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Rieder, Harald, Mag. Dr.

Harald Rieder is an Assistant Professor at the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change at the University of Graz Austria. At the Wegener Center he is leading the Research Group Climate Processes and Environmental Meteorology (ClimEMet).

The ClimEMet group's primary research objectives are to understand the internal natural variability of the Earth's atmosphere and how changes in individual/multiple forcings affect atmospheric composition/chemistry, dynamics and surface climate on a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. A detailed understanding of both the natural and forced components is crucial because responses to external forcings may project onto natural variability. Separating between natural and forced variations is a challenging task, though key to the assessment and improvement of future predictions. Research in the ClimEMet group covers a broad range of spatial and temporal scales and spans from the stratosphere over the troposphere down to surface climate. A special focus in our work is dedicated to advance the understanding of (un)certainty related with future projections, particular regarding extremes, to provide robust estimates on the impact of changing forcings on the atmosphere and climate system.

ClimEMet Group Members


Group Head

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Harald Rieder

Senior Scientists

Dr. Johannes Fritzer

Dr. Monika Mayer

Junior Scientists

Martin Ortbauer

Christian Schmidt

Christoph Staehle



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