(PostDoc´s, PhD´s, MSc´s, Studentische Mitarbeiter, TA´s, Lab Alumni)
Post Doc´s
| +43 316 380 - 3959 Institut für Biologie |
PhD students
Helge Heimburg: Integrative taxonomy of Austrian hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae)
Samuel J. Leeming (co-betreut durch Christoph Hahn & Maarten P. M. Vanhove): Deep evolutionary relationships of Monogenea based on whole genome sequences: a window on how parasitic flatworms colonized vertebrate hosts
Andrea Lienhard: Phylogenetic and biogeographic history of Caribbean, Middle American and Bermudean oribatid mites
Raphael Schmid: Alpine salamander and common wall lizard in the eastern Alps: Intraspecific diversity and population structure
Thomas Strohmeier: Characterization of Austrian biodiversity - optimizing the application of long-read next generation sequencing methods
Master students
Nadine Klar: Genetic diversity and population differentiation of an intertidal cryptobenthic clingfish genus
Friedrich K. Rosian: Zoozönotik und Faunistik der nachtaktiven Nachtfalter (Lepidoptera) am Serpentintrockenrasenstandort Wenzelanger (Redlschlag, KG Bernstein) im Burgenland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Großschmetterlinge (Macrolepidoptera)
Alexander Weihs: Biodiversität von Macrolepidoptera am Semmering, inkl. DNA-Barcoding
Christina Weissacher: DNA barcoding of Austrian bumblebees
Studentische Mitarbeiter
Daniel Linzbauer: ABOL (Austrian Barcode Of Life)
Thomas Oswald: ABOL (Austrian Barcode Of Life)
Elisabeth Kräuter
Sylvia Schäffer
Thomas Strohmeier
Lab Alumni
Sylvia Schäffer (Post Doc): ABOL (Austrian Barcode Of Life)
Maarten Van Steenberge (Post Doc): Systematics and phylogeography of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid genus Tropheus
Maximilian Wagner (PhD-Student): Speciation in gravel beaches: Exploring an interstitial clingfish radiation from the Mediterranean Sea
Lukas Zangl (PhD-Student): DNA-barcoding of Austria's biodiversity
Raphael Schmid (MSc-Student): Discriminating Danubian Romanogobio species by means of bar-HRM analysis
Martina Topić (MSc-Student; Universität Zagreb): Genetic diversity and phylogeography of fishes of the genus Gobio (Gobionidae) and their ectoparasites of the genus Gyrodactylus (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea) in Croatia and Austria
Mario Poglitsch (MSc-Student; co-betreut durch Christoph Hahn): Nachweis und morphologische Artbestimmung von Fischparasiten der Gattung Gyrodactylus
Christian Pacher (MSc-Student): Microplastics in shore sediments – Development of a suitable extraction and purification technique for citizen science projects
Ilja Svetnik (MSc-Student): Red list and DNA barcoding of Styrian and Carinthian centipedes
David Fröhlich (MSc-Student): Sexual dimorphism in wing venation and cuticular hydrocarbons in Chrysididae (Hymenoptera)
Christian Arnold Schöggl (MSc-Student): Phylogeny of the African freshwater lates perches (Latidae: Lates)
Maximilian Wagner (MSc-Student): New insights into the phylogeography and evolutionary history of two Mediterranean clingfish genera (Teleostei, Gobiesocidae)
Alexander Kostmann (MSc-Student): DNA barcoding of Austrian eulipothyplans
Anna Lena Hofstätter (MSc-Student): DNA barcoding of Austrian rodents
Sandra Bracun (MSc-Student): Seasonal growth patterns of Cymodocea nodosa and abundance patterns of its epiphytes in relation to water depth in the northern Adriatic Sea.
Lukas Zangl (MSc-Student): Genetic diversity of gudgeons in the Austrian Danube System
Daniel Daill (MSc-Student): DNA barcoding of the Austrian herpetofauna
Johannes Salvenmoser (MSc-Student): Seasonal growth patterns of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson and abundance patterns of the associated vagile macro- and megafauna at two different sites in the Northern Adriatic Sea.
Matthias Weissensteiner (MSc-Student): Morphological and genetic differences of two subspecies of the Masked Bunting Emberiza spodocephala in far eastern Russia.
Peter Zoppoth (MSc-Student): Molecular genetic analyses and behavioural observations on different colour morphs of the Lake Tanganyika cichlid genus Tropheus.
Cornelia Heinrich (MSc-Student): Puppies' behavior in play during the fourth to the eighth week of life, comparing puppies of two breeds, Chihuahua and Australian Shepherd.
Sara Weiss (MSc-Student): Population genetics of the triplefin blenny Tripterygion tripteronotus in the north-eastern Adriatic Sea.