Dipl.-Inform. Cord Hockemeyer
Contract research assistant

Oberrat Dipl.-Inf. Cord Hockemeyer
I am a contract researcher at the Department of Psychology at the University of Graz with a dual role: on the one hand I work in the central administration of the Institute, on the other hand I am involved in scientific research and software development at the research group on Cognitive Psychology & NeuroScience.
Professional career
After studying computer science (psychology as an application subject) at the TU Braunschweig, I initially worked at the Institute of Psychology there before moving to the Graz Institute of Psychology in 1996. I initially worked there as a Marie Curie scholarship holder and project collaborator until I took up my current position as a contract researcher in 1999.
In the years 2009-2011, I also worked as a part-time project assistant at the then Institute for Knowledge Management at Graz University of Technology.