Derzeitige Projekte:
2022 - 2026 – HighHorizons: Heat Indicators for Global Health: Surveillance, Early Warning Systems and Adaptation-mitigation Actions to Reduce Heat Impacts in Pregnant Women, Infants and Health Workers in the EU and Africa, Horizon Europe (Horizon Europe), PI
2020 - 2022 – ENBEL: Connecting Climate Change and Health (Horizon 2020), PI
2020-2023 – REBOOST: A Boost for Rural Lignite Regions (Climate KIC), PI, Project Coordinator
2019-2023 - CASCADES: Cascading Climate Risks: Towards Adaptive and Resilient European Societies (Horizon 2020), PI, Project Co-coordinator
Abgeschlossene Projekte:
2017-2020 - Erasmus+ Jean-Monet Module: Instruments of the EU Environmental Policy, Lecturer
2014 - WaterLab: River Basin Management Games Supporting Adaptation to Climate Change and Public Participation in Water Policy (National Natural Science Foundation, China), PI
2014 - Modelling Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty (The World Bank), Co-PI
2012-2014 - Turn Down the Heat Report Series (The World Bank), Human Health and Central Asia and Europe chapters lead author
2010-2013 - Guanting: Sustainable Water and Agricultural Land Use in the Guanting Watershed under Limited Water Availability (German Ministry of Education and Research, Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology), Post-doctoral researcher
2007-2010 - GoverNat: Multilevel Governance of Natural Resources. Tools and processes for Water and Biodiversity Governance in Europe (EU 5th Framework Program), Post-doctoral researcher
2006-2009 - ADAM: Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies Supporting European Climate Policy (EU 6th Framework Program), Junior researcher
2003-2006 - IDARI: Integrated Development of Agriculture and Rural Institutions (EU 5th Framework Program), PhD student
Ilona M. Otto

Wegener Center für Klima und Globalen Wandel
Press Contact
Veronika Rogenhofer
Wegener Center für Klima und Globalen WandelWegener Center für Klima und Globalen Wandel