2022-2025 | FWF stand-alone project StratoClim (project leader; project number: P 34776-N, StratoClim) |
2023-2025 | Carbon Management in Wuhan city. This project supports a scientific case study of the APM-CAS on Carbon Management (CM) for a selected Chinese region (Wuhan city, CMTS-CAS). |
2022-2023 | Evaluierung und Begleitung des Projekts "Klimaneutrale TU Graz 2030" (Projektleiterin) |
2023 ongoing | Institutional Carbon Management Uni Graz (Project coordinator and senior scientist). ICM Uni Graz is the pioneering practical project of the new institutional carbon management concept at the University of Graz. |
2020-2023 | Institutional Carbon Management (ICM, Kickoff project. (Project coordinator and senior scientist) |
2016/20 | FWF Hertha-Firnberg Project NEWCLIM (project leader; project number: T757-N29) |
2017/18 | FWF Project "Von den Phasen der Quarks und den Strukturen von Nanoteilchen" (Project Number: WKP83) |
2014 | Testing a new model for the residual ionospheric correction error in GPS radio occultation retrievals (TEST-RESIC), ROM-SAF Visiting Scientist 24 |
2013/14 | Feasibility of generating long-term RO refractivity climatologies without using statistical optimization (AV-BENDAPP), ROM-SAF Visiting Scientist 23 |
2011/13 | FWF stand-alone Project BENCHCLIM (Project Number: P22293-N21) of Prof. U. Foelsche |