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Employment History (not academic)

10-11.12.2021: Audio-engineer assistant for Delta Studios srl. Recording of the monographic CD La variazione per flauto e pianoforte – Udine. Artists: Luisa Sello, Bruno Canino

9.10.2020-24.10.2020: Co-Manager / Artistic direction of the festival “Contemporanea 2019”, Guests: Stefano Gervasoni, Sophie Klussmann, Aldo Orvieto, Alvise Vidolin, Mikrokosmos Ensemble, Roberto Dani, Simone Beneventi, Susanne Kogler, Michele Biasutti, Davor Branimir Vincze

28-29.2.2020: Audio-engineer assistant for Delta Studios srl. Recording of the monographic CD Beethoven. Opere giovanili – Udine. Artists: Luisa Sello, Bruno Canino.

9.10.2019-27.10.2019: Co-Manager / Artistic direction of the festival “Contemporanea 2019”, Guests: James Dashow, Luca Sanzò, Michele Biasutti, Massimo Somaglino, Giuseppe Acito, Sebastiano Pilosu, Andrea Toffolini, Stefano Cocco, Andrea Deidda, Sandro Mungianu, Marta Fanasca, Elaine Mitchener, Dam van Huynh

13.10.2018-26.10.2018: Co-Manager / Artistic direction of the festival “Contemporanea 2018”, Guests: Andrea Gulli, Aleksandar Koruga, Mattia Piani, Jesus Valenti, Peter Mettler, Mikrokosmos, Inés Badalo, Miguel Farías, Chris Gendall, Damián Gorandi, Dongryul Lee, Shin Mizutani, Seokmin Mun, Natasha Barrett, Gordon Delap, Martín Freiberg, Nicola Giannini, Francesco Marchionna, Frederick Szymanski

1.3.2018-30.4.2018: Co-Manager of the International Composition Competition “Città di Udine” – twelfth edition

14.10.2017-21.10.2017: Co-Manager / Artistic direction of the festival “Contemporanea-Acusmatica 2017”, Guests: Eraldo Bocca, Dante Tanzi, Andrea Vigani, Roberto Zanata, Marco Marinoni

29.10.2016-31.10.2016: Co-Manager of the festival “Contemporanea 2016”, Guests: Mikrokosmos, Silvia Cignoli, Andrea Carlotto, Andrea Tremolada, M. Blackburn, L. Bortot, M. Corbeil-Perron, G. A. Delgado, S. Laitempergher, S. Lee, M. Lin, Claudio Luci

1.3.2016-30.4.2016: Co-Manager of the International Composition Competition “Città di Udine” – eleventh edition

10.10.2015-18.10.2015: Co-Manager of the festival “Contemporanea 2015” at the San Giorgio Theatre in Udine, Guests: Rudi Fischerlehner, Maurizio Ravalico, Isambard Khroustaliov; Music Academy of Ljiubljana, Conservatory of Udine; Luca Richelli, Daniele Ruggieri

6.10.2014-29.10.2014: Co-Manager of the festival “Contemporanea 2014” at the San Giorgio Theatre in Udine, Guests: Heinrich Unterhofer, Conservatory of Udine, Conservatory of Bolzano, Marco Stroppa, Marco Maria Tosolini, Paolo Comuzzi, Alvaro Petricig, Interensemble, Bernardino Beggio, John Nichols, Evija Skuke, Annachiara Gedda, Simone Olivari, Lorenzo Restagno, René Samson, Jose Luis Gomez Aleixandre. Awarding ceremony of the winning compositions at the 10° International Composition Competition Città di Udine, 495 scores submitted from 50 nations

1.3.2014-30.4.2014: Co-Manager of the International Composition Competition “Città di Udine” – tenth edition

17-18.1.2013: Audio-engineer assistant for Delta Studios srl. Recording of "Giacomo Menon. Liriche" CD in Udine, (pianist: Aldo Orvieto; soprano: Sonia Visentin)

16.10.2012-27.10.2012: Co-Manager of the festival “Contemporanea 2012” at the San Giorgio Theatre in Udine, Guests: Ex Novo Ensemble. Armando Battiston. Ensemble of Contemporary Music of the Conservatory "J. Tomadini", Udine. Marco Bidin. Agnese Toniutti. Interensemble. Awarding ceremony of the winning compositions at the 9° International Composition Competition Città di Udine, 402 scores submitted from 49 nations

1.11.2011-30.4.2012: Co-Manager of the International Composition Competition “Città di Udine” – ninth edition, Coordination of press office, technical compartment and trainees of the University of Udine

6-10.2011-27.10.2011: Co-Manager of the festival “Contemporanea 2011” at the San Giorgio Theatre in Udine, Guests: Tatsuhiko Nishioka, Carlo Forlivesi, Franco Feruglio, Massimo Somaglino, Christian Zanesi, Luisa Sello, Bruno Canino, Alessandra Schettino, Neva Klanjscek, David Macculi, Conservatory of Udine, Nicola Giosmin, Andrea Toffolini, Massimilano Bozzato, Matteo Andri

26.2.2011: Audio-engineer assistant for Delta Studios srl., Recording of Virginio Zoccatelli’s piano sonatas CD in Padua pianist: Gabriele Maria Vianello

1.1.2011-31.1.2011: United Nations Online Volunteer UNVO for the Youth Press and Development Organisation – Zambia on the project Research potential donors of studio recording equipment, (http://www.fypdo.org/), The Youth Press and Development Organisation is a non profit non governmental organisation based on the copperbelt province of Zambia. The YPDO’s aim of reducing poverty through sustainstable means like helping the young people find employment through music and theatre.

