Courses Graz
all courses taught at a basis of 2 hours per week unless otherwise indicated
SS 2023
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of Anglophone Literatures (Focus Britain)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar (Fantasy Classics - Fiction Originals and Filmic Versions: Intermedial Practice II)", SE
"Master Research Seminar (Short Stories in English: Students' Choice)"
WS 2022/23
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture - History and Society", VO
"Specialized topics in Anglophone Literary Studies (Vampire Stories)", SE
"Master Research Seminar ('Implied Worldview', related concepts, and the meaning of literary texts)"
SS 2022
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of Anglophone Literatures (Focus Britain)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar (Literature and Music - Forms and Functions (Intermediality II))", SE
"Master Research Seminar (Close Reading: Selected Shakesperian Tragedies (Othello, King Lear, Macbeth))"
WS 2021/22
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture - History and Society", VO
"Specialized topics in Anglophone Literary Studies (Petrarchism and Shakespeare's Sonnets)", SE
"Master Research Seminar (Description (vs. Narrative) in Literature and Other Media)"
SS 2021
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of Anglophone Literatures (Focus Britain)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar (Literature and Religion)", SE
"Master Research Seminar (Close Reading: Selected Love Poetry - 16th Century to the Present)"
WS 2020/21
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture - History and Society", VO
"Specialized topics in Anglophone Literary Studies (Travelling and Tourism in English Literature)", SE
"Master Research Seminar (Retro-Forms in Literature and Other Media)"
SS 2020
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of Anglophone Literatures (Focus Britain)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar (The Supernatural Outside Gothic Fiction: 19th Century to the Present)", SE
"Master Research Seminar (Close Reading: K. Mansfield, Short Stories)"
WS 2019/20
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture - History and Society", VO
"Specialized topics in Anglophone Literary Studies (Critical Perspectives on Immersion and Virtual Reality in fiction and Film)", SE
"Master Research Seminar (Evil Characters in Literature: Forms and Functions)"
SS 2019
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of Anglophone Literatures (Focus Britain)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar (Neo-'Victorianism' in Literature and Other Media)", SE
"Master Research Seminar (Close Reading: V. Woolf, Short Stories)"
WS 2018/19
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture - History and Society", VO
"Specialized topics in Anglophone Literary Studies (Dramatic Openings as a Way to Drama History)", SE
"Master Research Seminar (Functions of Literature)"
SS 2018
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of Anglophone Literatures (Focus Britain)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: (Post)Apocalyptic fictions in English", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Close reading: Joyce, Dubliners", SE
WS 2017/18
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture (History and Society)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: 19th-Century Fiction: Genres, Forms, Functions", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Literary and intermedial concepts and terminology for Wikipedia", SE
SS 2017
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of Anglophone Literatures (Focus Britain)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: The celebration of books and reading in contemporary non-realistic fiction", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Close Reading: Sterne, Tristram Shandy", SE
WS 2016/17
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture (History and Society)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: Detective Fiction", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Graphic novels as plurimedial narratives: theoretical aspects and case studies", SE
SS 2016
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of English Literary History", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: Ecofiction", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Close Reading: Hardy, Tess of the d'Urbervilles", SE
"AVL Kolloquium für DoktorandInnen (mit Workshop)(gem. mit dem DP Kultur-Text-Handlung)", DQ
WS 2015/16
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture (History and Society)", VO
