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Downloads & Materials

Here you can find presentation slides and teaching materials.

An Introduction to the SWOT-AHP method. [YouTube-Playlist] [PDF Slides, 1MB]

Wissenschaft fürs Wohnzimmer: Warum ist es so schwer, klimafreundlich zu handeln? [YouTube-Video] [PDF Slides, 3.42MB]

EFPSA 2019 - Humans and Climate: Why is it so difficult to behave climate-friendly? [PDF, 3.84MB]

Schnupperuni 2019 - Deine Entscheidung, unser Problem: Umweltrelevantes Entscheidungsverhalten verstehen und modellieren. [PDF, 4,29MB]

One Step Ahead, Two Steps Backwards: Energy Transitions and Coal in Developing Countries. Presentation at ICUE2018 [PDF, 1.9MB]

Schnupperuni 2018 - Komplexe Systeme und Nachhaltigkeit [PDF, 2.6MB]

Slavery Footprint Calculator - How many slaves work for you? [Link]


Assoz. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.rer.nat.

Thomas Brudermann

Institut für Umweltsystemwissenschaften

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