24.10.2010: Audio-engineer assistant for Delta Studios srl., Recording of a monographic CD produced by the Vidulée quartet, Church of St. Helen – Cividale del Friuli (Udine).

1.9.2010-31.10.2010: Co-Manager of the festival “Contemporanea 2010” at the Giovanni Da Udine New Theatre and San Giorgio Theatre in Udine (12-17.10.2010), Organisation of the exhibition “60x60 Images” at the Giovanni da Udine Theatre, Guests: Slowind. Awarding ceremony of the winning compositions at the 8th International Composition Competition “Città di Udine” (City of Udine). 469 scores submitted from 50 nations

1.11.2009-30.4.2010: Co-Manager of the International Composition Competition “Città di Udine” – eight edition

1.9.2009-31.10.2009: Co-Manager of the “Contemporanea 2009” Festival, at the San Giorgio Theatre in Udine (3-18.10.2009), Guests: Azio Corghi, Renato Miani, Quartetto d’archi del Teatro La Fenice, Ilaria Baleani, Ensemble l’Arsenale, Orchestra Meccanica Marinetti & Angelo Comino, Luca Cossettini, Arcana Strutture Sonore

24.5.2009-5.7.2009: Audio-engineer assistant for Delta Studios srl., Recording of a monographic CD produced by the female choir “San Giacomo” of Pasian di Prato (Udine)

1.1.2009-31.1.2009: Editing and indexing activity of the text by Prof. Pier Cesare Ioly Zorattini "Se questa è giustitia di voi christiani", Florence, Olschki, 2009

1.9.2008-31.10. 2008: Co-Manager of the “Contemporanea 2008” festival at the San Giorgio Theatre in Udine (10-18.10.2008), Guests: Michele dall’Ongaro / Ex Novo Ensemble; Alessandra Celletti / Hans Joachim Roedelius; Interensemble; Arearea dance company. Prize-giving of the winning compositions of the 7th International Composition Competition “Città di Udine” (City of Udine). 348 scores submitted from 40 nations

7.1.2008-7.2.2008: Collaboration contract with the La Fenice Theatre in Venice, Training, Research and Innovative Projects Division, Prof. D. Cardone, Organisation of training courses on La Rondine by G. Puccini and Elektra by R. Strauss for high schools

1.1.2008-31.5.2008: Public Relations and Press Office for the Società Filarmonia Orchestra of Udine conducted by Alfredo Barchi, Promotion of concerts and cultural events, contacts (fund raising) with institutions and private sponsors, development of projects related to the production of operas, production of promotional brochures

12.9.2007-22.10.2007: Collaboration contract with the La Fenice Theatre Foundation of Venice, Training, Research and Innovative Projects Division, Prof. D. Cardone, Organisation of the Premio Venezia 2007 (Venice Prize)

1.10.2007-20.12.2007: Editing and indexing activity on the text by Dr Piero Ioly Zorattini "I nomi degli altri: conversioni a Venezia nell’età moderna". Florence, Olschki, 2008

20.10.2007-30.4.2008: Co-Manager of the International Composition Competition “Città di Udine” – seventh edition

1.4.2007-1.7.2007: Development of database and inventory of the audio fund of the musicologist Sergio Sablich, Florence, Martlab commission – “L. Cherubini” Conservatory, Florence

1.9.2007-31.10.2007: Co-manager of the “Contemporanea 2007” Festival, at the San Giorgio Theatre in Udine (12-19.10.2007), Guests: Giorgio Battistelli, Ars Ludi; Aldo Orvieto, Sonia Visentin; Conservatorio di Udine; Massimo Somaglino, Compagnia di danza Arearea; Giuseppe Ielasi, Renato Rinaldi

9.2.2007-31.12.2007: Public relations and press office for the Società Filarmonia Orchestra of Udine conducted by Alfredo Barchi, Contacts with the main newspapers and with regional and national websites, drafting of articles and press releases; contacts with national magazines dealing with music: Giornale della Musica, Amadeus, Opera, etc.; organisation of the annual opera production connected with the project Il carro di Tespi, drafting of the project and announcement of the national opera competition Premio Emma Zilli (Emma Zilli Prize), contacts with the main Italian opera houses

1.1.2007-31.12.2007: Librarian, “V. Joppi” Public Library in Udine, Member of the Guarniero Cooperative, Udine