"Cultural Studies Seminar: Nostalgia: Yearing for the Past and/or 'Original' States in British Cultural History", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Short Stories as a Way to Literary History", SE
"Ringvorlesung: Significant Absence: Gaps in Signifiers across Media", VO
SS 2015
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of English Literary History", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: Islands as literary world models", SE
"Master Research Seminar: The Sonnet in English Literary History", SE
WS 2014/15
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture (History and Society)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: Shakespeare's Histories: the 'Lancaster Tetralogy'", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Similiarity, Variation, Repetition in Literature and other Media", SE
"AVL Kolloquium für DoktorandInnen (mit Workshop)(gem. mit dem DP Kultur-Text-Handlung)", DQ
SS 2014
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of English Literary History", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: Popular Fantasy Fiction in English ", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Laughing Matters: Theoretical and Historical Perspectives on English comedy and the comic", SE
"AVL Ringvorlesung: Inter- und Transdisziplinarität: Theorie - Methoden - Praxis", VO
WS 2013/14
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture (History and Society)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: The Representation of Children in Fiction in English", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Gesichter: Formen und Funktionen von Psysiognomiebeschreibungen in englischer Erzählkunst", SE
"AVL Kolloquium für DoktorandInnen (mit Workshop)(gem. mit dem DP Kultur-Text-Handlung)", DQ
SS 2013
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of English Literary History", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: Frame Stories", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Narrativity in Literature and Other Media", SE
WS 2012/13
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture (History and Society)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: Shakespeare: Select Comedies", SE
"Master Research Seminar: On Nothing: Meaningful Blanks in Literature and Other Media", SE
"AVL Ringvorlesung: Perspektiven (nicht nur) auf Texte: Transdisziplinäre Konzepte der Literaturwissenschaft", VO
SS 2012
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Genres/Periods of English Literature: Late 17th and 18th Century", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: English Literature of the 1950s: A Reaction Against Experiment?", SE
"Master Research Seminar: (Post-)Colonial Time-Lag? The Case of the Australian Short Story", SE
WS 2011/12
"AVL VO: Perspektiven (nicht nur) auf Texte: Transdisziplinäre Konzepte der Literaturwissenschaft", VO
"AVL Kolloquium Literaturwissenschaft: Forschungsgespräche und Projektpräsentationen (mit Workshop)", DQ
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"Literary Studies Seminar: Shakespeare's Great Tragedies", SE
"British Culture: History and Society", VO
"Master Research Seminar: The Rise of Mountains in Literary and Cultural Valorization", SE
SS 2011
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Survey of English Literary History", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: 19th-Century English Poetry", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Emotions Represented (in and Elicited by Literature and Other Media", SE
"Fächerübergreifendes Seminar: Kategorien zwischen Denkform, Analysewerkzeug und historischem Diskurs", SE
WS 2010/11
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture (History and Society)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: Ian McEwan", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Literary Space: Forms, Functions", SE
"Aesthetic Illusion in Literature and Other Media", VO
"Kolloquium für Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden", DQ
SS 2010
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Genres/Periods of English Literature (Middle Ages to 17th Century)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: Reality vs. Fiction (a Metareferential Theme in Literature, Film and Other Media)", SE
"Master Research Seminar: Strange Narrative Beginnings", SE
WS 2009/10
"Introduction to Literary Studies I", PS
"British Culture (History and Society)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: The Representation of Animals in Literature (in English)", SE
"Master Research Seminar: The 'Metareferential Turn' in Contemporary Literature and Other Media", SE
SS 2009
"Raum und Zeit: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen geisteswissenschaftlichen Kategorienaustausches", SE
