“Wahrheit und Toleranz"; invited talk, Rotarier Club, Graz, 22.06.2017
“Comparing Things and Ideas"; invited talk at: Graz - Belgrade Philosophy Meeting, University of Graz, December 2016, and at the 25th Bled Philosophical Conference: Epistemic Virtues and Epistemic Skills, Bled, Slovenia, June 2017
“Reflections on Disagreement"; invited talk at: Workshop: Disagreement- Epistemic, Moral, Aesthetic, University of Graz, March 2016
“The Anti-Realist Master-Argument"; invited talk at: I Blasco Disputatio: Pragmatism, University of Valencia, Spain, October 2015; and Belgrade, December 2015
“Thought Experiments, X-Phi, and Conversational Implicature"; invited talk at: Thought Experiments Between Nature and Society: Nenad’s 65th, Maribor, Slovenia, November 2015
“Fragmented Minds: Some Basic Issues”; Department of Philosophy, Karl Franzens University, Graz, October 2015
“The Idealist Master Argument”; invited talk at: Mensch sein - Fundament, Imperativ oder Floskel? 10. Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Philosophie, Innsbruck, Austria, June 2015
“Relativismus und Kontextualismus”; invited talk at: Institut für Philosophie, Technische Universität Dresden, May 2015
“Gesetze über “Laws of Believing”; invited talk at: Philosophy Lectures: Epistemology - Philosophy of Science - Social Ontology Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, March 2014, and Luxembourg, April 2015
Glauben”; invited talk at: Workshop: Neue Perspektiven der Erkenntnistheorie II: Epistemische Standards, Ziele, Gründe, Technische Universität Dreseden, Germany, May 2014
“Analytisch - Synthetisch, A Priori - A Posteriori”; invited talk at: Kant Kennenlernen, Department of Philosophy, Karl Franzens University, Graz, April 2014
“What's Up With Truth?” invited talk at: Department of Philosophy, Karl Franzens University, Graz, January 2014
“Laws of Believing”; invited talk at: Graz Meets Maribor: Theoretical Philosophy, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, December 2013
“Propositional Justification First”; invited talk at: Bled Philosophical Conferences: Evidence, Reliability, and Group Epistemology; Bled, Slovenia, June 2013.
“Comment on Martin Holt: A Defence of Hearing Meanings in Words”; invited talk at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Husserl Circle, Department of Philosophy, Karl Franzens University, Graz, Austria, June 2013
“Perception and Propositional Justification”; invited talk at the Workshop: Perception and Knowledge, Department of Philosophy, Karl Franzens University, Graz, Austria, October 2012; invited talk at the 59th Eidos Meeting, “Truth, Grounding and Metaphysics”, Université de Genève, Switzerland, October 2012.
“Perceptual Justification”; invited talk as the Kline Visiting Speaker at the University of Missouri at Columbia, April 2012.
“Wie nimmt man sich die Wahrheit zum Ziel?”/ “How To Take Truth As a Goal”? At Departements of Philosophy, University of Bielefeld, May 2011, and Karl Franzens University, Graz, July 2011; invited talk at the 34th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchber, Austria, August 2011; invited talk as the Kline Visiting Speaker at the University of Missouri at Columbia, USA, April 2012.
“Do Propositions Have Parts?”; invited talk at the Department of Philosophy, University of Miami, May 2011.
“Trustworthy Believers”; invited talk at the Department of Philosophy, Brown University, October 2010; and at workshop: The Philosophy of Keith Lehrer, Department of Philosophy, Karl Franzens University Graz, October 2010.
“Truth and Relative Truth”; invited talk at workshop Phloxshop III, Humboldt University at Berlin, Germany, August 2010.
“Relative is Absolute”; invited talk at conference on Truth and Relativism at the Universita di Torino and Universita di Bologna, Italy, June 2010.
“A Question Concerning Skepticism and the Closure of Knowledge”; invited talk at the Third Annual Midwest Epistemology Workshop, St. Louis University, September 2009.
“Lynch's Funtionalist Theory of Truth”; invited talk at a workshop, Truth: Current Debates, at the Philosophy Department, University of Connecticut, May 2009.
“Defending Existentialism?”; at Notre Dame, Philosophy Department, Fall 2007; invited talk at Conference, Perspectives on Truth, University of Nottingham, UK, January 2008; at Departments of Philosophy: University of Arkansas, April 2008; University of Göttingen, Germany, December 2008; Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, Austria, March 2009; University of Salzburg, Austria, June 2009.
“Kelly on Evidence and Polarization”, comment on T. Kelly at the APA, Eastern Division, Spring 2005.
“On ‘Truth is Good’”, comments on M. Lynch’s book, True to Life; author-meets-critics session at APA, Pacific Division, Spring 2005.
“Sosa and the Value Problem”, comment on Sosa at the 16th annual conference of the Sociedad Filosofica Ibero Americana, on “Ought”, January 2005.
“Paul’s World”, comment on Horwich at a conference on Truth and Realism at the University of St. Andrews, June 2004.
“Comment on Horisk”; at the 2003 meeting of the Central States Philosophical Association.
“Knowledge-Closure and Skepticism”, with Ted Warfield; at Notre Dame, and at the first Kline Conference at the University of Missouri, October 2003.
“Propositions and Facts”; at the University of Salzburg, Austria, January 2003.
“Armstrong on Truthmaking”; invited talk at a conference on Truthmakers at the University of Manchester, England, May 2002.
“Content Essentialism”; at the Bled 2001 Conference on Metaphysics in Bled, Slovenia; at Notre Dame, and at Purdue University, Fall 2001.
“Comments on BonJour”; at a conference in honor of Alvin Goldman, sponsored by Philosophical Topics and the University of Arizona, January 2001.
“Comments on Yablo”; at the 13th annual Sofia Conference on Realism and Relativism in Oaxaca, Mexico, January 2001.
“Truth and Identity”; invited talk at the Third Annual Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference, organized by the philosophy departments of the Universities of Idaho and Washington State, March 2000; invited talk at the 5th Metaphysical Mayhem Conference at Syracuse University, August 2000; 5th Metaphysical Mayhem Conference at Syracuse University, August 2000.
“General Comments”; as invited discussant at the Second Annual Rutgers Conference on Epistemology, April 2000.
“Truth as the Epistemic Goal”; at the Bled 1999 Conference on Epistemology in Bled, Slovenia, and at Notre Dame, February 2000.
“Two Conceptions of the Synthetic A Priori”; at Notre Dame, Spring 1997.
“Core Deflationism”; invited talk at the 1995 Eastern Division Meeting of the APA.
“Kim’s Functionalism”; at the Ernan McMullin Perspectives Series in Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, November 1995.
“Quine and Carnap on ‘Analytic-in-L’”; invited talk at a Conference on Austrian Philosophy at the University of Arizona, November 1994.
“T-Äquivalenzen und Sprechakte”; at the Universities of Graz and Salzburg, Austria, June 1994.
“Can the T-Equivalences Motivate Deflationism?”; invited talk at the 31st Annual Philosophy Colloquium at the University of Cincinnati, and at Notre Dame, 1994.
“Non-Factualism, Deflationary Truth, and the Status of Content”; at the University of Texas, Austin, Fall 1992.
“Does Truth Exist?”; at Notre Dame, SMU, Arizona State, and Rochester, 1991.
“Neither Mentioning ‘Brains in a Vat’ nor ...”; at the 1989 Central Division Meeting of the APA.
Marian David

Institut für Philosophie