1.9.2006-31.10.2006: Co-manager of the “Contemporanea 2006” Festival, at the San Giorgio Theatre in Udine (13-22.10.2006), Guests: Interensemble; James Dashow; Paolo Comuzzi; Aldo Orvieto, Pamela Hebert; international artists for the concert “Pushing the medium”

16.10.2006-31.10.2006: Collaboration, La Fenice Theatre Foundation in Venice. Training, Research and Innovative Projects Division, Prof. D. Cardone, Reworking of the text of La voix humaine [Poulenc-Cocteau], organisation of the Premio Venezia 2006 (Venice Prize) competition

1.6.2006-31.12.2006: Librarian, “V. Joppi” Civic Library in Udine, Collaboration with the Guarniero Cooperative, Udine

1.5.2006-30.8.2006: Research appointment, Association for the Study of Hebraism in the Triveneto, Project: “Development of a database for the history of the Jews in Friuli (Austrian and in Veneto), in the Republic of Venice and in other Italian states in the ancient regimes” 2, Use of the software CDS/ISIS – TECA, 3856 files

11.2005-2.2006: Stage at the La Fenice Theatre Foundation in Venice, Involved in the production and organisational processes in the Training, Research and Innovative Projects Divisions of the La Fenice Theatre Foundation, supervised by Prof. Domenico Cardone. Activities carried out: collaboration in the running of a training course for teachers, of a national piano competition (Premio Venezia / Venice Prize), of an opera show for schools, of the exposition of an e-learning publishing project on Parsifal, of two interdisciplinary seminars introducing musical theatre. Furthermore: editing of multimedia aids, cataloguing, digitalization and basic treatment of archive resources; editorial coordination of concert programmes and of lecture notes with the processing of press releases; updating of a computer database of users and periodic mailing of information

9.2005-10.2005: Co-manager of the festival “Contemporanea 2005”, at the Palamostre Theatre and at the San Giorgio Theatre in Udine (21.9-15.10.2005), Guests: Terry Riley, Amelia Cuni; Barbara Rizzi, Antonio Nimis; Marco Maria Tosolini, Luciano Martinis, Nicola Cisternino, Marianne Schroeder; Gaetano Bodanza

2005-2009: Collaboration with the magazine “Vita Cattolica” for the arts and entertainment section, Review of books, shows and concerts on the regional territory

1.5.2004-31.11.2004: “Development of a database for the history of the Jews in Friuli (Austrian and in Veneto), in the Republic of Venice and in other Italian states in the ancient regimes”. Assignment for the Association for the Study of Hebraism in the Triveneto, Use of the software CDS/ISIS – TECA

1.10.2002-31.12.2002: Partial Cataloguing (2800 files ca.) of the Pressacco Fund, Gilberto Pressacco Cultural Association, Udine. Use of the software Bibliowin. 

1.1.2000-31.4.2000: Collaboration at the library of the department of Visual Arts and Music of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Padua

*2005- Co-manager of Contemporanea New Music Festival and of the International Composition Competition Città di Udine for Taukay Music Editions, www.taukay.it


Credits Taukay Music Publishing House:

- Adhesion of the President of the Italian Republic (medal)

- Adhesion of the Senate of the Republic (medal)

- Adhesion of the Camera dei Deputati (medal)

- Ministro della Gioventù Prize (plate)


European Commission – Italian Representation

Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Cultural Activities

UNESCO Italian National Commission

University of Udine

- in collaboration with: RAI Radio3

funded by:

Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia

Municipality of Udine

CRUP Foundation

Partnerships Taukay Music Publishing House: Amici della Musica - Modena, Amici della Musica - Udine, Compagnia di danza Arearea, Associazione Delta Produzioni, Associazione Musicale Tarcentina, Associazione Musicale Sergio Gaggia - Cividale, Computer Art Festival - Padua, Conservatorio Jacopo Tomadini - Udine, Ex Novo Musica - Venezia, Interensemble - Padua, L'arsenale - Treviso, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Commissione Pari Opportunità, Mikrokosmos - Insieme Strumentale Italiano, Onde Furlane, Orchestra Filarmonica di Udine, Share Festival - Torino, SIMC - Società Italiana Musica Contemporanea, Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine, Vox Novus, State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart (DE).

Skills: - Experience in the drafting of applications for contributions submitted to public and private Italian corporations. Contacts with foreign embassies. Compilation of ministerial forms for the online application of contributions and production of paper information brochures. Drafting of final reports on artistic activities for public and private corporations.

- Experience in the fund raising sector. Drafting of budgets and final balances.

- Knowledge of the procedures concerning the patronage and sponsorship of cultural activities.

- Periodic experience in the coordination of trainees at the University of Udine, University of Venice, University of Padua and collaborators for activities organised by Taukay Music Editions (coordination of press office human resources, coordination of the technical compartment and hall for the Contemporanea festival). Design of educational activities.

- Consulting and form filling for SIAE

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