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Working Papers

  • "Estimating IPAT Models using Panel Data", (2023) with Beate Deixelberger and Tobias Eibinger, Graz Economics Papers 2022-4 (R&R at Journal of Environmental Economics and Management).
  • "The Effectiveness of Policy Measures to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Passenger Cars in Austria”, (2022) with Tobias Eibinger, Graz Economics Papers 2022-4 (under revision).
  • "Copula-based multivariate distributions and dependence modeling", (2021) (to be published as a book chapter in Selected Topics in Cross Section and Panel Data  Econometrics, Springer).
  • "Testing for Co-jumps in High-frequency Asset Prices", (2016) with Markus Kösler.
  • "Services Liberalisation in Germany - Overview and the Potential of Deregulation", (2015), with Oliver Arentz, Leonard Münstermann, Clemens Recker, Steffen Roth and Achim Wambach.
  • "Robust estimation of threshold autoregressions and the law of one price", (2015) with Benjamin Tischler.
  • "Forecasting international stock market correlations: Does anything beat a CCC?", (2010) with Olga Reznikova.
  • "Estimation and Model Selection of Copulas with an Application to Exchange Rates", (2007) METEOR research memorandum RM/07/056.

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