"Genres/Periods of English Literature (20th and 21st Century)", VO
"Literary Studies Seminar: 20th-Century Utopias and Dystopias", SE
"Literary Studies Proseminar: Metapoetry", PS
"Master Research Seminar: Mise en abyme in Literature and Other Media", SE
WS 2008/09
"Seminar zur Intermedialität: Ästhetische Illusion in Literatur und anderen Medien", SE
"Survey of English Literary History: The Development of Drama Presented Through Opening Scenes", VO
"British Culture: History and Society", VO
"Theorien und Metoden der Kulturwissenschaft. Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung", VO
"Introduction to Literary Studies II", PS
"Master Research Seminar: Literaturtheorien: Wege zur Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert", SE
SS 2008
"Seminar zur Intermedialität: Emotionen in der Kunst. Am Beispiel von Ausdruck, Darstellung und Evokation von Trauer", SE
"A Brief History of English Fiction Based on Opening Pages", VU
"Neo-Modernism in Contemporary Novels in English? (Literaturwiss. Hauptseminar)", SE
"Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft I", PS
"Seminar für Dipl./Diss.: Kausalität und implizite Weltsicht in short stories vom 19. Jh bis zum Postmodernism", SE
WS 2007/08
"Grazer fachübergreifendes literaturwissenschaftliches DoktorandInnenkolloquium", SE
"Madness in Literature: From Shakespeare to the Present (Literaturwiss. Spezialseminar)", VU
"Review of English Literature: Late 17th and 18th Centuries", VO
"Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft II", PS
"Seminar für Dipl./Diss.: Causation and Implied Worldviews I: Short Stories from the 19th Century to Modernism", SE
SS 2007
"Interdisziplinäres Seminar: Selbstreferentialität als transmediales Phänomen", SE
"Survey of English Poetry: 17th to 20th Centuries", VU
"Ch. Brontë, Jane Eyre and E. Brontë, Wuthering Heights: Departures from 19th-Century Conventions", PS
"English Fantasy Classics of the 1890s as Responses to Cultural Anxieties (Literaturwiss. Spezialseminar)", SE
"Seminar für Dipl./Diss.: Literarische Ikonizität: Formen und Funktionen", SE
WS 2006/07
"Seminar zur Intermedialität: Konzepte und Fallstudien aus der Epoche der Moderne (ca. 1900-1930)", SE
"Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft II", PS
"Review of English Literature: Middle Ages to 17th Century", VO
"Seminar für Dipl./Diss.: Ähnlichkeiten: Formen und Funktionen eines ästhetischen Bauprinzips", SE
"Detective Fiction (Literaturwiss. Hauptseminar)", SE
SS 2006
"Review of English Literature: The 19th Century", VO
"Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft I", PS
"Hauptseminar: Beckett: Classic Texts", SE
"Seminar für Dipl./Diss.: Erzählschlüsse", SE
"Literaturwiss. Doktorandenkolloquium", PV
WS 2005/06
"Seminar zur Intermedialität: Konzepte und Fallbeispiele aus der Epoche der Romantik", SE
"Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft I", PS
"Review of English Literature: Late 17th and 18th Centuries", VO
"Spezialseminar: Literary and Linguistic Approaches to Comedy", SE
"Seminar für Dipl./Diss.: Landschaftsbeschreibungen", SE
"Love Poetry", PS
SS 2005
"Interdisziplinäre Vorlesung: Description in Literature and Other Media", VO
"A Brief history of English Drama Based on Opening Pages", VO
"Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft II", PS
"Spezialseminar: Literary and Linguistic Approaches to Comedy", SE
"Seminar für Dipl./Diss.: Metaisierung in Literatur und anderen Medien", SE
"Literaturwiss. Doktorandenkolloquium", PV
WS 2004/05
"Interdisziplinäres Seminar: Rhamung in der Literatur und anderen Medien", SE
"Review of English Literature: The 20th Century", VK
"Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft II", PS
"Australian Short Stories in Context", SE
"Seminar für Dipl./Diss.: Englische Lyrik des 19. Jahrhunderts", SE
"Literaturwiss. Doktorandenkolloquium", PV
SS 2004
"Interdisziplinäres Seminar: Konzepte und Fallbeispiele der Intermedialität II", SE
"Short Stories: 19th Cetnury to Modernism", VU
"Spezialseminar: Non-realistic late 19th-Century Fiction", SE
"Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft II", PS
"Seminar für Dipl./Diss.: Prologe im englischsprachigen Drama", SE
"Literaturwiss. Doktorandenkolloquium", PV
WS 2003/04
"Fächerübergreifendes Seminar: 'Konzepte und Fallbeispiele der Intermedialität' (Institute für Anglistik, Musikwissenschaft und Kunstgeschichte)", SE
"Review of English Literature: The 19th Century", VK
"Anti-Detective Fiction", PS
"Seminar für Dipl./Diss.: Metalepsis", SE
"Einführung in das Studium der Anglistik und Amerikanistik", PS
"Literaturwiss. Doktorandenkolloquium", PV
SS 2003
