Hohenester, Ulrich, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.rer.nat.

Welcome to Hohenester's Nano Optics Group
I am a theoretical solid-state physicist, interested in computational nanophotonics and plasmonics. I obtained my PhD in Theoretical Physics at the University of Graz 1997. I then moved as a Postdoc to the nanoscience group Modena headed by Elisa Molinari, where I spent the years 1997 - 2000 working on semiconductor quantum dots. In 2001 I joined the Solid State Theory group in Graz headed by Walter Pötz. In the same year I obtained my Habilitation in Theoretical Physics. Currently I am Professor at the Institute of Physics in Graz. From 2006 to 2016 I have been Associated Editor of the European Physical Journal B.
Selected recent publications
- Li et al., Three-dimensional vectorial imaging of surface phonon polaritons, Science 371, 1364 (2021).
- Hohenester et al., Nano and Quantum Optics, Springer Nature Switzerland (2020)
- Hörl et al., Tomographic reconstruction of the photonic environment of plasmonic nanoparticles, Nature Commun. 8, 37 (2017) (pdf)
- Lagos et al., Mapping vibrational surface and bulk Modes in a single nanocube, Nature 543, 533 (2017) (pdf)
- Soavi et al., Exciton-exciton annihilation and stimulated biexciton stimulated emission in graphene nanoribbons, Nature Communications 7, 11010 (2016) (pdf)