN, R. KAINDL, G. HOINKES, 2004. Pumpellyite in metapelites of the Schneeberg Complex (Eastern Alps): a relic of the eo-Alpine prograde P-T path? European Journal of Mineralogy, 16, 661-669.
  • K. KRENN, H. FRITZ, BIERMEIER CH., SCHOLGER R. 2003. The Oligocene Rensen Pluton (Eastern Alps, South Tyrol): Magma emplacement during plate convergence. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 94, 9-26.
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Kurt Krenn

Institut für Erdwissenschaften
+43 316 380 - 5594
+43 (0)316 380 - 9870

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