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Research group

Assistant Professor Dr. Maud Meijers

I am a geoscientist with an interdisciplinary background and extensive field work experience who uses stable isotope geochemistry to quantify Earth surface processes by reconstructing continental paleoenvironments (vegetation, climate, seasonality, hydrology, lake connectivity) and paleotopography. By combining magnetostratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar dating, I establish a chronological framework; one of the prerequisites for understanding the timing and rates of geological events and processes. Ultimately, I strive to comprehend the drivers, interactions and feedbacks between Earth surface processes and tectonics, as well as their effects on regional biodiversity.

Since 2022, I am Assistant Professor of Sedimentary Geology at the University of Graz

Armelle Ballian, MSc 

PhD project entitled 'Reconstructing Eastward Propagation of Surface Uplift in the Alps: Integrating Stable Isotope Paleoaltimetry and Paleoclimate Modelling'
Start date: April 2021

Armelle's PhD project is part of the second phase of the DFG SPP ‘Mountain Building Processes in Four Dimensions (4DMB)’. She is based at Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (SBiK-F), Frankfurt, Germany, with Prof. Dr. Andreas Mulch

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