Zeitschriften- und Buchartikel
2019: ‚Sprachliche und diskursive Tendenzen einer eliminatorischen Narration: Historische englische Übersetzungen von Mein Kampf‘, in Othmar Plöckinger (ed.) Sprache zwischen Politik, Ideologie und Geschichtsschreibung: Über die verschiedenen Übersetzungen von „Mein Kampf“, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 51-87.
2018: mit Jordi Cornellà-Detrell: ‘Translation and the economies of power’, in Stefan Baumgarten and Jordi Cornellà-Detrell (eds) Translation and the Global Spaces of Power, Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 11-26.
2018: mit Jordi Cornellà-Detrell: ‘Translation, power and social justice’, in Stefan Baumgarten and Jordi Cornellà-Detrell (eds) Translation and the Global Spaces of Power, Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 224-232.
2018: ‘Adorno refracted: German critical theory in the neoliberal world order’, in Kirsten Malmkjær, Adriana Şerban and Fransiska Louwagie (eds) Key Cultural Texts in Translation, Amsterdam and New York: John Benjamins, 223-241.
2017: mit Jordi Cornellà-Detrell: ‘Introduction’, in Stefan Baumgarten and Jordi Cornellà-Detrell (eds) ‘Translation in Times of Technocapitalism’, special issue of Target – International Journal of Translation Studies 29/2, 193-200.
2017: ‘Translation and hegemonic knowledge under advanced capitalism’, in Stefan Baumgarten and Jordi Cornellà-Detrell (eds) ‘Translation in Times of Technocapitalism’, special issue of Target – International Journal of Translation Studies 29/2, 244-263.
2016: ‘The crooked timber of self-reflexivity: Translation and ideology in the end times’, in Martin McLaughlin and Javier Muñoz-Basols (eds) ‘History, Ideology, Censorship and Translation: Past and Present’, special issue of Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 24/1, 115-129.
2016: mit Cristina Caimotto: ‘Political and ideological translation practice: Italian and English extracts of Hitler’s Mein Kampf’, in Dörte Andres, Julia Richter and Larisa Schippel (eds) Translation und ‘Drittes Reich’: Menschen – Entscheidungen – Folgen, Berlin: Frank and Timme, 277-300.
2016: mit Chantal Gagnon: ‘Political discourse analysis in a multilingual world’, in Stefan Baumgarten and Chantal Gagnon (eds) Translating the European House – Discourse, Ideology and Politics, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 1-29.
2014: mit Edith Gruber: ‘Phenomenological asymmetries in Welsh translation history’, in Chris Rundle (ed.) ‘Theories and Methodologies of Translation History’, special issue of The Translator 20/1, 26-43.
2009: mit Konrad Klimkowski and Clare Sullivan: ‘Towards a transgressionist approach: Critical-reflexive translator education’, in Frank Austermühl and Joachim Kornelius (eds) Learning Theories and Practice in Translation Studies, Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 33-61. [republished in the online journal T21N – Translation in Transition]
2005: mit Chantal Gagnon: ‘Written political discourse in translation: A critical-discourse perspective on Mein Kampf’, in Christian Todenhagen and Wolfgang Thiele (eds) Spoken and Written Political Discourse. Insights from Different Textual Perspectives, Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 11-32.
2001: ‘Uncovering ideology in translation: An analysis of English translations of Hitler’s Mein Kampf’, in CTIS Occasional Papers, Vol. 1, Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, 21-54.
Stefan Baumgarten