"A Brief history of English Fiction based on Opening Pages", VU
"Hauptseminar: Virginia Woolf", SE
"Seminar für Dipl./Diss.: Ästhetische Illusion und Illusionsdurchbrechung in der Erzählkunst II", SE
"Privatissimum für Diplomanden u. Doktoranden: Grazer Interdisziplinäres lit. wiss. Kolloquium", PV
"The Culture of the 18th Century Sensibility", SE
WS 2002/03
"Review of English Literature: Late 17th and 18th Centuries", VK
"Englishness in Contemporary Novels", SE
"Seminar für Dipl. und Diss.: Ästhetische Illusion und Illusionsdurchbrechung in der Erzählkunst I", SE
"Einführung in das Studium der Anglistik und Amerikanistik", PS
SS 2002
"PSII: Australian Short Stories", PS
"Beyond Postmodernism? Novels of the 1990s", SE
"Privatissimum: Intermedialität - Beziehungen zwischen Literatur und anderen Medien", PRIV
"Narratology and the Analysis of Fiction", VU
WS 2001/02
"Review of English Literature: the 20th Century", VK
"Reality vs. Fiction: a self-reflexive theme in literature, film and other media", SE
"Privatissimum: Physiognomien: Formen und Funktionen der Figurenbeschreibung in englischer Erzählkunst", PRIV
"Emphasis on Narartive Texts", PS
SS 2001
"Metapoetry", PS
"Sterne, Tristam Shandy", SE
"Romaneingänge in der Englischen Literatur: Theorie und Geschichte II", PRIV
"Comedy and the Comic: Theory and History", VU
WS 2000/01
"Canadian Short Stories", PS
"Review of English Literature: The 19th Century", VK
"Romaneingänge in der Englischen Literatur: Theorie und Geschichte I", PRIV
"Modernist Fiction", SE
SS 2000
"George Eliot and Nineteenth-Century Realism", SE
"Review of English Literature: Late 17th and 18th Centuries", VO
"Privatissimum für Dipl. und Diss.: Literaturtheorien/Wege zur Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert I", PRIV
"The Rise of Wild Nature in Cultural and Literary Valorization", SE
WS 1999/2000
"Emphasis on Narrative Texts", PS
"Feminine Issues in 18th to Early 20th Century Literature", SE
"Anti-Detective Fiction", PS
"Privatissimum: Formen und Funktionen der mise en abyme", PRIV
"John Fowles and Postmodernism", SE
SS 1999
"The Emergence of the New Drama in England", SE
"Beckett: classical texts", SE
"Privatissimum für Dipl. und Diss.: Elemente der Erzähltheorie II", PRIV
"The Modernist Short Story", VU
WS 1998/99
"Review of English Literature: The 19th-Century", VO
"19th-Century Short Stories", PS
"Privatissimum: Elemente der Erzähltheorie II", PRIV
"Ähnlichkeiten: Formen und Funktionen eines ästhetischen Bauprinzips", SE
SS 1998
"Non-Realistic Late 19th-Century Fiction", SE
"Love Poetry", PS
"Privatissimum für Dipl. und Diss.: Drameneingänge: Theorie und Praxis II", PRIV
"Review of English Literature: Late 17th and 18th Centuries", VO
WS 1997/98
"Drameneingänge I", PRIV
"'Ecriture féminine?' - Aspekte in Theorie und Praxis", SE
"The play within a play as a metadramatic device", SE
"British and American postmodern(ist) short stories", PS
SS 1997
"Literaturhistorische Aspekte der Lyrikinterpretation", PRIV
"Review of English Literature: the 20th Century", VO
"18th-Century Sensibility: Literature and Cultural context", SE
"Ch. Brontë, Jane Eyre and E. Brontë, Wuthering Heights: Departures from 19th-Century Conventions", PS
WS 1996/97
"Literaturtheoretische Aspekte der Lyrikinterpretation", PRIV
"Detective fiction", SE
"Dekonstruktivismus, Poststrukturalismus und postmodernistisches Erzählen", SE
"Die Wessex-Romane Thomas Hardys", PS
SS 1996
"Review of English literature: the 19th century", VO
"Der Rahmen in der (Erzähl-)Literatur: Theorie und Geschichte", PRIV
"Metafiction", SE
"From Restoration to Sentimental Comedy", PS
WS 1995/96
"Romaneingänge: Theorie und Geschichte II", PRIV
"Virginia Woolf", SE
"'The Musicalization of Fiction' - Grenzüberschreitungsversuche zur Musik im englischen Erzählen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts", SE
"English Lyric Poetry from Neoclassicism to Romanticism", PS
SS 1995
"Narratology and the Analysis of Fiction", VO
"Romaneingänge: Theorie und Geschichte I", PRIV
"Sterne, Tristram Shandy", SE
"Gothic Fiction of the 18th and 19th Centuries", PS
WS 1994/95
"The Representation of Sexuality in Postmodernist Fiction", SE
"The Pre-Romantic Change of Attitudes Towards Wild Nature", SE
"History of the Short Story II: Modernism to Postmodernism", PS
SS 1994
"Experimentelles englisches Erzählen der Nachkriegszeit", VO
"Der historische Roman in Großbritannien", SE
"History of the Short Story I - Origins to Modernism", PS
PRIV - Privatissimum / Seminar for diploma candidates and postgraduate students
PS - Proseminar
SE - Seminar
VO - Vorlesung / Lecture course
VU - Vorlesung mit Ãœbung / Lecture course with exercise
VK - Vorlesung mit Konversatorium / Lecture course with conversation
Werner Wolf