Kober, Silvia, Priv.-Doz. Mag.rer.nat. Dr.rer.nat.
Short biography
I studied psychology at the University of Graz in Austria from 2003-2009. During my psychology studies I started working in the research group of Prof. Christa Neuper on neurofeedback and brain-computer interfaces (BCI). Prof. Neuper also supervised my doctoral thesis, in which I dealt with neurophysiological correlates of interaction in virtual realities. I completed my PhD in Psychology in 2012 and habilitated in 2019 (Venia Docendi in Psychology). I was involved in various national (BioTechMed-Graz, NeuroCenter Styria, FWF) and international (EU project "CONTRAST" and "GaLA") research projects. As head of the neuroscience laboratory PsyLab at the Institute of Psychology, I have experience with various neuroscientific methods (e.g. EEG, NIRS, fMRI, eye-tracking). From 2014-2015 I worked at the Rehabilitation Clinic Judendorf-Strassengel in Austria to complete my practical training as a clinical and health psychologist. I am also a trained emergency psychologist and volunteer in crisis intervention. I am currently a Senior Scientist at the Department of Neuropsychology - Neuroimaging at the University of Graz. I am a board member of the Field of Excellence COLIBRI (Complexity of Life in Basic Research and Innovation) at the University of Graz and the Initiative Gehirnforschung Steiermark INGE St.

Main research areas
- Specific and non-specific effects of neurofeedback
- Use of neurofeedback in neurological rehabilitation (e.g. after a stroke, multiple sclerosis)
- NIRS-based neurofeedback for the treatment of dysphagia
- Home-based neurofeedback systems / telerehabilitation
- Possibilities and limitations of neurofeedback
Experience and behavior in virtual reality
- Neuronal correlates of VR interaction
- Use of VR in neurological rehabilitation
- VR as home-based training / telerehabilitation
- Interaction with virtual avatars
- Experiencing presence in VR
Open Science
Open Science is an important topic to increase transparency in the scientific process. I strive to preregister my studies and publish them in open access journals. I also participate in the #EEGManyLabs project with the aim of replicating basic EEG studies.
My preregistrations:
- Neural correlates of virtual hand movements
- NIRS-based neurofeedback: Comparison of the effects of real feedback, sham feedback and no feedback on different brain indices
- Neurofeedback performance differences between conventional and augmented reality neurofeedback
- Neural efficiency during tactical decision-making in volleyball
- Thinking like a pro: Theta downregulation using EEG neurofeedback training
- Brain synchrony during cooperative video gaming: A NIRS hyperscanning study
- Effects of a placebo intervention on cybersickness in VR
- Evaluation of perceived political affiliation and pejorative intensity of German lexemes with political background
Open data:
- Neurophysiological indicators of internal attention: an EEG-eye-tracking co-registration study
- Neural efficiency during tactical decision-making in volleyball - Analysis data and code
Science to public events:
- - Long Night of Research 2024: Exit the Lab Game on the topic "Can computers read minds?"
- - Attention research

Function on the board
Initiative Brain Research Styria (INGE St.)
Complexity of Life in Basic Research and Innovation (COLIBRI)