• Zangl, L., D. Daill, C. Wiesner, G. Unfer, K. Pinter, S. Koblmüller, T. Friedrich: A new gudgeon species (genus Romanogobio) from the Upper Mur River – evidence from morphology and molecular data. (Poster). 108th Meeting of the German Zoological Society. Graz, 2015
• Daill, D.; Zangl, L.; Börger, Sefc, K.M.; C.; Sturmbauer, C.; Koblmüller, S.: Only true pelagics mix: Comparative phylogoegraphy of deep water Bathybatini cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. German Zoological Society & Institute of Zoology, University of Graz (Hg.): In: Abstractbook of the 108th Meeting of the German Zoological Society. Graz. DZG. 2015. Graz. Eigenverlag. 2015. 148
• Koblmüller, S., L. Zangl, S. Schäffer, D. Daill, A. Kostmann, A. L. Hofstätter, F. E. Zachos: ABOL pilot project vertebrates – What we have achieved so far. (Poster). 10th Meeting of NOBIS Austria. Linz, 2016
• Zangl, L., D. Daill, W. Gessl1, S. Koblmüller: Which and how many species of gudgeons (genus Gobio) are there in the Austrian Danube system? Insights from molecular data. (Poster). 10th Meeting of NOBIS Austria. Linz, 2016
• Zangl, L., S. Schäffer, A. Kostmann, F. E. Zachos, S. Koblmüller: DNA-Barcoding der Fledermäuse Österreichs – Probleme und Herausfordungen. (Poster). 4th meeting of Austrian bat research. Vienna, 2017
• Zangl, L., S. Schäffer, F. E. Zachos, S. Koblmüller: DNA-Barcoding of Austrian mammals – difficulties and challenges. (Poster). 91st Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology. Greifswald, 2017
• Zangl, L., D. Daill, T. Friedrich, S. Koblmüller: Barcoding Austria's fishes and lampreys - Status quo and first interesting findings. (Poster). 4th ABOL meeting. Vienna, 2017
• Zangl, L., I. Fischer, M. Sittenthaler, A. Chovanec, E. Haring, G. Kunz, S. Koblmüller: Barcoding Austria's damsels and dragons - First steps or learning to fly. (Poster). 4th ABOL meeting. Vienna, 2017
• Zangl, L., S. Koblmüller, C. Hahn: The Story begins - DNA-Barcoding of Gyrodactylus, a genus of hyperdiverse fish ectoparasites. (Poster). 4th ABOL meeting. Vienna, 2017
• Zangl, L., D. Daill, W. Gessl, T. Friedrich, S. Koblmüller: Up for surprises - The Story of Austria's gudgeons. NOBIS Young Researcher's day. Vienna, 2017
• Zangl, L.: ABOL - Austrian Barcode of Life - Biodiversität in einem neuen Format. Austrian Society of Herpetology. Section meeting Styria. Graz, 2018
• Zangl, L., D. Daill, W. Gessl, T. Friedrich, S. Koblmüller: Up for surprises - The Story of Austria's gudgeons. 19th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Systematics. Vienna, 2018
• Zangl, L., A. Hubmann, S. Koblmüller: Barcoding Austria's scorpionflies: unexpected cryptic diversity. (Poster). 12th meeting of NOBIS Austria. Bolzano, 2018
• Zangl, L., A. Hubmann, S. Koblmüller: Barcoding Austria's scorpionflies: unexpected cryptic diversity. (Poster). 5th ABOL meeting. Vienna, 2018
• Zangl, L., S. Koblmüller, C. Hahn: Fishing for fish parasites: Establishing a DNA-barcoding protocol for reliable species identification of Gyrodactylus (Monogenea: Platyhelminthes) ectoparasites. Lightning talk. 8th Barcode of Life Conference. Trondheim, 2019
• Zangl, L., C. Hahn, S. Koblmüller: Building the reference library for Austrian fish and their monogenean ectoparasite of the genus Gyrodactylus. 8th International Symposiumof Ecologists of Montenegro. Budva, 2019
• Zangl, L., M. Jung, W. Gessl, S. Koblmüller, C. Ratschan: DNA-barcoding proves the presenece of an alien Asian weatherfish (Misgurnus) species in Austria. Lightning talk. 6th ABOL meeting. Innsbruck, 2019