Alkofer, Reinhard, Univ.-Prof. Dr.rer.nat.
Welcome to my research group Strong Interactions in Continuum Quantum Field Theories
The primary focus of the research in our group is the physics of strongly-interacting gauge theories. To explore these kind of quantum field theories we employ continuum methods, in particular, functional methods.
Current research projects include:
- Physics of light and heavy mesons, in particular, production mechanisms, decays, time-like form factors and isospin breaking effects, from Poincaré-covariant quark-antiquark bound state equations;
- Unquenched QCD vertex functions in Landau gauge calculated in continuum quantum field theory with functional methods;
- Time-dependence of electron-positron pair production in ultra-strong laser fields (Sauter-Schwinger effect in strong-field quantum electrodynamics) from the Dirac-Heisenberg-Wigner formalism;
- Ultraviolet completion of the Standard Model via a minimally parameterization of New Physics in the Renormalization Group equations; and
- Dirac fermions and torsion in Einstein-Cartan gravity, including the unimodular version of Einstein-Cartan gravity, and their impact of the quark condensate on the cosmological constant.