General collaboration requests and also bachelor- and masters thesis (which I would so-supervise) can be done via mail anytime.
PhD Projects
Studying the Brout-Engler-Higgs mechanism beyond the standard model
This project was aiming at answering the question how the Brout-Englert-Higgs effect works in theories beyond the standard model. Contrary to general studies, which usually rely on perturbative methods, we used nonperturbative lattice simulations to obtain a complete picture of this process. Especially of interest has been the connection to so-called grand unified theories which do often make heavy usage of this effect.
First results showed that beyond perturbation theory much stronger restrictions to this effect are at work, which needs to be considered when working on GUTs. Further details can be found in the corresponding publication.
Vector boson scattering "on the lattice"
In high-energy physics experiments there are several uncountable collisions of so-called vector bosons of the weak force happening every day. The aim of this project has been to investigate this process in lattice simulations to gain a deeper understanding of them. The motiviation for this work lies in the foundations of the underlying theory which do suggest that all particles are actually of a composite nature. This in turn also means that they exhibit some kind of radius and this should be resolvable in simulations.
Our results indeed turned out to support this hypothesis and we have also been able to give a first estimate of how these effects could be seen at experimental observations. Further details can be found in the corresponding publications.
Improvement of Gauge-Scalar-simulations in the adjoint representation
Project in cooperation with the "University of Edinburgh"
Simulations of theories with scalar fields in the adjoint representation are relevant for severl studies in particle physics like cosmological holography or in generic theories beyond the standard model as well as high-temperature extensions of the standard model itself. These simulations however do need huge amounts of computation resources to obtain reliable results. The aim of this project is to investigate currently used algorithms and improve upon them.
Bernd Riederer

Mozartgasse 14/II
Room 0025-02-0004
8010 Graz